Pushing to a local bare Git repository

Now that we have a local copy of our repository, we can move it to a brand new Git repository. Here, you can already use a remote repository on your server of choice, even GitHub or BitBucket, but I recommend that you use a local bare repository. We may as well do some other little adjustments (such as renaming tags and branches) before pushing files to a blessed repository. So, first initialize a bare repository in a folder of choice:

$ mkdir ReposMyGitRepo.git
$ cd ReposMyGitRepo.git
$ git init --bare

Now, make the default branch to match the Subversion trunk branch name:

<pre>$ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/trunk

Then, add a bare remote pointing to the bare repository we just created:

$ cd SourcesMySvnRepo
$ git remote add bare file:///C/Repos/MyGitRepo.git

Finally, push the local cloned repository to the new bare one:

$ git push --all bare

We have now a brand new bare repository that is a perfect copy of the original Subversion one. We can now adjust branches and tags to fit the Git usual layout better.

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