Abela, Andrew, 8283, 131

Abela’s Chart Type Hierarchy, 83, 85

Accenture Technology Labs, 4, 138139

Adobe Illustrator, 91, 92

aesthetics, 27

aggregate data, 3739

alignment, 114115

alluvial charts, 182, 227

Alvarez, George, 184

ambiguity, 119120

animation, 22, 197198

Atlas of Economic Complexity, 224225

automation, 24

availability, of salient information, 137

axes, 115, 123, 127

balance, 111

bar charts, 38, 168, 170, 227

before-and-after charts, 193194

belt-and-suspenders design, 129

Bertin, Jacques, 21, 31

binary comparisons, 195

Blackburn, Joshua, 9495

Boeing, paired prototyping at, 94, 9698

boldface, 142

Braess, Dietrich, 195

Braess’s paradox, 195196

Brinton, Willard C., 2021, 31, 98

budgets, 146

capitalization, 142

captions, 123

cartograms, 170171

categories, 46

change perception, 2829

Chartbuilder, 92

chartjunk, 27

chart making

design principles for, 111132

as overlapping process, 104

preparation for, 7577, 99, 105

process example, 99103

prototype phase of, 8994, 9698, 102103, 105

sketching phase of, 8289, 99102, 105

talking and listening phase of, 7782, 99100, 105

typology, 5372


before-and-after, 193194

alluvial, 182, 227

bar, 38, 168, 170, 227

complexity in, 3739

conceptual versus data-driven, 5456

charts (continued)

declarative versus exploratory, 5457

deconstruction/reconstruction, 195197

effectiveness of, 21, 2630

elements of good, 59, 1314, 7475

expectations for, 10, 4243, 4547, 49, 161162, 184

explaining, 179182

leave-behind, 185186

number of variables in, 3739

order of seeing, 3435, 48

persuasive, 133152

presentations and, 177207

reading, 24, 26

reference, 182185

stand-out information on, 3537, 48

use of color in, 46, 120, 129130, 142144

See also data visualization

chloropleths, 168169

Christensen, Clay, 8081

clarity, 117120, 132

Cleveland, William S., 24, 26, 32

color-coded maps, 168169

color plots, 29, 30

colors, 46, 120, 129130, 142144

color saturation, 46, 120

comparisons, 162168, 195

complexity, 3739, 48

computer science, 24

conceptual information, 5456, 71

confirmatory visualizations, 22, 31, 56, 6162

conflict, 199200, 202, 203

connections making, 3942, 4549


of placement and weighting, 113114

of structure, 112113

context, 150, 185

conventions, 4243, 4547, 49, 120, 130, 161162, 171172

conversations, 7782, 99100

correlation, 28, 29, 32

courage for simplicity, 131

credibility, 47

cross-brain correlation (CBC), 197

D3, 92


aggregate, 3739

individual, 3739

massive amounts of, 10

putting aside, during preparation phase, 7576

data-driven information, 5456, 71

data tables, 186

data visualization (dataviz)

antecedents of, 1819

as art form, 24, 26

changing behavior with, 138139

critiquing others, 209222

everyday, 6668, 72

future of, 224226

history of, 1732

nature of, 5456

necessity of, 4

order of, 3435

persuasive, 133174

presentations, 177207

purpose of, 5657

refinement of, 109152

relevance of, 9

research, 24, 2630

rules, 224

science of, 2630

simple approach to, 1113

sketching, 8289

types of, 5763, 7172

uses of, 23

See also charts

Datawrapper, 92, 93

Davis, Nelson, 4445

deception versus persuasion, 158174

declarative visualizations, 5657, 6668, 69, 71

deconstruction/reconstruction, 195197

de-emphasis, 146147

demarcations, 144146

design-driven visualizations, 24

design principles

clarity, 117120, 132

simplicity, 120132

structure and hierarchy, 111116, 132

digital prototypes, 9194

distance, 191, 191

double y-axis, 162168, 173

economic persuasion strategy, 135

effectiveness, principle of, 21, 2632, 110


alignment of, 114115

placement and weighting of, 113114

redundant, 128129

removing unnecessary, 122123, 126128

supporting, 118

unique, 118

emphasis, 142146, 152, 158162

engagement tips, 207

environmental persuasion strategy, 135

equivocation, 158

ethical considerations, 172, 174

everyday dataviz, 6668, 72

exaggeration, 158, 159162

expressiveness, principle of, 21

Excel, 6, 92

expectations, 10, 4243, 4547, 49, 161162, 184

exploratory visualizations, 22, 31, 5657, 63, 66, 69, 71, 9495

expressiveness, principle of, 21, 31

extraneous information, 118

eye travel, limited, 115116, 197198

falsification, 158

Fisher, Brian, 94, 9698

focus, 69

“four types” 2 × 2 structure, 5372. See also everyday dataviz; idea generation; idea illustration; visual confirmation; visual discovery; visual exploration

