GCP marketplace

Google allows you access to its vast marketplace where you can readily and easily access different applications and software packages. Let's deploy a simple WordPress application from the marketplace:

  1. On your GCP Console, go to TOOLS and Deployment Manager.
  1. You will see a list of different applications that are available:

List of different applications
  1. Click on WordPress and click on Launch on Compute Engine:

  1. Click Deploy when ready. Make sure you enter an Administrator Email.
  2. You will now see the application being deployed in Deployment Manager. You will see a step-by-step deployment of the application:

  1. Under Deployments, you will see the following:

You have successfully deployed a WordPress (blogging) application from the GCP marketplace. Deleting the deployment will delete all components of the application, including resetting the network firewall configurations. The deletion process is handy, especially when you have deployed applications consuming hundreds of resources.

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