List of Listings

Chapter 3. Creating and setting up a MEAN project

Listing 3.1. Example package.json file in a new Express project

Listing 3.2. Taking the controller code out of the route: step 1

Listing 3.3. Setting up the homepage controller in app_server/controllers/main.js

Listing 3.4. Updating the routes file to use external controllers

Listing 3.5. The complete index.jade file

Listing 3.6. Default layout.jade file

Listing 3.7. Updated layout.jade including Bootstrap references

Listing 3.8. Adding an engines section to package.json

Chapter 4. Building a static site with Node and Express

Listing 4.1. Requiring the controller files in routes/index.js

Listing 4.2. Defining the routes and mapping them to controllers

Listing 4.3. Others controller file

Listing 4.4. Locations controller file

Listing 4.5. Final code for the layout framework in app_server/views/layout.jade

Listing 4.6. Complete template for app_server/views/locations-list.jade

Listing 4.7. View for the Details page, app_server/views/location-info.js

Listing 4.8. View for the Add Review page, app_server/views/location-review.form.js

Listing 4.9. View for text only pages, app_server/views/generic-text.jade

Listing 4.10. The homelist controller, passing hard-coded data to the view

Listing 4.11. Final view for the homepage, app_server/views/locations-list.jade

Chapter 5. Building a data model with MongoDB and Mongoose

Listing 5.1. Complete database connection file db.js in app_server/models

Listing 5.2. Data in the controller powering the Details page

Listing 5.3. Final location schema definition, including nested schemas

Listing 5.4. Example MongoDB document based on the location schema

Chapter 6. Writing a REST API: Exposing the MongoDB database to the application

Listing 6.1. Routes defined in app_api/routes/locations.js

Listing 6.2. locationsReadOne controller

Listing 6.3. Controller for finding a single review

Listing 6.4. Locations list controller locationsListByDistance

Listing 6.5. Complete controller for creating a new location

Listing 6.6. Controller for creating a review

Listing 6.7. Adding and saving a subdocument

Listing 6.8. Calculating and updating the average rating

Listing 6.9. Making changes to an existing document in MongoDB

Listing 6.10. Updating a subdocument in MongoDB

Listing 6.11. Deleting a document from MongoDB given an ID

Listing 6.12. Finding and deleting a subdocument from MongoDB

Chapter 7. Consuming a REST API: Using an API from inside Express

Listing 7.1. Adding request and default API options to the locations.js controllers file

Listing 7.2. Moving the contents of the homelist controller into an external function

Listing 7.3. Update the homelist controller to call the API before rendering the page

Listing 7.4. Update the contents of the homelist controller to use the API response

Listing 7.5. Update the renderHomepage function to use the data from the API

Listing 7.6. Adding and using a function to format the distance returned by the API

Listing 7.7. Validate that the API has returned some data before trying to use it

Listing 7.8. Outputting messages if the API doesn’t return location data

Listing 7.9. Update the view to display an error message when needed

Listing 7.10. Update the list view to add the location ID to the relevant links

Listing 7.11. Move the contents of the locationInfo controller into an external function

Listing 7.12. Update the locationInfo controller to call the API

Listing 7.13. Preprocessing data in the controller

Listing 7.14. Update renderDetailPage to accept and use data from the API

Listing 7.15. Create a Jade mixin to format the dates

Listing 7.16. Trap any errors caused by the API not returning a 200 status

Listing 7.17. Create an error-handling function for API status codes that aren’t 200

Listing 7.18. Create an external function to hold the contents of the addReview controller

Listing 7.19. Create a new reusable function to get location information

Listing 7.20. Removing hard-coded data from the renderReviewForm function

Listing 7.21. doAddReview controller used to post review data to the API

Listing 7.22. Adding validation to reviews at the schema level

Listing 7.23. Trapping validation errors returned by the API

Listing 7.24. Update the controller to pass a query string error string to the view

Listing 7.25. Adding some simple validation to an Express controller

Listing 7.26. Creating a jQuery form validation function

Chapter 8. Adding Angular components to an Express application

Listing 8.1. Simple Angular binding, binding a model to input and output

Listing 8.2. Adding the Angular library and application code to the HTML

Listing 8.3. Taking the dynamic content out of the renderHomepage Express function

