

Jason Moran / Majuro, Marshall Islands  Image Chesty  Image Photo/.5sec

In finding media for this book, we benefited from the knowledge and curation of the social and creative teams at GoPro, and we would like to thank them—specifically, Jensen Granger, Mattias Sullivan, Pilar Woodman, and Sean Custer. We would especially like to thank Jensen Granger for his Photoshop expertise. He and Sean Custer also provided the burst photo stitches featured in this book. We also thank Karyn Johnson at Peachpit for shepherding us through this whole process, and Mimi Heft and Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel for their everlasting patience. We’d also like to thank Jordan Miller, Caroline Emerson, and Anna Hoff for not going insane as we took over their couch every weekend for two years to work on this project. Further, we owe a debt of gratitude to GoPro’s legal team, Sharon Zezima and Simon Seidler. A final GoPro thanks goes to a few individuals who helped develop this book: Kim Lantz, Justin Wilkenfeld, Paul Osborne, Paul Crandell, and Nick Woodman.

And, of course, much of our work at GoPro would not have been possible without the ceaseless adventuring and creative endeavors of GoPro users, those athletes, photographers, filmmakers, adventurers, and enthusiasts who have used the product to capture many of the beautiful moments you see throughout these pages. They have all freely contributed their images to this book, and for that we are grateful.

Finally, we dedicate this book to all of the production artists and producers who make up GoPro’s in-house media production team, GoPro Original Productions. Creating art takes time and patience. This book is a tribute to these artists’ labor, love, and frequent nights spent sleeping under the desk—all in the pursuit of their passions.

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