About the Author


For thirty years, Lynda Gratton has been fascinated by work. Her thinking, writing, and consulting have focused on three interwoven strands: individuals, teams, and organizations. This book has provided a wonderful opportunity to bring all three strands together.

Lynda began by developing the first strand through a profound interest in people. Trained initially as a psychologist with a doctorate in motivation theory, she has since coached executives and students to become more energized and innovative. Many of the stories and some of the tools in Glow have been developed by working with her students and executives. In 2007 Lynda became the founding director of the Centre for Women in Business at London Business School. In working with women around the world, she has gained real insight into some of the rewards of “jumping across worlds.”

The second strand of work has been Lynda’s engagement with teams. With her colleagues she has built one of the most significant data sets on innovation and teams and is an expert in virtual team working. Her work on teams has been published in Harvard Business Review, the Sloan Management Review (where she was awarded Best Article of 2003), the Wall Street Journal, and the Economist. Lynda brings her insights into teams into this book through her experience with networks and working across boundaries.

Lynda’s third strand of interest is her work with corporate senior executives and CEOs to show them how to create more vibrant and more innovative companies. In this respect she is considered one of the most influential thinkers in business. In 2007 the London Times ranked her as one of the top twenty thinkers in the world, and in 2008 the Financial Times selected her as the business thinker most likely to make a real difference over the next decade.

Lynda is Professor of Management Practice at London Business School and is the founder of the Hot Spots Movement. She has written six books and numerous articles. Her books have been translated into more than fifteen languages and are seen as seminal pieces in the field of corporate and individual development.

Over the past decade Lynda has been profiled in numerous publications, including Personnel Today, the Guardian, and the Financial Times. In 2007 Human Resources magazine ranked her as one of the top two most influential people in the profession. Over the past five years she has taken her message about energy and innovation to conferences in many parts of the world, including Australia, Austria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore, and the United States.

Lynda lives in London and Spain with her two sons. You can visit her Web site at www.lyndagratton.com.

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