Listing 8.4. Create an Angular controller and some test data in loc8rApp.js

Listing 8.5. Changing the Jade bindings to Angular bindings

Listing 8.6. Creating a custom filter to apply formatting to distances

Listing 8.7. Creating a directive and adding it to the Angular module

Listing 8.8. Updating the directive to use an isolate scope for the rating

Listing 8.9. Update the directive to use an external file for the template

Listing 8.10. Creating the Angular rating star template

Listing 8.11. Creating and applying the text filter for the list of results

Listing 8.12. Creating a simple data service and adding it to the module

Listing 8.13. Updating the controller to work asynchronously with the $http promises

Listing 8.14. Setting an output message at various points in the process

Listing 8.15. Create a geolocation service returning a method to get the current position

Listing 8.16. Updating the controller to use the new geolocation service

Listing 8.17. Updating the loc8rData service to return a function instead of data

Listing 8.18. Update the controller to pass the coordinates to the services

Listing 8.19. Pass the URL from the review form controller

Chapter 9. Building a single-page application with Angular: Foundations

Listing 9.1. Adding ngRoute and config to the Angular application

Listing 9.2. Angular view template for the homepage, home.view.html

Listing 9.3. Creating the new homepage controller

Listing 9.4. Updating the home controller to use vm and the controllerAs syntax

Listing 9.5. Updating the home view to use vm data bindings

Listing 9.6. Create the loc8rData service

Listing 9.7. Create the geolocation service

Listing 9.8. Update the homepage controller to use the two services

Listing 9.9. Updates needed to use $scope.$apply in the home controller

Listing 9.10. Create the formatDistance.filter.js file

Listing 9.11. Create the ratingStars directive file

Listing 9.12. Wrapping Angular application files in IIFEs, for example, app.js

Listing 9.13. Adding UglifyJS to the Node application

Listing 9.14. Uglifying and saving the new file

Chapter 10. Building an SPA with Angular: The next level

Listing 10.1. Host page converted into HTML

Listing 10.2. Defining the generic footer as a directive: footerGeneric.directive.js

Listing 10.3. Navigation HTML: navigation.template.html

Listing 10.4. Defining the navigation directive: navigation.directive.js

Listing 10.5. Defining the page header directive: pageHeader.directive.js

Listing 10.6. Complete homepage view template

Listing 10.7. Final index.html file

Listing 10.8. Enabling the HTML5 history API

Listing 10.9. Add a new Angular route definition for the About page

Listing 10.10. Creating the Angular controller for the About page

Listing 10.11. Add the Details page route to the Angular application configuration

Listing 10.12. Controller framework for the Details page

Listing 10.13. Add a method to the data service to call the API

Listing 10.14. Using the service from the controller to get the location data

Listing 10.15. Angular view for the Details page

Listing 10.16. Using ng-switch to display the opening times

Listing 10.17. Showing the reviews by date using the orderBy filter

Listing 10.18. Applying a date filter to format the review dates

Listing 10.19. Adding the method to the controller

Listing 10.20. HTML view for the modal popup

Listing 10.21. Starting point for the review modal controller

Listing 10.22. Using resolve to pass variable values into the modal

Listing 10.23. Adding some basic data validation to the onSubmit handler

Listing 10.24. Adding a new addReviewById method to the data service

Listing 10.25. Sending complete form data to the data service

Listing 10.26. Passing review data into the modal’s close method

Listing 10.27. Resolving the modal instance promise to update the review list

Chapter 11. Authenticating users, managing sessions, and securing APIs

Listing 11.1. Basic Mongoose schema for users

Listing 11.2. Create a schema method to generate a JWT

Listing 11.3. Full Passport local strategy definition

Listing 11.4. Register controller for the API

Listing 11.5. Login controller for the API

Listing 11.6. Update the create review controller to get the user’s name first

Listing 11.7. Use data from the JWT to query the database

Listing 11.8. Saving the username in the review

Listing 11.9. Create the authentication service with the first two methods

Listing 11.10. Full view for the registration page

Listing 11.11. Skeleton of the register controller

Listing 11.12. Using the authentication services methods in the navigation controller

Listing 11.13. Update the data service to pass the JWT

Appendix C. Dealing with all of the views

Listing C.1. locationInfo controller

Listing C.2. location-info.jade view template in app_server/views

Listing C.3. addReview controller

Listing C.4. location-review-form.jade template

Listing C.5. about controller

Listing C.6. generic-text.jade template

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