Running Java applications

If we want to execute a Java executable from a Gradle build, we have several options. Before we explore these options, we will first create a new Java class with a main() method in our project. We will execute this Java class from our build file.

In the src/main/java/gradle/sample directory, we need to create a new file. The following code listing shows the contents of the file. We will use our Sample class to print the value of the getWelcomeMessage() method to System.out:

// File: src/main/java/gradle/sample/ 
package gradle.sample; 
public class SampleApp { 
    public SampleApp() { 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
        final SampleApp app = new SampleApp(); 
    public void welcomeMessage() { 
        final String welcomeMessage = readMessage(); 
    private String readMessage() { 
        final Sample sample = new Sample(); 
        final String message = sample.getWelcomeMessage(); 
        return message; 
    private void showMessage(final String message) { 

To run our SampleApp class, we can use the javaexec() method, which is part of Gradle's Project class. We can also use the JavaExec task in our build file. Finally, we can use the application plugin to run our SampleApp class. In the next chapter, we will discuss how to use the javaexec method.

Running an application from a project

The Project class that is always available in our build file has the javaexec() method. With this method, we can execute a Java class. The method accepts a closure that is used to configure the org.gradle.process.JavaExecSpec object. JavaExecSpec has several methods and properties that we can use to configure the main class that needs to be executed, optional arguments, and system properties. A lot of the options are same as the ones for running tests.

We will create a new build file and use the javaexec() method to run our SampleApp class with some extra options:

apply plugin: 'java' 
task runJava(dependsOn: classes, 
    description: 'Run gradle.sample.SampleApp') << { 
    javaexec { 
        // Java main class to execute. 
        main = 'gradle.sample.SampleApp' 
        // We need to set the classpath. 
        classpath sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath 
        // Extra options can be set. 
        maxHeapSize = '128m' 
        systemProperty 'sysProp', 'notUsed' 
        jvmArgs '-client' 
repositories { 

To run our Java class, we will execute the runJava task from the command line and get the following output:

$ gradle runJava
Welcome to Gradle.
Total time: 0.761 secs

Running an application as a task

Besides the javaexec() method, we can define a new org.gradle.api.tasks.JavaExec task. To configure the task, we can use the same methods and properties as with the javaexec() method.

In the following sample build file, we will create the runJava task of the JavaExec type. We will configure the task to set the class path and main class. Also, we will see how to add other properties and invoke other methods to further configure the execution of the Java class, as follows:

apply plugin: 'java' 
task runJava(type: JavaExec) { 
    dependsOn classes 
    description = 'Run gradle.sample.SampleApp' 
    // Java main class to execute. 
    main = 'gradle.sample.SampleApp' 
    // We need to set the classpath. 
    classpath sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath 
    // Extra options can be set. 
    systemProperty 'sysProp', 'notUsed' 
    jvmArgs '-client' 
    // We can pass arguments to the main() method 
    // of gradle.sample.SampleApp. 
    args 'mainMethodArgument', 'notUsed' 

If we run the task, we get the following output:

$ gradle runJava
 :compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
Welcome to Gradle.
 Total time: 0.686 secs

Running an application with the application plugin

Another way to run a Java application is with the application plugin. The application plugin adds functionality to our build file in order to run Java applications and also to bundle the Java application for distribution.

To use the application plugin, we must add the plugin to our build file with the apply() method. Once we have added the plugin, we can set the main class to be executed with the mainClassName property. This time, we don't have to create a new task ourselves. The plugin has added the run task that we can invoke to run the Java application.

The sample build file uses the application plugin to run our SampleApp class, as follows:

apply plugin: 'application' 
mainClassName = 'gradle.sample.SampleApp' 
// Extra configuration for run task if needed. 
run { 
    // Extra options can be set. 
    systemProperty 'sysProp', 'notUsed' 
    jvmArgs '-client' 
    // We can pass arguments to the main() method 
    // of gradle.sample.SampleApp. 
    args 'mainMethodArgument', 'notUsed' 

We can invoke the run task and check the output of the SampleApp class:

$ gradle run
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
Welcome to Gradle.
Total time: 0.816 secs

Note that we don't have to set the classpath property anymore. The plugin automatically includes the runtimeClasspath object of the project to execute the Java class.

Creating a distributable application archive

With the application plugin, we can also build a distribution with our Java application. This means that we can distribute the application, and people can run the Java application without Gradle. The plugin will create the necessary operating system-specific start scripts and package all the necessary classes and dependencies.

The following table shows the extra tasks that we can use with the application plugin to build a distribution:


Depends on






This creates operating system-specific scripts to run the Java application




This installs the application into a directory




This creates a full distribution ZIP archive, including all the necessary files to run the Java application




This creates a full distribution TAR archive, including all the necessary files to run the Java application

All tasks depend on the Jar task. In order to get a meaningful JAR filename, we set the archivesBaseName and version properties in our build file, as follows:

apply plugin: 'application' 
mainClassName = 'gradle.sample.SampleApp' 
archivesBaseName = 'gradle-sample' 
version = '1.0' 

To create the start scripts, we invoke the createScript task. After we have executed the task, we have two files, sample and sample.bat, in the build/scripts directory. The sample.bat file is for the Windows operating system and sample is for other operating systems, such as Linux or OS X.

To have all files that are needed to run the application in a separate directory, we must run the installDist task. When we execute the task, we get a sample directory in the build/install directory. The sample directory has a bin directory with the start scripts and a lib directory with the JAR file, containing the SampleApp application. We can change to the build/install/sample directory and then invoke bin/sample or bin/sample.bat to run our application:

$ gradle installDist
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
:startScripts UP-TO-DATE
Total time: 0.629 secs
$ cd build/install/sample
$ bin/sample
Welcome to Gradle.

To create a ZIP archive with all the necessary files, which would enable others to run the application, we run the distZip task. The resulting ZIP archive can be found in the build/distributions directory. We can distribute this ZIP file and people can unzip the archive on their computers to run the Java application, as follows:

$ gradle distZip
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
:startScripts UP-TO-DATE
Total time: 0.602 secs
$ jar tvf build/distributions/
0 Wed Dec 16 10:23:42 CET 2015 app-1.0/
0 Wed Dec 16 10:23:42 CET 2015 app-1.0/lib/
2064 Wed Dec 16 10:18:54 CET 2015 app-1.0/lib/gradle-sample-1.0.jar
0 Wed Dec 16 10:23:42 CET 2015 app-1.0/bin/
4874 Wed Dec 16 10:18:54 CET 2015 app-1.0/bin/sample
2329 Wed Dec 16 10:18:54 CET 2015 app-1.0/bin/sample.bat

To create a Tar archive, we use the distTar task.

If we want to add other files to the distribution, we can create the src/dist directory and place the files in there. Any files in the src/dist directory are included in the distribution ZIP archive. To include files from another directory, we can use the applicationDistribution copy specification.

The following sample build file uses the applicationDistribution copy specification to include the output of the docs task. Gradle will automatically execute the docs task before invoking the distZip task:

apply plugin: 'application' 
archivesBaseName = 'gradle-sample' 
version = '1.0' 
mainClassName = 'gradle.sample.SampleApp' 
task docs { 
    ext { 
        docsDir = 'docs' 
        docsResultDir = file("$buildDir/$docsDir") 
    // Assign directory to task outputs. 
    outputs.dir docsResultDir 
    doLast { 
        new File(docsResultDir, 'README').write('Please read me.') 
applicationDistribution.from(docs) { 
    // Directory in distribution ZIP archive. 
    into 'docs' 
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