geography, 168172, 173174

Good Charts Matrix, 9, 7475

Google Charts, 92

Google Sheets, 6, 92

graphic perception, 24, 32

gray, 130

grid maps, 171172

grids, 114115

Hagy, Jessica, 124125

Halloran, Neil, 197198

Harrison, Lane, 28, 32

heuristics, 161162

hierarchy, 111116, 132

Highcharts, 92

highlights, 142

Hooper, Charles, 225226

idea generation, 5961, 72

idea illustration, 5859, 71

inconsistency, 194

Industrial Revolution, 1920, 92, 168


adding, 148, 152

availability of salient, 137

basic, documenting, 7677

conceptual, 5456, 71

data-driven, 5456, 71

extraneous, 118

removing, 122123, 126128, 147148, 152

shifting, 148149, 152

Ingraham, Christopher, 192193

interactivity, 224225

internet, 24, 32

isolation, 146147, 152, 158

italics, 129, 142

Jackson, Mark, 156157

Kasik, David, 94, 9698

keys, 115116

keywords, 82, 85

leave-behind charts, 185186

legends, 115116, 120

line graphs, 88

Mackinlay, Jock, 22, 32

main idea

adjusting reference points around, 147149, 152

emphasizing, 142146, 152

honing, 140142, 152

isolating, 146147, 152

manipulation, 151, 153174

maps, 168174

Martin, Steve J., 135

math, 2728

McGill, Robert, 24, 26, 32

meaning making, 3942, 4549

media, 69, 70

metaphors, 4243, 49, 120

Minard, Charles, 18, 19, 31

money, 146

Montana-Manhattan problem, 169

motion, 22

narratives, 167168, 188206

neuroscience, 197

Nightingale, Florence, 18, 19, 31

note taking, 7982

Numbers (Apple), 92

objectivity, 150151

omission, 158

pacing, 35

paired prototyping, 94, 9698

paper prototypes, 91

pauses, 190, 194, 203


elements of, 133153

vs. manipulation, 153174

Playfair, William, 18, 19, 31, 92

“prep” phase of chart creation, 7577

mental space, physical space, and white space, 75

preparation, 7577, 99, 105

presentations, 177207

creating tension during, 189194

discussing ideas during, 180181

engagement tips for, 207

example, 200206

explaining the chart, 179182

leave-behind charts for, 185186

showing the chart, 178179

storytelling, 188206

tips for, 207

turning off charts, 184185

using reference charts, 182185

probability, 146

proportions, 113

“prototype” phase of chart creation, 8994

prototypes, 8994, 9698, 102103, 105, 211, 213

pyramid search, 5859

Qlik Sense, 92

Qlik View, 92

Quadrigram, 92

questions to ask, before chart making, 7879

railroad companies, 1920

Raw, 92

reading, compared with seeing, 3435

reconstruction, 195197

redundancy, 128129

reference charts, 182185

reference points

adding, 148, 152

removing, 147148, 152

shifting, 148149, 152

relative simplicity, 121122

Rensink, Ronald, 2728, 29, 32

resolution, 199200, 202, 205

reveal techniques, 191192

revisualization, 211

risk, 146

scatter plots, 28, 39, 145, 230

secondary y-axis, 162168

self-critique, 211, 214, 216217, 219220

sense making, 3942

sensory perception, 2728, 29

setup, 199200, 202

Shetterley, Nathan, 138139

silence, 179

Silk, 92

simplicity, 6668, 120132, 150, 185

“sketch” phase of chart creation, 8289

sketches, 8289, 100102, 105

skills, 69, 70

slope graphs, 37, 231

social persuasion strategy, 135

software, 9194, 224226

space allocation, 113114

Sparks, David, 6465

space (mental, physical, and white), 75

spatial relationships, 29

Spear, Mary Eleanor, 21, 31, 98

spider graphs, 185186

statistics, 27

story structure, 199200, 202

storytelling, 188206

strip plots, 29, 30

structure, 111116, 132

Style: Toward Clarity and Grace (Williams), 8, 110

subtitles, 118119

Swearingen, India, 186187

Tableau Desktop, 92

Tableau Public, 92

Tableau Software, 11, 168

“talk and listen” phase of chart creation, 7782

tension, creating, 189194

text size, 129

think time, 179

3-D modeling, 24

time, 191

titles, 118119, 123, 129

toggles, 224


for digital prototyping, 9194

visualization, 224226

trends, 88

truncated y-axis, 159162, 165166, 172, 173

truth, blurring the, 155, 158. See also manipulation

Tufte, Edward, 22, 24, 27, 32

Tukey, John, 22, 31

unconscious cues, 135, 136

underline, 142

unit charts, 146, 232

US government, 21

vector graphics (SVG), 91

vision, 178

visual communication, persuasive, 133152

visual confirmation, 6162, 72

visual critique, 209222

visual data

processing, 3443, 4549, 178179

uses of, 23

visual discovery, 6163, 72

visual exploration, 63, 66, 72

visualization literacy, measurement of, 27

visual literacy curriculum (VLC), 4

visual perception

science of, 3349

theory, 34, 48

visual storytelling, 188200

visual thinking, 4

need for, 1011

simple approach to, 1113

visual variables, 21, 31

Vizable, 92

wait time, 179

Weber’s law, 2728, 32

workflows, 69

written words, 34


double, 162168, 173

truncated, 159162, 165166, 172, 173

Zoltners, Andris, 2223

ZS Associates, 2223

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