
Note: ‘f’ following a page number indicates a figure.

action, 267; allowing actions to complete before cutting camera, 234; axis of action, 151153, 268269; continuity of, 208; excess overlapping, 209; matching speed of, 208209; overlapping action, 208, 209, 281; using pan and tilt tripod head for following, 206, 207f

action line, 151153; see also axis of action; imaginary line; 180 degree line

acts, 144, 145f, 267

aesthetics, 5, 268

amateur videos, 169

angle of incidence, 131, 268

angle of view, 228, 235, 268

angles on action, 45, 268

animatics, 26

ANSI rating, 116

answering shots, 57, 69, 157159; see also matching shots

aperture, 103, 104, 117, 268

archive film, 241

art directors, 219, 265

art history, 259

artificial light, 114115, 258, 268

ASA rating, 116

aspect ratio, 4, 57, 268; 4:3 aspect ratio, 267; see also frame size

assistant directors, 266

atmosphere/atmospherics, 9394, 268

attention, 150, 268

audience, what to show your audience, 3

Auto Focus, 103

axis of action, 151153, 268269; see also action line; imaginary line; 180 degree rule; sight lines

background, 9091, 269

back light, 128, 129f, 132133, 269

basic shots, 1121, 22f; big close-up shots, 12f, 20; bust shots, 18; choker shots, 12f, 20; close-up shots see close-up shots; extreme close-up shots, 12f, 22f; extreme long shots, 12f, 13; extreme wide shots, 12f, 13; full shots, 15; long shots see long shots; medium close-up shots see medium close-up shots; medium shots, 89, 12f, 17, 22f, 279; very long shots, 12f, 14, 37f; very wide shots, 12f, 14, 37f; wide shots see wide shots

BCU see big close-up shots

big close-up shots, 12f, 20

binocular vision, 76, 269; see also human visual system

bird’s-eye view, 58

blocking, 166, 269

blue, 219

blue screen, 238

books for filmmakers, 261263

boom arm, 176, 269

boom operator, 266

booms, 178f

break frames, 17, 269

breaking the fourth wall, 38, 275

b-roll, 240, 269

bust shots, 18

camera(s), 2, 4; allowing actions to complete before cutting camera, 234; allowing enough time to record each shot, 232; handheld cameras, 168169, 175; rolling camera, 232, 233f

camera angles, 4561, 269; 3/4 back view, 53; 3/4 view, 51; 360 degrees method, 4647, 48f; camera position method, 5054; clock face method, 49, 50f; frontal view, 50, 51f; full back view, 5354; horizontal, 4654; matching, 214215; profile view, 52; vertical, 5461

camera aperture, 103, 104, 117, 268

camera assistants, 101, 180, 186, 265

camera in motion, 168174

camera lenses, 95105; fish-eye lenses, 100, 274; lens focus, 101103; lens perspective, 97101; normal lenses, 280; prime lenses, 96, 282; prime vs zooms, 9596; taking lens, 286; wide angle lenses, 98, 236; zoom lenses see zoom lenses

camera movement, 168174; equipment, 175181

camera operators, 2, 101, 180, 265, 269

camera person, 2, 265, 269

camera position method, 5054

camera set-up, 270

camera shake, 235

camera support, 168, 270

camera-to-subject distance, and depth of field, 194195

canted angle see Dutch angle

catch light see eye light

charge-coupled devices (CCDs), 114, 270

chiaroscuro, 258, 270

choker shots, 12f, 20

chromakey, 238, 239f

chrominance, 116

Cinemascope, 6

cinematographers, 265

clean single, 270; see also dirty single

clock face method, 49, 50f

close-up shots, 10, 12f, 19, 22f, 198199, 270; big close-up shots, 12f; examples of, 12f; extreme close-up shots, 12f, 22f; eye-line directions, 204, 205f; medium close-up shots, 12f, 22f; wide lenses and, 236

CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor), 114, 270

color(s), 126127, 219; correcting or mixing colors on set, 115

color balance, 114

color saturation, 126

color temperature, 113, 270

communication, with talent, 188, 189f

complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), 114, 270

composition, 3374, 271; camera angles, 4561; definition of, 33; framing human subjects, 3537; look room, 4041; rule of thirds, 4243, 44f; subjective versus objective shooting styles, 3839; three-shot, 7071; two-shots, 6269

continuity, 271; of action, 208; of performance, 146; of screen direction, 147149; traps, 222, 223f

contrast, 124, 271

contrast ratio, 130, 271

cool light, 113

coverage, 23, 271

cover set, 255

Cowboy shot see medium long shots

crab, 177

crab dollies, 177, 179f

cranes, 181, 271

crane shots, 181

crew positions, 265266

critical plane of focus, 194, 271

crossing the line, 154155, 271; see also jumping the line

CU see close-up shots

curved lines, 87, 88f

cutaway shots, 216, 271

cutting camera, allowing actions to complete before cutting camera, 234

daylight balance, 114, 272

deep focus techniques, 194

degrees Kelvin, 113, 272

depth, 272

depth cues, 9294; atmosphere, 9394; object size, 9293; overlapping, 92

depth of field (DOF), 101, 103105, 272; camera-to-subject distance, 194195; controlling, 194195; focal length and, 194, 228; illumination and, 119, 120f, 194; shallow, 235; size and sensitivity of the recording medium, 195

depth of film space, 8990; background, 9091; foreground, 89, 90f; middle ground, 90; to stage shots with several people, 224, 225f

desaturation, 126, 219, 272

developing shots, 180

diagonal lines, 8287

dialogue scenes: matching camera angles, 214215; matching two-shots in three-person dialogue scenes, 226, 227f

digital zoom, 272

direct address, 38, 272

directional light, 121

direction, lines of, 150

director of photography (DP or DOP), 265, 272

directors, 265; art directors, 219, 265; assistant directors, 266

direct-to-camera two-shots, 6566

dirty single, 6869, 273; see also clean single

distracting objects, 220, 221f

documentary filming, being discrete during, 244

dollies, 176177, 178f, 273

dolly grips, 266

dolly shots, 230, 231f

domestic cutoff, 190, 273

DSLR HD video cameras, 103

Dutch angle, 82, 273

Dutch tilt see Dutch angle

dynamic shots, 165183

editors, 266

electric, 266

ELS see extreme long shots

emulsions films: color balance, 114; frames per second, 167

end frames, 173174, 273

equipment: camera movement, 175181; knowledge of, 256

establishing shots, 13, 273

etiquette, 255

EWS see extreme wide shots

exposure, 117119, 120f, 194, 273

exposure index (EU), 116

exposure time, 118

exterior, 274

extreme close-up shots, 12f, 21, 22f

extreme long shots, 12f, 13

extreme wide shots, 12f, 13

eye light, 200, 201f, 274

eye-line match, 160, 161f, 274

eye lines, direction in close shots, 204, 205f

eyes, subjects, 202, 203f

eye twinkle see eye light

face focus, 36

fast motion, 167

field of view, 235


profile 2-shots see profile two-shots


shots see profile two-shots fill light, 128, 129f, 274

film gauge, 4, 274

filmmakers, 2

film noir, 274

film production, phases of, 27

film space, 274

filters, neutral density filters (ND filters), 104, 118, 280

fish-eye lenses, 100, 236, 274

focal length, 95, 96, 274275; and depth of field, 194, 228; long, 235; short focal length to reduce handheld camera shake, 235

focus, 101103, 180, 192, 193f, 275; Auto Focus, 103; critical plane of focus, 194, 271; deep focus techniques, 194; face focus, 36; following focus, 103105, 275; pulling focus, 103105, 282; pushing focus, 283; racking focus, 283

following focus, 103105, 275

foreground, 89, 90f, 275

foreshortening, 56, 275

4:3 aspect ratio, 267

fourth wall, 38, 147, 275

frames, 147, 275; break frames, 17, 269; choosing, 45; end frames, 173174, 273; headroom in, 3537; placing important objects in the top half of, 218; start frames, 173, 285

