Pushing a new branch to the remote

Obviously, we can create and push a new branch to the remote to make our work public and visible to other collaborators; for instance, I will create a new branch for a new recipe, then I will push to the remote GitHub server. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a new branch, for instance Risotti.
  2. Add to it a new file, for example, Risotto-alla-Milanese.md, and commit it.
  3. Push the branch to the remote using git push -u origin Risotti:
      [11] ~/Cookbook (master)
      $ git branch Risotti

      [12] ~/Cookbook (master)
      $ git checkout Risotti

      [13] ~/Cookbook (Risotti)
      $ notepad Risotto-alla-Milanese.md
      [14] ~/Cookbook (Risotti)
      $ git add Risotto-alla-Milanese.md
      [15] ~/Cookbook (Risotti)
      $ git commit -m "Add risotto alla milanese recipe ingredients"
      [Risotti b62bc1f] Add risotto alla milanese recipe ingredients
       1 file changed, 15 insertions(+)
       create mode 100644 Risotto-alla-Milanese.md

      [16] ~/Cookbook (Risotti)
      $ git push -u origin Risotti
      Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
      Branch Risotti set up to track remote branch Risotti from origin.
      To https://github.com/fsantacroce/Cookbook.git
       * [new branch]      Risotti -> Risotti

Before continuing, we have to examine in depth some things that happened after this git push command.

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