

2.7K 4:3 video mode, 35

2.7K video resolution, 14, 34

“3rd Person Paramotor,” 90

3-Way extension arm, 63

4:3 aspect ratio, 1516

4K video mode, 36

“60-foot Waterfall Drop,” 85

720p resolution, 14, 30

960p video mode, 31

1080p resolution, 14, 32

1080p60, 18

1440p resolution, 14


action cuts, 202

action shots. See angles by activity

active interviews, conducting, 151

adhesive mounts, 57

aerial photography, 86

Alexander, Cole, 68

Amonson, Neil, 54, 74, 108

angles by activity

animals, 126127

automotive vehicles, 104105

biking, 106107

camera modes, 98

human flight, 108109

motorcycle, 112113

music, 122123

outdoors, 120121

paddle, 110-111

skateboarding, 114115

snow, 102103

sports, 124125

surf, 100-101

underwater, 116117

wake and wind, 118120

animals, filming, 126127

appendage mounts, 8081

Ashbum, Hayley, 83, 144145

aspect ratio, 15

Astill, Jason, 71

athlete sections, 244

audio gear, considering, 135

audio recording, 122

Australian Longboarding magazine, 2021

automotive vehicles, filming, 104105

“Avalanche Cliff Jump with Matthias Giraud,” 194

Avatar, 40


backpack contents, 136

backpack mounts, 8284

Baird, Ashleigh, 166

“Banzai Pipeline,” 67

Barrett, Patrick, 32, 204, 243

“Base Jump Clip,” 74

BASE jumpers, filming, 108

Basich, Mike, 17

basketball, filming, 124

Beauford, Carter, 79

Beschen, Gavin, 256


filming, 106107

freestyle, 61

“Black Lips Stage Dive at SXSW,” 68

Blanchard, Alana, 245

Block, Ken, 165

Bloom, Philip, 34

BMX Fullpipe Dreams, 43

bookends, 245

Borgic, Steve, 244

Brown, Ben, 137, 110

Brown, Bobby, 77, 137

Bruneau, Mikey, 67, 209

“Bungee Jumping” commercial, 80

burst photo mode, 26


Callejas, Mario, 265

camera gear, considering, 134

cameras, close focus, 160, 162

Camerer, Kyle, 18, 154

“The Cape Griffons,” 260

capture frame rate, 18

Carr, Julian, 54

cars, filming, 104

Carson, Christopher, 86

Casagrande, Andy, 93

the cause, 258

Chambliss, Kirby, 5657

Chapman, Kalani, 30

character study, 238

characters and conflict, 191

Chase, Aaron, 106, 248249

Chesty mounts, 5456

“Chilean Powder Run,” 63

climbing, filming, 121

close-up shot, explained, 140141

Cloud Chasers Balloon Rides, 28

color correction, 228

“Combing Valparaiso’s Hills,” 198, 254

conflict and characters, 191

continuity of space and time, 198

Corliss, Jeb, 45, 186187

coverage, defined, 138

“Crankworx Whistler,” 51

cropping and stretching, 222223

cropping technique, 19

crosscutting and cutaways, 205

Cullen, Mike, 262

Currier, Landon, 50

Custer, Kevin, 24

cutaways and crosscutting, 205

cuts. See also editing

action, 202

cutaways and crosscutting, 205

jump, 204

match, 203

overview, 200

smash, 205


Dave Matthews Band, 79

Dawson, Leah, 237

Daytona International Speedway, 1213

De Vleeschauwer, David, 35

“DeepFlight Submersible – Searching for Whale Song,” 175

“Descent into the Lava of Marum,” 261

directing interviews, 148, 150

“Director’s Cut – Shark Riders,” 252

“Dreams with Kella Moniz,” 205


editing, 188. See also cuts; final pass; second pass; storytelling

characters and conflict, 191

computer, 180

continuity of space and time, 198

earbuds, 180

external hard drive, 180

final cut, 199

headphones, 180

interviews and voiceovers, 213

music, 194195

organization, 181

overview, 178

paper cut, 186187

and post-production, 231

root folder and subfolders, 181

rough cut, 197198

selects, 185

software, 180

speakers, 180

story, 188

structure, 192

time manipulation, 206, 208209

time-lapses, 211

transcoding, 185

transcoding software, 180

workflow overview, 182

end is the beginning, 254

“Endless Barrels,” 100

environmentals and time-lapses, 156, 159

Escamilla, Mike, 43

exporting and image quality, 271


Facebook, sharing on, 273, 278

“The Family Crest,” 251

Farro, Caleb, 75

fast motion, 209

Fernando, Ravi, 209

Fierro, Justin, 243

“Final Cut: Combing Valparaiso’s Hills,” 199

“Final Cut: Lost in Peru,” 248249

final pass. See also editing

color correction, 228

cropping and stretching, 222223

editing, 221

graphics, 227

motion stabilization, 225

sound, 224225

“Fire Breathing with a 24 GoPro Array,” 94

“Fireman Saves Kitten,” 280281

“Fireworks Showdown with Jeremiah Warren,” 37

fishing, filming, 121

Formula Car Clip, 32

Forsberg, Chris, 58

forums for sharing, 273

FOV (field of view)