frame size, 4; see also aspect ratio

frontal shooting, 50, 51f

front lighting, 131132, 275

f-stop, 95, 96

full back view, 5354

full shots, 15

gaffer, 265

gain control, 118

gaze, 150

geared heads, 175, 276

gels, 219, 276

general guidelines, 185247

genres, 38, 276

God view (bird’s eye view), 58

golden hour, 276

grammar, definition of, 2

Grammar of the Edit, 143

green screen, 238

grey scale, 117

grip equipment, 137

grips, 266, 276; key grip, 265

handheld camera, 168169, 175

handheld camera shake, 235

hard lights, 121122, 137, 276

HD see high definition

head of shots, 232, 276

headroom, 3637, 196, 197f, 276

head shots see close-up shots

high angle shots, 56, 276277; of an environment, 5758; of an individual, 56; as a point-of-view, 57

high contrast images, 124

high definition, 5, 190, 277

high-end video productions, frames per second, 167

high key lighting, 125, 277

HMIs, 115, 277

hood mount, 277

horizon line, 7880, 277

horizontal camera angles, 4654

hues, 126

human subjects: cutting the face in half, 42f; framing, 3537

human visual system, 84, 102, 110, 172, 269; and the illusion of the third dimension, 76; proper focus, 192; response to brightness, color and movement, 166; see also binocular vision

illumination, and depth of field, 119, 120f, 194

illusion of three-dimensions, 7677

image capture, 167

imaginary line, 151153, 277

IMAX ®, 6

interior, 277

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 116

interviews, talking head interviews, 198, 242, 243f

iris, 95, 194, 277

jib arm, 278

jibs, 181

jib shots, 181

jump cuts, 157, 278

jumping the line, 154155, 278; see also crossing the line

Kelvin scale, 113, 272

key grips, 265; see also grips

key light, 128, 129f, 278

kicker light, 132, 278

knee shots (medium long shots), 12f, 16, 22f

LEDs, 115

legs, 176, 278

lens axis, 38, 278

lenses, 4, 54; fish-eye lenses, 100, 274; focus, 101103; height, 54; normal lenses, 280; perspective, 97101; prime lenses, 96, 282; and shooting close-up shots, 236; short focal length lenses to reduce handheld camera shake, 235; taking lenses, 286; wide angle lenses, 98, 236, 237f; zoom lenses see zoom lenses

life light see eye light

light(s), 109141, 258; artificial light, 114115, 258, 268; back light, 128, 129f, 132133, 269; from behind, 132133; controlling, 137; cool light, 113; and depth of field, 194; directional light, 121; as an element of composition, 110111; as energy, 112; exposure and quality of, 117119, 120f; eye light, 200, 201f, 274; fill light, 128, 129f, 274; front lighting, 131132, 275; hard lights, 121122, 137, 276; high key lighting, 125, 277; key light, 128, 129f, 278; kicker light, 132, 278; under lighting, 133, 134f; light meter, 278; low key lighting, 124, 125f, 279; motivated lighting, 130131, 280; natural light, 114115, 258, 280; point source lights, 121, 282; rim light, 132, 283; sensitivity and quality of, 116; set and location, 135136; side lighting, 132, 284; soft light, 122, 123f, 137, 284; sources of, 133; three-point lighting method, 128, 129f, 286; top lighting, 133, 134f; warm light, 113

light flares, 258

lighting ratio, 130

light meter, 118, 278

light quality, hard versus soft, 121122, 123f

lines, 7887, 88f, 150, 151f, 278; curved lines, 87, 88f; diagonal lines, 8287; of direction, 150; Dutch angle, 82; horizon line, 7880; vertical lines, 8081

location lighting, 135136

locked off shots, 8, 279

long shots, 8, 12f, 15, 22f, 279; with proper headroom, 37f; with a single human subject, 9f; very long shots, 12f, 14

looking room see look room

look room, 4041, 279; on shots that will edit together, 213

low angle shots, 58, 279; of an environment, 5961; of an individual, 5859; as a point-of-view, 59

