
Chapter 1

Practice question solutions

  1. d.
  2. b.
  3. d.
  4. d.
  5. c.
  6. b.

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Correct. The state and local governmental environment is different in a number of ways from that of business; these differences influence financial reporting objectives.
    2. Incorrect. Many governments’ resources come from taxes.
    3. Incorrect. The organizational purpose of a government is different than that of a business.
    4. Incorrect. Governments rarely go out of business because they have the ability to tax.

    1. Incorrect. The primary source of revenue for a business is voluntary exchange transactions.
    2. Incorrect. A difference between government and business is how resources are provided.
    3. Correct. Governments are accountable to citizens and taxpayers and must provide them information on how financial resources are used.
    4. Incorrect. Governmental budget controls are achieved through budgets legally adopted by elected officials.

    1. Correct. To meet one of the financial reporting objectives, governments must be able to compare actual financial results with the legally adopted budget.
    2. Incorrect. Budgets are often recorded in the accounting system.
    3. Incorrect. Budgets are often reviewed to compare actual financial results with the legally adopted budget.
    4. Incorrect. Budgets are legally binding on governments.

Chapter 2

Practice question solutions

  1. d.
  2. d.
  3. c.
  4. d.
  5. c.
  6. b.
  7. c.
  8. a.
  9. General fund, a special revenue fund, or an enterprise fund would be the possible fund types for a new governmental park. The decision would be based on management’s intentions for this activity. If management wants to report the full cost of this activity, an enterprise fund could be used. If management wants to demonstrate that the fees were used only for the park, a special revenue fund could be used. Otherwise, it would be appropriate to account for this activity in the general fund.
  10. Enterprise fund – Water and sewer utility fund

    Permanent fund – Endowment fund for purchase of library books

    Capital project fund – City Hall construction fund

    Debt service fund – General long-term bond redemption fund

    Internal service fund – Central print shop fund

    Enterprise fund – Parking deck fund

    Special revenue fund – Federal grant fund

    Capital project fund – State grant for new bridge fund

    Private purpose trust fund – High school graduate scholarship fund.

    Internal service fund – Fleet center fund

    Pension (and other employee benefit) trust fund – Employee retirement fund

  11. Coding for the following: governmental (G), proprietary (P), fiduciary (F).

    P Enterprise fund

    G Permanent fund

    G Debt service fund

    F Investment trust fund

    G General fund

    G Special revenue fund

    G Capital project fund

    F Private purpose trust fund

    P Internal service fund

    F Pension (and other employee benefit) trust fund

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Correct. A grant or other restricted revenue source may require the use of a separate fund.
    2. Incorrect. A government may start a new activity that it wants to track separately.
    3. Incorrect. The governing board may create a new fund at any time during the year.
    4. Incorrect. A new fund can be established at any time.

    1. Correct. Investment trust funds are used to account for the external portion of investment pools reported by sponsoring governments.
    2. Incorrect. Private-purpose trust funds are fiduciary funds.
    3. Incorrect. Custodial funds are used to account for resources held by the government in a purely custodial capacity.
    4. Incorrect. There are four fiduciary fund types.

    1. Correct. There are separate fund financial statements for each fund category.
    2. Incorrect. Only proprietary funds report a statement of cash flows.
    3. Incorrect. All funds report fund financial statements.
    4. Incorrect. Fund financial statements use different MFBOAs.

Chapter 3

Practice question solutions

  1. b.
  2. b.
  3. b.
  4. a.
  5. d.
  6. c.
  7. d.
  8. d.
  9. d.
  10. Expenditures represent an actual outflow of current financial resources and result in a reduction in fund balance. An encumbrance represents only a commitment and not an outflow of current financial resources.
  11. The budgetary comparison schedules are included as part of required supplementary information or may be included as part of the fund financial statements. If they are included as part of the fund financial statements, they are subject to the same audit requirements as other fund financial statements.
  12. The amount of available appropriation is equal to the appropriation ($25,000) less expenditures ($5,800) less outstanding encumbrances ($2,500), which totals $16,700. Available appropriation represents the amount of the appropriation that still can be committed or spent.