Medium, 1617

Narrow, 1617

Wide, 16

The Frame mount, 25, 51

frame rate, 18

Freeman, Mark, 28

full shot, explained, 140141


Garside, Chris, 60

gear, considering, 134

gimbals, 88

Giraud, Matthias, 194

gnarwhal mounts, 7476

“Golden Eagle POV Flight in 27.K,” 35

GoPro App, 268

GoPro Bomb Squad, 278

“GoPro 3D: Highlight Reel 2011,” 92

“GoPro HERO4: The Adventure of Life in 4K”, 35

GoPro mounts

3-Way extension arm, 63

adhesive, 57

appendage, 8081

backpack, 8284

Chesty, 5456

extensions, 85

gnarwhal, 7476

handlebar/seatpost, 6062

head strap, 4850

helmet, 5153

Jaws, 6870

mouth mount, 79

Norbert, 7273

roll bar, 6466

spinner, 7778

suction cup, 5859

surfboard, 67

wrist strap, 4647

GoPro Studio, overview, 40

GoPro Edit Templates, 270

Goulet, Ali, 248249

Grand Prix of Sonoma 2013 Celebration, 32

graphics, 227

Grimaldi Garcia, Pedro, 26

Guinn, Colin, 144


handlebar/seatpost mounts, 6062

hang gliders, filming, 108

“Hangtown AMA Motocross,” 218

Hatchet, Hip, 204

HD HERO2, 20

HD HERO2 versus HERO3, 211

head strap mounts, 4850

Healey, Mark, 155

helmet mounts, 5153

HERO3, release of, 20, 29

HERO3 versus HERO3+, 203

HERO3+ Black Edition, 237


The Adventure of Life in 4K, 36

Protune settings, 20, 25

“Highest Road in the World,” 112

hiking, filming, 121

“Himalayan 4,500 km Adventure,” 213

Hodgson, Pete, 85

Hoerner, Alex, 224

Hoerner, Christoph, 224

Holden, Katie, 249

Houston, Hart, 58, 243

“Hovercraft Deer Rescue,” 188

“Human Flight – TV Commercial,” 195

“Hunting and Fishing,” 121


“Ice Caves,” 86

ice skating, filming, 125

image processing, 14

image quality and exporting, 271

improvisation, 163, 165166

Ingleby, Harley, 20

inner conflict, 256

Instagram, sharing on, 273, 276

intermission, 245

interview questions, 155

interview theory, 152, 154


active, 151

directing, 148, 150

static, 150

interviews and voiceovers, editing, 213


Jacobsen, Anders, 206

Jamieson, Kris “Jaymo,” 50

Jaws mounts, 6870

Jeannette, Gunnar, 12

Johnson, Joseph, 18

Johnson, Tyler, 94

Jones, Damon, 121

Jones, Mikala, 96

journey, 248249

jump cuts, 204


Kalanick, Cory, 280

“Kayak New Zealand,” 111

kayaking, filming, 111

Kelley, David, 94

Kenison, James, 188

Khan, Ossie, 195

Kirkham, James, 32, 58

Kislevitz, Abe, 19, 243, 274

“Koh Yao Noi”, 34

Krack, Kirk, 49


Laude, Stefan, 194

“Let Me Take You to the Mountain,” 103

Lewis, Nate, 58


low light, 147

overview, 144

“Lion Hug,” 281

lion hunt, 126127

“Lions – The New Endangered Species?,” 256, 281

“Longest Jump Story,” 104

“Lost in Jellyfish Lake,” 234

low light, filming in, 147


Ma, Edward, 147

MacAskill, Danny, 219

Macdonald, Andy, 246

Mancino, Roberta, 191

Mancuso, Julia, 76

Marquardt, Melissa, 118

match cuts, 203

Matthews, Dave, 79

McGarry, Kelly, 33

McGough, Lauren, 138

McMahan, Chris, 53

medium close-up shot, explained, 140141

Medium FOV (field of view), 1617

Melbourne Skydive Centre, 195

Menzies, Bryce, 6465

Miller, Jordan, 23

“Black Lips Stage Dive at SXSW,” 68

“Misdirected Man” by Hip Hatchet,” 204

“Remembering Sion Milosky,” 156