low contrast images, 124

lower third titles, 191f, 279

low key lighting, 124, 125f, 279

LS see long shots

luminance, 116

macrophotography, 195

magic hour see golden hour

Manual Focus, 103

Master Scene Technique, 2324

master shots, 23

matching shots, 146149, 157159, 160f, 279

MCU see medium close-up shots

medium close-up shots, 12f, 18, 22f; with eyes looking away from lens axis, 39f; with headroom, 36f

medium long shots, 12f, 16, 22f

medium shots, 89, 12f, 17, 22f, 279

middle ground, 90, 280

mid shot see medium shots

MLS see medium long shots

monocular vision (camera lens), 280

MOS, 187, 280

motion, camera in motion, 168174

motion imagery, 2

motion picture, 2

motivated lighting, 130131, 280

movement of subjects, 166

MS see medium shots

music videos, 169

natural light, 114115, 258, 280

negative space, 40, 280

neutral angle shots, 55

neutral density filters (ND filters), 104, 118, 280

normal lens, 280

nose room, 4041; see also look room

objective shooting, 3839, 280

object size, 9293

oblique angle see Dutch angle 180

degree line, 216, 217f, 267; see also axis of action; 180 degree rule; sight lines

180 degree rule, 151153, 267; see also 180 degree line

organization, 186

OTS see over-the-shoulder shots

overcranking, 167

overexposure, 118, 119f, 281

overheads, 210, 211f, 281

overlapping action, 92, 208, 281; excess of, 209

over-the-shoulder shots, 53, 158, 160f, 281; three-shots, 71; two-shots, 6667, 68f

paintings, 259

pan, 169172, 281; for following action, 206, 207f; shooting the tilt and, 173174; and tilt head, 175

pan handles, 175, 281

performance: continuity of, 146; quality of, 146

period pieces, 136

planning what to show your audience, 3

point of critical focus, 101

point-of-view (POV), 57, 59, 281; see also over-the-shoulder shots

point source light, 121, 282

post-production phase, 27, 282

power dynamic two-shots, 69

practicals, 135, 282

pre-production phase, 27, 210, 282

presentation speed, 167

prime lenses, 96, 282

principal photography, 27, 282

production designers, 219

production phase, 27, 144, 282

professional behavior, 255

profile two-shots, 6263, 64f, 267

profile view, 52

proscenium style, 282

pulling focus, 103105, 282

punch-in, 282

pushing focus, 283

quality, of performance, 146

racking focus, 283; see also pulling focus railroad tracks, 8384, 286

reciprocating imagery, 157159, 160f; see also matching shots

red, 219

research, 259

resources for filmmakers, 261263

reveal of information, 283

reverse view see full back view

rim lights, 132, 283

rolling camera, 232, 233f

rule of thirds, 4243, 44f, 283

rules and guidelines, 250

safe action line, 283

safe action zone, 190

safe title area, 190

sandbags, 176

saturated colors, 126

scenes, 145f, 283; matching shots in, 146149, 157159, 160f, 279

screen direction, 283; continuity of, 147149; lines, 150

screenwriters, 265

script analysis, 25

script breakdown, 25

scripts, 25, 2829

Script Supervisor, 23

SD see standard definition

2nd Unit, 240

sensitivity, of video camera digital imager, 195

set lighting, 135136

set-up, 25

shooting: for editing, 143163, 251; frontal shooting, 50, 51f; the pan and the tilt, 173174