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Incorrect. Budgets consist of both estimated revenues and appropriations.
    2. Incorrect. The budget process typically involves several public hearings.
    3. Correct. Elected officials must balance the need for services against how much taxpayers are willing to provide.
    4. Incorrect. Once approved, budgets are legal contracts between the government and its citizens.

    1. Incorrect. Budgets for proprietary funds are often not legally adopted.
    2. Incorrect. For business-type activities, there is a relationship between revenues and expenses.
    3. Correct. Proprietary fund budgets are usually flexible.
    4. Incorrect. Elected officials are usually more concerned with rates charged by business-type activities than with the amount of projected expenses.

    1. Incorrect. Total appropriation represents the amount that can be spent for the year.
    2. Incorrect. It is not computed by subtracting actual expenditures from estimated revenue.
    3. Correct. It is computed by subtracting actual expenditures and outstanding commitments from the appropriated amount.
    4. Incorrect. It does not represent the amount spent.

Chapter 4

Practice question solutions

  1. d.
  2. c.
  3. d.
  4. b.
  5. d.
  6. a.
  7. b.
  8. d.
  9. b.
  10. d.
  11. An expenditure is an outflow of current financial resources; an expense is a reduction of economic resources. Salaries, supplies, and utilities are examples of transactions that are both an expense and an expenditure. Purchases of fixed assets and payments of long-term debt are examples of an expenditure that would not be an expense.
  12. Modified accrual accounting is used by governmental funds and requires that an item be both measurable and available to be recognized as revenue. Accrual accounting is used by proprietary funds and requires an item be measurable and earned to be recognized as revenue.

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Incorrect. Proprietary funds use a flow of economic resources measurement focus.
    2. Incorrect. Proprietary funds would account for both current and noncurrent assets and liabilities.
    3. Correct. The financial statements measure whether the economic resources have increased or decreased for the accounting period.
    4. Incorrect. Proprietary funds report inflow of resources as revenue and gains.

    1. Incorrect. Governmental funds recognize transactions using one basis of accounting; proprietary funds use another.
    2. Incorrect. The basis of accounting used by governments is linked directly with the measurement focus.
    3. Correct. The basis of accounting is concerned with when a transaction or event is recognized in the accounting system.
    4. Incorrect. The basis of accounting is concerned with when a transaction or event is recognized in the accounting system.

Chapter 5

Practice question solutions

  1. a.
  2. b.
  3. d.
  4. a.
  5. c.
  6. c.
  7. d.
  8. b.
  9. The amount reported as property tax revenue would include amounts levied this year that were collected during the year or within 60 days after year-end. It would also include any amounts of prior-year taxes collected after the first 60 days of the current year.
  10. This amount would include any interest or dividends earned and both realized and unrealized gains and losses. Governments are not permitted to report unrealized gains and losses separately from realized gains and losses.
  11. The purchase method of accounting would report an expenditure when an item is purchased. The consumption method would report an expenditure when an item is consumed. Both methods can be used for inventories of material and supplies and for prepaid items. If the purchase method is used, significant amounts of inventory must be reported as an asset and nonspendable fund balance. This is not a requirement for significant amounts of prepaid items.

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Correct. Governmental funds receive revenues from a variety of sources.
    2. Incorrect. Normally, two of the largest revenue sources for governmental funds are taxes and intergovernmental revenue.
    3. Incorrect. Governments report revenues by major source.
    4. Incorrect. The amount of revenue estimated to be uncollectible is recorded as a reduction in revenue.

    1. Correct. GASB Statement No. 33 provides guidance on recognizing both receivables and revenues for nonexchange transactions.
    2. Incorrect. Sales taxes are a type of derived tax revenue.
    3. Incorrect. Nonexchange transactions are transactions that do not involve an exchange of value.
    4. Incorrect. Property taxes are a type of imposed nonexchange revenue.

