© Jeff Dalton 2019
Jeff DaltonGreat Big Agilehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4206-3_54

54. Scrum Wall/Scrum Board

Jeff Dalton1 
Waterford, MI, USA

A scrum wall/scrum board is a visual information radiator for displaying the current state of user stories and tasks within a team. Transparency is an important principle in scrum, and the scrum board is a way for a project to display what is being worked on, what is in progress, and what has been completed. If the team is at one location, then a physical scrum board is recommended, but distributed teams may wish to implement tools within popular agile application life-cycle management systems. The scrum board is continuously updated throughout each sprint.


Typical Roles

  • Agile Team

  • Scrum Master

Desired Behaviors

  1. 1.

    Identify a location for the scrum board. Ideally this is in a place that the team will be able to view it throughout the day.

  2. 2.

    Prepare a wall surface and gather needed supplies such as markers, sticky notes, and tape. Alternatively, magnetic cards can be used with aluminum white boards.

  3. 3.
    Identify the columns for the items that will be tracked. The columns that are generally used are:
    1. a.

      Sprint backlog.

    2. b.

      To do: Place for all cards that are not in the “Done” or “In Process” columns for the current sprint.

    3. c.

      Work in process (WIP): Any card currently being worked on goes in the WIP or “doing” column. Each team member self-subscribes to a story, and moves it to the WIP column when ready to start work on the story.

    4. d.

      Verify: Many tasks have corresponding test tasks stories. These are placed in the “verify” column.

    5. e.

      Done: Completed cards are moved to the “done” column and are removed at the end of the sprint.

  4. 4.

    Create a card for each user story in the current sprint.

  5. 5.

    Create a card for each task in the current sprint.

  6. 6.

    At any time, team members can update task information.

  7. 7.

    During the daily stand-up, the board should be updated by moving cards to the appropriate columns if required.

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