shooting ratio, 212, 284

shooting styles, subjective versus objective, 3839

short focal length, 235

shot lists, 2526, 210, 211f, 284

shot-reverse-shots, 214, 215f, 284

shots, 284; allowing actions to complete before cutting camera, 234; allowing enough time to record each shot, 232, 233f; bust shots, 18; close-up shots see close-up shots; crane shots, 181; cutaway shots, 216, 271; developing shots, 180; direct-to-camera two-shots, 6566; distracting objects, 220, 221f; dolly shots, 230, 231f; dynamic shots, 165183; enticing the entire story, 252; establishing shots, 13, 273; frontal shooting, 50, 51f; full shots, 15; head of, 232, 276; high angle shots see high angle shots; jib shots, 181; knee shots see medium long shots; locked off, 8; long shots see long shots; low angle shots see low angle shots; master shots, 23; matching shots in scenes, 146149, 157159, 160f, 279; medium shots see medium shots; neutral angle shots, 55; reasons for different types of, 2324; of several people, 224, 225f; shot-reverse-shots, 214, 215f, 284; slating shots, 233f; straight-to-camera shots, 202; tail of, 232; three-shots, 7071; types, 810; very long shots, 12f, 14; very wide shots, 12f, 14; waist shots, 17; wide shots, 8, 9f, 12f, 15, 98

shutter speed, 118

side lighting, 132, 284

sight lines, 150, 284

silhouettes, 135, 284

size, of the camera digital imager, 195

slates, 186, 187f; noun definition, 284; verb definition, 284

slating shots, 233f

sliders, 177

slow motion, 167

soft light, 122, 123f, 137, 284

sound mixer, 266

speed, 232; presentation speed, 167

speed of action, 208209

spreader, 176, 284285

staging, 166, 285

standard definition, 5, 285

start frames, 173, 285

steadicam, 180181

sticks, 176, 285

still photography, 241

stock footage, 240

storyboards, 26, 210, 211f, 285

straight-to-camera shots, 202

studying what has already been done, 259

subjective shooting, 285; versus objective shooting styles, 3839

subjects: familiarity with, 257; in motion, 166; showing both eyes, 202, 203f

subtext, 34

sun, 121, 122

sunlight, 121, 122, 258

support, 176

synchronization, 186

syncing, 186

tail of shots, 232, 285

tail slate, 187, 285

takes, 26, 285286

taking lens, 286

taking pride in the quality of your work, 255

talent blocking, 166

talent movement, 166

talking head, 198, 242, 243f, 286

telephoto, 235

30 degree rule, 155157, 267

3/4 back view, 53

3/4 profile shots, 202

3/4 view (3/4/front, 3/4 profile), 51

360 degrees method, 4647, 48f

3D video cameras, 76

three-point lighting method, 128, 129f, 286

three-shots, 7071

tight close-up shots see big close-up shots

tilt, 169172, 286; shooting the pan and, 173174

tilt-pan, 170

tilt tripod head, for following action, 206, 207f

timecode, 186, 286

timecode syncing, 186

time, for the camera to record each shot, 232

top lighting, 133, 134f

tracking in, 177

tracking out, 177

tracks/rail, 8384, 286

tripod heads, 175, 206

tripods, 175176, 286

truck, 177180

trucking in, 177, 230, 231f, 286

trucking out, 177, 230, 231f, 286

tungsten balanced, 114, 286

tungsten lighting, 114

two-button shots see medium close-up shots two-shots, 6269, 287; direct-to-camera, 6566; dirty single, 6869; over-the-shoulder two-shots, 6667, 68f; power dynamic, 69; profile two-shots, 6263, 64f, 267; in three-person dialogue scenes, 226, 227f

undercranking, 167

underexposure, 118, 119f, 287

under lighting, 133, 134f

vanishing point, 8384, 287

vertical camera angles, 5461

vertical lines, 8081

very long shots, 12f, 14; with proper headroom, 37f

very wide shots, 12f, 14; with proper headroom, 37f

video format, 4, 287

viewers, keeping viewers involved as much as possible, 253254

visible spectrum, 112, 287

VistaVision, 6

visual plans, 3

voice slates, 186, 287

waist shots, 17

warm light, 113

web sites for filmmakers, 261

white balance, 114

wide angle lenses, 98; shooting close-up shots with, 236, 237f

wide angle shots, 98

wide screens, 6, 7

wide shots, 8, 12f, 15; with proper headroom, 37f; with a single human subject, 9f; very wide shots, 12f, 14

workflow, 5, 287

working practices, 185247

WS see wide shots

XLS see extreme long shots

XWD see extreme wide shots

zoom lenses, 97, 287; digital zoom, 272; manually focusing, 191; zooming during shots, 228, 229f

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