The False Start to a Conversation

Another nugget I mined from the television business was the following: Don't immediately launch into your interview questions when you first meet your guests. Begin with a polite greeting, something simple, such as “Hello, how are you?” I would also try to make a flattering remark about their clothing or accessories, compliment them on a recent statement in the press, or something similar. I would always exercise some kind of short verbal handshake before asking the first real question. Why? Because talk show interviews are awkward and stressful. Guests are forced to make a myriad of decisions before they ever arrive at the TV studio: what to wear, how they will answer questions, and which specialized makeup to use to cover a pimple. Slowing things down, being easy to talk to, and being as relaxed as possible is the connective tissue I need to create quick rapport.

Rapport Killer

Salespeople make a deadly mistake if they immediately start a big appointment (either face-to-face or by phone) with a comment like “I know you're a busy person. Let me show you what solutions I have for you today.” That approach is rude. It's you doing the talking without questioning the customers about themselves. It's ignoring the fact that you need to establish some level of rapport.

Jack Gets It

I have a friend named Jack who sells automotive additives. In fact, he sells more additives than anybody else in his company. When Jack walks into a client's office, he quickly looks around for pictures, awards, sports collectibles, out-of-context objects, and so forth. Jack is on the hunt for some connective tissue he can use for the “false start.”

One time, Jack inherited a client nobody wanted. The guy was gruff, difficult, and never bought any additives. Jack got the appointment, but before he could sit down, the client barked, “What are you gonna try to sell me today?” Jack smiled and said, “I'd be happy to tell you; but first you have to tell me what you're doing sitting on the business end of a Brahma bull?”

Riding a bull must be one of the most dangerous activities a person can do, and this guy had a picture of himself doing it. They talked about bull riding, calf roping, and the kind of boot heels you need to wear when you mount a wild bronco. Jack kept smiling and asking more questions. After 30 minutes, Jack looked down at his watch and said, “Whoa, I've taken more time than you have. If it's all right, I'd like to come back next week sometime.” The gruff guy said, “Naw, I wasn't going anywhere for lunch anyways. Show me what you got.”

Jack left with a $1,200 order . . . and a solid new account. Now, the gruff guy calls Jack for advice on vintage cars, fishing tackle, pizza places . . . and sometimes even engine additives.

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