    1. Incorrect. The purchase of capital assets and payment of debt principal are recorded as expenditures.
    2. Correct. Expenditures are recognized in the period in which the fund liability is incurred.
    3. Incorrect. Governments should report expenditures by major function and major character.
    4. Incorrect. The consumption method or purchase method can be used for reporting the purchase of inventories.

Chapter 6

Practice question solutions

  1. c.
  2. a.
  3. c.
  4. a.
  5. d.
  6. d.
  7. a.
  8. b.
  9. For an enterprise fund, the difference between the carrying value of the old debt and the cost to refund this debt is initially deferred. This amount is amortized over the shorter of the life of the old debt or the life of the new debt. Business organizations do not defer these amounts.
  10. Proprietary funds report four types of cash flows: operating activities, noncapital financing activities, capital and related financing activities, and investing activities. Business organizations report three types of cash flows: operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. In addition, interest income and interest expenses are not considered cash flow from operating activities for proprietary funds but they are considered such for business organizations. The statement of cash flows for proprietary funds must be done on the direct method. Business organizations may use either the direct method or the indirect method.

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Correct. Either an enterprise or an internal service fund can be used any time there is a fee charged for goods and services.
    2. Incorrect. Internal service funds may be used to report any activity that provides goods or services to other funds, departments, or other agencies of the primary government and its component units, or to other governments, on a cost-reimbursement basis.
    3. Incorrect. Using a proprietary fund allows the government to measure the cost of providing such goods and services using a business model.
    4. Incorrect. There are three situations when the use of an enterprise fund is required.

    1. Incorrect. Internal service funds generally operate on a cost-reimbursement basis.
    2. Incorrect. Internal service funds should be used only when the reporting government is the predominant participant in the activity.
    3. Correct. Governmental funds are used to account for the general operations of a government.
    4. Incorrect. Internal service funds usually provide services to internal customers.

    1. Correct. Proprietary funds report change in net position as opposed to net income on a statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net position.
    2. Incorrect. Proprietary funds report restricted net position on a balance sheet or statement of net position.
    3. Incorrect. Proprietary funds report net investment in capital assets on a balance sheet or statement of net position.
    4. Incorrect. Proprietary funds report unrestricted net position on a balance sheet or statement of net position.

Chapter 7

Practice question solutions

  1. b.
  2. c.
  3. c.
  4. b.
  5. d.
  6. d.
  7. b.
  8. Fiduciary trust funds report additions and deductions instead of revenues and expenses. These resources are held for others and do not represent resources of the government. The statement also reports net change and beginning and ending balance for fiduciary net position.
  9. A government that holds a pension (and other employee benefit) trust fund reports a statement of fiduciary net position and a statement of changes in fiduciary net position. These statements report the amount of resources held in trust for others. In addition, actuarial information related to the funding status is also reported in schedules as part of required supplementary information. Footnote disclosures would also be needed.

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Correct. There are four classifications of fiduciary funds: pension (and other employee benefit) trust funds, investment trust funds, private-purpose trust funds, and custodial funds.
    2. Incorrect. Governments are sometimes asked to act as fiscal custodian of resources for other organizations or individuals.
    3. Incorrect. There are fewer than five categories of fiduciary funds.
    4. Incorrect. Custodial funds usually operate under less formal agreements and resources are often held for only a short period of time.

    1. Correct. Fiduciary funds report additions and deductions to net position.
    2. Incorrect. Fund financial statements are reported by fund type.
    3. Incorrect. Fiduciary funds report additions and deductions in the statement of changes in fiduciary net position.
    4. Incorrect. Fiduciary funds report amounts that belong to the fiduciary fund only.