Miller, Marshall, 15

Milosky, Sion, 67, 156

“Moab Towers,” 144

the moment, 234

Moniz, Kella, 205

“Monster Energy Supercross Highlights,” 217

montage, 237

Montgomery, Mike, 51

motion interpolation, 208

motion stabilization, 225

“Moto Snowy Ridgeline,” 53

motorcycle footage, filming, 112113


3-Way extension arm, 63

adhesive, 57

appendage, 8081

backpack, 8284

Chesty, 5456

extensions, 85

gnarwhal, 7476

handlebar/seatpost, 6062

head strap, 4850

helmet, 5153

Jaws, 6870

mouth mount, 79

Norbert, 7273

roll bar, 6466

spinner, 7778

suction cup, 5859

surfboard, 67

wrist strap, 4647

mouth mounts, 79

MP (megapixels), 14

“Mt. Hood Snow Photo Expedition,” 240

Muller, Cort, 159


array, 94

dual and 3D, 92

spherical, 96


editing, 194195

filming, 122123

music video, 251

Myers, Nathan, 138


Narrow FOV (field of view), 1617

native capture, 19

Newman, David, 40

night-lapse photo mode, 25

Nobles, Wes, 231

Noguez, Gabriel, 68

Norbert mounts, 7273


Oberschneider, Christoph, 53

“Our Orangutan Brethren,” 171, 265

outdoors, filming, 120121


paddlng, filming, 111

paper cut

example, 187

explained, 186

Pappyn, Debbie, 35

Pasic, Trenton, 163

Pastore, Jaci, 32

“Pelican Learns to Fly,” 192

performances, low-light, 122

Peters, Mark, 90

photo modes

burst, 26

night-lapse, 25

overview, 20

time-lapse, 23

photo resolution, 14

Pierre, Jamie, 202

Pine, Christopher, 90

pixels, 14

playback frame rate, 18

Posey, Will, 154

“Post Office Bike Jam 2011,” 106

post-production and editing, 231. See also production

POV shot, explained, 140141

power intro, 240

Price, Devin, 262

Price, Ryan, 262

primaries and secondaries, 142143

production. See also post-production and editing; storytelling

friend and four cameras, 171

one man, 30 cameras, 175

one man, one camera, 168

primaries and secondaries, 142143

product launch, 172

shot classification, 140

trapping as coverage, 138


auto white balance, 39

color, 39

exposure, 39

ISO limit, 39

overview, 38

settings, 23, 25

sharpness, 39

“Proximity Flying,” 108


the race, 243

“Radiation City at the Cathedral of Junk,” 122

Renner, Ronnie, 31

resolution, 14

reverse motion, 209

Rice, Travis, 63

Richardson, Cooper, 157

Richardson, Kevin, 126, 281

Riemann, Adam, 213

“Rolex 24 at Daytona Teaser,” 204

roll bar mounts, 6466

romantic comedy, 260

“Roshambo – Red Bull Rampage 2012,” 163

rough cut, 197198

Royster, Tony, 147

“The Rubik Juggler,” 209

Ryan, Travis, 106


Saito, Daigo, 59

Schmidt, Bradford, 165, 256

“2010 Post Office Bike Jam,” 243

“Bungee Jumping” commercial, 80

“Hangtown AMA Motocross,” 218

“Ken Block in Russia,” 165

“Remembering Sion Milosky,” 156

skateboarding, 115

surfing Hawaii, 245

“Toy Train,” 95

“Wingsuit Flyers,” 191

Schnurr, Brendan, 168

second pass. See also editing

music redux, 218219

pacing, 217

peer review, 214

secondaries and primaries, 142143

“Shark Riders,” 116

Sheckler, Ryan, 172

Shelhamer, Zak, 256, 276

short feature, Acts One-Three, 264265

shot classification

close-up shot, 140

full shot, 140

medium close-up shot, 140

