Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page


Chapter 1. An Introduction to Gas-Fired Power Generation


1.1 The History of Natural Gas as an Energy Source and for Power Generation

1.2 Global Electricity Production from Natural Gas

Chapter 2. The Natural Gas Resource


2.1 The Composition of Natural Gas

2.2 Natural Gas Reserves

2.3 Natural Gas Trade

Chapter 3. Gas-Fired Power Generation Technology


3.1 Natural Gas-Fired Steam Turbine Power Plants

3.2 Piston Engine-Based Natural Gas Power Units

3.3 Fuel Cells

Chapter 4. Gas Turbines


4.1 The History of the Gas Turbine

4.2 The Gas Turbine Principle

4.3 A Note About Pressure

4.4 Compressors

4.5 Combustion Chambers

4.6 Turbines

Chapter 5. Advanced Gas Turbine Design


5.1 Gas Turbine Materials

5.2 Compressor

5.3 Combustor

5.4 Turbine Components

5.5 Component Coatings

5.6 Thermal Barrier Coatings

5.7 Turbine Blade Cooling

5.8 Advanced Materials

Chapter 6. Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles


6.1 Recuperation

6.2 Reheating

6.3 Intercooling

6.4 Mass Injection

6.5 Cogeneration

Chapter 7. Combined Cycle Power Plants


7.1 Evolution of the Combined Cycle Concept

7.2 The High Efficiency Combined Cycle Power Plant

7.3 Heat Recovery Steam Generators

7.4 Flexible Combined Cycle Power Plants

7.5 Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Power Plant

Chapter 8. Microturbines


8.1 Microturbine Technology

8.2 Microturbine Enhancements

8.3 Applications for Microturbines

8.4 Ultra-Micro Gas Turbines

Chapter 9. Gas-Fired Power Plants and the Environment


9.1 Nitrogen Oxide Emissions

9.2 NOx Production Pathways

9.3 Low NOx Burners

9.4 Selective Catalytic Reduction

9.5 Carbon Monoxide

9.6 Carbon Dioxide

Chapter 10. The Cost of Electricity Generation from Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants


10.1 Levelized Cost of Energy Model

10.2 Capital Cost

10.3 Fuel Costs

10.4 The LCOE from a Natural Gas-Fired Power Station

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