Chapter 8

Practice question solutions

  1. d.
  2. b.
  3. c.
  4. a.
  5. d.
  6. d.
  7. a.
  8. d.
  9. a.
  10. The general fund is always reported in a separate column. In addition, any governmental or enterprise fund that meets the major-fund criteria must be reported in a separate column. Internal service funds and fiduciary funds are reported in columns by fund type. Also, a government may report in a separate column any governmental or enterprise fund it believes is important to financial statement users.
  11. Governmental funds report a balance sheet and a statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances. Proprietary funds report a statement of net assets (or balance sheet), a statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets, and a statement of cash flows. Fiduciary funds report a statement of fiduciary net assets and a statement of changes in fiduciary net assets.

    Governments may elect to report budgetary comparison schedules for the general fund and major special revenue funds with legally adopted annual budgets as budgetary comparison statements included in the fund financial statements.

  12. OA    Cash paid for supplies

    CA    Cash received from sale of equipment

    NC    Cash transferred from the general fund (noncapital)

    NC    Cash received from state grant (noncapital)

    IA    Cash paid for investments

    NC    Cash received from short-term borrowing

    CA    Cash paid for interest on capital related debt

    OA    Cash received from customers

    IA    Cash received for interest from investment

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Correct. Generally, a government should have the minimum number of funds necessary for sound financial management and to meet legal and accounting requirements.
    2. Incorrect. A government has three different types of funds: governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary.
    3. Incorrect. The number of individual funds a government may have can vary from just a few to several dozen.
    4. Incorrect. There are differences in how things are reported and measured in the financial statements of the different fund types.

    1. Correct. Reporting by major funds applies only to governmental funds and enterprise funds.
    2. Incorrect. Major fund reporting does not apply to internal service funds.
    3. Incorrect. The major fund approach allows the user to focus on the most important funds of a government.
    4. Incorrect. Governments report information by major funds.

    1. Incorrect. There are separate sets of fund financial statements for each fund type: governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary.
    2. Incorrect. The required financial statements for each fund type are different.
    3. Correct. Financial statements for governments include both fund-based and government-wide statements.
    4. Incorrect. Governmental funds do not report capital assets.

    1. Incorrect. Governmental funds are used to report what financial resources were received during the year, how they were spent, and what amounts remain at year-end.
    2. Incorrect. Governmental funds are used to report what financial resources were received during the year, how they were spent, and what amounts remain at year-end.
    3. Incorrect. Governmental funds are used to report what financial resources were received during the year, how they were spent, and what amounts remain at year-end.
    4. Correct. Governmental funds are used to report what financial resources were received during the year, how they were spent, and what amounts remain at year-end.

Chapter 9

Practice question solutions

  1. d.
  2. c.
  3. d.
  4. d.
  5. d.
  6. d.
  7. c.
  8. c.
  9. Blending combines the financial information of the component unit with the existing funds of the primary government in the financial statements. Therefore, financial information for blended component units is reported in both the fund financial statements as well as the government-wide statements. Discrete presentation reports the financial information of a component unit in a column separate from the primary government in the government-wide financial statements only.
  10. Governments have three ways they can meet the requirement to present information about each major component unit. They can use separate columns for each major component unit in the government-wide statements, include a combining statement of major component units after the fund financial statements, or present condensed financial information about each major component unit in notes to the financial statements.
  11. A county transit authority. The authority is a separate legal entity; however, the governing board of the authority is made up of members of the county’s board of supervisors. The authority receives no financial support from the county. The county does guarantee the debt of the authority.

    The transit authority is a component unit because the county appoints a majority of the board and there is a financial burden relationship. The authority should be blended because the two boards are substantially the same.

    A tax-exempt foundation. A foundation that supports the county’s public library raises funds for the purchase of books. The foundation receives requests for the director of the county’s library systems and routinely funds those requests based on the amount of donations raised that year. The amount of resources raised and held each year is not significant to the overall county.

    The foundation is not a component unit. It meets the first two tests for tax-exempt organizations but not the third. The resources of the foundation are not significant to the primary government.

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Correct. The primary government is at the core of the financial reporting entity.
    2. Incorrect. The reporting entity for a government is defined as the primary government and its component units.
    3. Incorrect. All state and general-purpose local governments meet the definition of a primary government.
    4. Incorrect. A special-purpose government must meet all three criteria to be considered a primary government.