POV shot, 140

wide shot, 140

silence, power of, 194

skateboarding, filming, 114115

ski flying, 206

skiing, filming, 102103

skydivers, filming, 108

Slater, Kelly, 208, 239

sliders and jibs, 88

slow motion, 206

smash cuts, 205

Smith, Ryan J., 69

snowboarding, filming, 103

“Snowkiting in the Backcountry,” 168

social networks, sharing on, 273

Sommer, Jokke, 108


lavaliers, 91

overview, 91

shotguns, 91

speed flyers, filming, 108

speed ramping, 208

spinner mounts, 7778

spirit quest, 261

sports, filming, 124125

Steadicams, 88

static interviews, conducting, 150

Sterling, Jamie, 67, 246

story analysis

athlete sections, 244

bookends, 245

the cause, 258

character study, 238

end is the beginning, 254

inner conflict, 256

intermission, 245

journey, 248249

the moment, 234

montage, 237

music video, 251

overview, 232

power intro, 240

the race, 243

romantic comedy, 260

short feature, 264265

spirit quest, 261

the surreal, 252

travel montage, 246

story structure

beginning, 192

end, 192

middle, 192

storytelling. See also editing; production

aesthetics, 131

audio gear, 135

backpack contents, 136

building blocks, 132

camera gear, 134

climactic moment, 131132

close focus cameras, 160162

directing interviews, 148, 150152, 154

documenting resolution, 132

environmentals, 156159

getting ideas, 131

improvisation, 163166

interview questions, 155

light, 144147

locations and characters, 131132

overview, 128

production, 138145

research and planning, 131

time lapses, 156159

“Sturgis: 110th Anniversary of Harley-Davidson,” 219

suction cup mounts, 5859

Super Bowl 2013 Dubstep Baby Commercial, 29

“Supercross New Year 2013,” 154

SuperView, 16

surfboard mounts, 67

surfing, filming, 100101

the surreal, 252

“Swimming with Dolphins,” 90


“Tahiti TV Commercial,” 82

Taylor, Andrew, 61

Taylor, David, 40

“The Baja 1000,” 64

Tianmen Cave, 186187

time lapses and environmentals, 156, 159

time manipulation

fast motion, 209

motion interpolation, 208

reverse motion, 209

slow motion, 206

speed ramping, 208

time-lapses, editing, 211

timeline settings, 197

Tjäder, Jesper, 227

tow cams, 90

trapping as coverage, 138

travel montage, 246

Trongratanawong, Nana, 234


underwater filming, 116117

“USC Ski & Snowboard – The Weekend,” 274


Van Dine, Chris, 248249

Van Every, Rich, 249

video frame rate, 18

video modes. See also viral videos

2.7K, 34

2.7K 4:3, 35

4K, 36

720p, 30

960p, 31

1080p, 32

overview, 29

WVGA, 37

video resolution, 14

viral videos, 280281, 283. See also video modes

voiceovers and interviews, editing, 213


wake and wind, filming, 118120

Walsh, Anthony, 82

Warren, Jeremiah, 37

water, filming, 117119

“Whale Fantasia,” 166

White, Shaun, 244

Wick, Jeff, 29

Wide FOV (field of view), 16

wide shot, explained, 140141

Wi-Fi, 43

Wilkerfield, Justin, 115

“Wingsuit Flyers,” 191

wingsuit flyers, filming, 108

Woodman, Nick, 32, 41, 4647

Laguna Seca, 243

Vegas To Reno, 242

wrist camera, 46

WVGA video mode, 37


YouTube, sharing on, 273274

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