List of Tables

Chapter 1. Introducing full-stack development

Table 1.1. How rows and columns can look in a relational database table

Table 1.2. Each document in a document database defines and holds the data, in no particular order.

Chapter 3. Creating and setting up a MEAN project

Table 3.1. Command-line configuration options when creating a new Express project

Chapter 4. Building a static site with Node and Express

Table 4.1. Defining a URL path, or route, for each of the screens in the prototype

Table 4.2. Breakpoints that Bootstrap targets for different types of devices

Chapter 6. Writing a REST API: Exposing the MongoDB database to the application

Table 6.1. URL paths and parameters for an API to the Locations collection; all have the same base path, and several have the same location ID parameter

Table 6.2. Four request methods used in a REST API

Table 6.3. Request method is used to link the URL to the desired action, enabling the API to use the same URL for different actions

Table 6.4. API URL specifications for interacting with subdocuments; each base URL path must contain the ID of the parent document

Table 6.5. Most popular HTTP status codes and how they might be used when sending responses to an API request

Table 6.6. Three GET requests of the Loc8r API

Table 6.7. Two POST requests of the Loc8r API

Table 6.8. Two PUT requests of the Loc8r API for updating locations and reviews

Table 6.9. Two DELETE requests of the Loc8r API for deleting locations and reviews

Chapter 7. Consuming a REST API: Using an API from inside Express

Table 7.1. Four common request options for defining a call to an API

Table 7.2. Information needed to make a request to the API for a list of locations

Table 7.3. Mapping the names of the form fields to the model paths expected by the API

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