    1. Incorrect. There are two different methods: blending and discrete presentation.
    2. Incorrect. Essentially, a blended component unit appears as just another fund in the financial statements of the primary government.
    3. Correct. Once an entity has been determined to be a component unit of the primary government, the next decision is how it should be reported in the financial statements.
    4. Incorrect. Some component units are blended with existing funds of the primary government.

Chapter 10

Practice question solutions

  1. d.
  2. b.
  3. d.
  4. b.
  5. d.
  6. c.
  7. a.
  8. Adjustments for an internal service fund’s revenues and expenses must be done in such a way as to eliminate the double recording of expenses related to goods and services provided by internal service funds. The goal of this process is to have only the programs that consume the goods and services report the expenses.

    The statement of activities should be adjusted for the operating income or losses of the internal service fund by increasing or decreasing the expenses of the functions that purchase the goods or services. Most of the nonoperating items would be added to the statement of activities.

  9. Program revenues reduce the expense of the different functions of government. They are generally generated from fees, fines and forfeitures, and charges for services from the different functions or come from parties outside the government’s taxpayers or citizens (such as intergovernmental grants restricted to a particular function).

    They are reported in the statement of activities in three separate columns (charges for services, operating grants and contributions, capital grants and contributions) and are subtracted from expenses to show net (expense) revenues for the different functions of government.

  10. Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance to the Statement of Activities
    Net change in fund balances – total governmental funds   $300,000
    Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Activities are different because    

    Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures, whereas governmental activities report depreciation expense to allocate those expenditures over the life of the assets.

    • Add capital acquisitions
    • Subtract depreciation
    (800,000) 700,000
    Revenues in the Statement of Activities that do not provide current financial resources are not reported as revenues in the funds.
    Bond proceeds provide current financial resources to governmental funds, but issuing debt increases long-term liabilities in the Statement of Net Position. Repayment of bond principal is an expenditure in the governmental funds, but the repayment reduces long-term liabilities in the Statement of Net Position.
    • Add debt principal repayment
    • Subtract debt proceeds
    (2,500,000) (500,000)
    Some expenses reported in the Statement of Activities do not require the use of current financial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds (such as compensated absences).
    Internal service funds are used by management to charge the costs of certain services to individual funds. The net revenue (expense) of the internal service funds is reported with governmental activities.
    Change in Net Position of Governmental Activities   $750,000

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Incorrect. The government-wide financial statements are not used to address fiscal accountability.
    2. Incorrect. Government-wide statements were created with the advent of GASB Statement No. 34.
    3. Correct. The purpose of the government-wide financial statements is to demonstrate operational accountability — to provide information on the results of operations and the financial condition of the overall government.
    4. Incorrect. The fund financial statements are used to address fiscal accountability.

    1. Correct. Fiduciary funds and fiduciary component units are excluded from the government-wide statements because these resources are not available to support the government’s programs.
    2. Incorrect. The government-wide financial statements organize information by whether it relates to governmental activities or business-type activities (reported in proprietary funds).
    3. Incorrect. The government-wide financial statements organize information by whether it relates to governmental activities (reported in governmental funds) or business-type activities.
    4. Incorrect. The government-wide financial statements organize information by whether it relates to governmental activities (reported in capital project funds) or business-type activities.

    1. Incorrect. The format of the statement of activities allows a government to report the net (expenses) revenues of the different functions of the government.
    2. Incorrect. The challenge in producing the government-wide statements is with converting governmental funds to governmental activities.
    3. Correct. The government-wide statements for governmental activities are generally produced each year using a worksheet approach.
    4. Incorrect. The government-wide statements for governmental activities report three separate columns of program revenue.

Chapter 11

Practice question solutions

  1. c.
  2. c.
  3. b.
  4. a.
  5. d.
  6. Governments are required to include management’s discussion and analysis, basic financial statements, and required supplementary information in their general-purpose external financial reports to meet the minimum requirements for GAAP-based statements. However, governments are encouraged to go beyond the minimum requirements by preparing a comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR).

    Governments can issue just the minimum requirements or a full CAFR (the minimum requirements are contained in the CAFR).

  7. MD&A should focus on the activities of the primary government. The decision to include comments about a government’s component units is a matter of professional judgment and should be based on the significance and relationship of the component unit with the primary governments.

    MD&A should discuss current-year results in comparison with the prior year. This is the only place in the general-purpose external financial report that governments are required to present comparative information.

  8. In the basic financial statements, the fund financial statements would present separate information about major governmental funds, major enterprise funds, and major component units. The CAFR would report the nonmajor individual funds not separately reported in the fund financial statements as part of the combining statements. The combining statements would report nonmajor governmental funds, nonmajor enterprise funds, internal service funds, fiduciary funds, and nonmajor component units.

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Correct. It is based on currently known facts, decisions, and conditions and must discuss both positive and negative aspects of current-year activity.
    2. Incorrect. Any information presented for a component unit should be clearly distinguished from that of the primary government.
    3. Incorrect. MD&A should be presented before the basic financial statements.
    4. Incorrect. Comparative financial information is reported in MD&A.

    1. Incorrect. Government-wide financial statements are required to be included in a government’s general-purpose external financial statements.
    2. Incorrect. Fund financial statements are required to be included in a government’s general-purpose external financial statements.
    3. Correct. The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is not required to be included in the general-purpose financial statements but would be included in the introductory section of the CAFR, if applicable.
    4. Incorrect. Notes to the financial statements are required to be included in a government’s general-purpose external financial statements.

    1. Correct. When a government uses the modified approach for certain networks or subsystems of infrastructure, certain information must be disclosed as part of RSI.
    2. Incorrect. RSI requirements exist related to pensions and OPEB.
    3. Incorrect. MD&A is presented before the basic financial statements. Other RSI is presented after the basic financial statements.
    4. Incorrect. Governments present budgetary comparison schedules only for the general fund and for each major special revenue fund with a legally adopted annual budget.

    1. Incorrect. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) provides guidance on what information should be included in the CAFR.
    2. Incorrect. The statistical section of the CAFR provides information that is useful in evaluating the economic condition of a government.
    3. Correct. The CAFR provides a variety of additional information outside the audited financial statements that is useful in assessing a government’s performance and financial condition.
    4. Incorrect. GASB Statement No. 44 requires governments to report five categories of statistical information.

Chapter 12

Practice question solutions

  1. d.
  2. b.
  3. Special-purpose governments engaged only in governmental activities that have more than one program are required to produce both fund financial statements and government-wide statements. However, if they have only one program, they may combine the fund financial statements and government-wide statements using a columnar format or they may present separate fund financial statements and government-wide statements. When they present separate statements, they may use a different format to report the statement of activities. Requirements would also include MD&A, notes, and RSI.
  4. For a special-purpose government engaged only in business-type activities, the reporting requirements would include MD&A, the fund financial statements required for an enterprise fund, notes to the financial statements, and RSI, if applicable.

Knowledge check solutions

    1. Correct. Special-purpose governments engaged in more than one program or that have both governmental and business-type activities should produce both fund financial statements and government-wide financial statements.
    2. Incorrect. Some special-purpose governments do not report government-wide statements.
    3. Incorrect. For special-purpose governments engaged only in a single program or only in a business-type or fiduciary activity, different financial statements are appropriate.
    4. Incorrect. Special-purpose governments are separate legal entities.

    1. Incorrect. A cemetery district is an example of a special-purpose government engaged only in governmental activities.
    2. Incorrect. A levee district is an example of a special-purpose government engaged only in governmental activities.
    3. Correct. An electric authority is an example of a special-purpose government engaged only in business-type activities.
    4. Incorrect. A drainage district is an example of a special-purpose government engaged only in governmental activities.
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