Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page



Foreword To Third Edition

Foreword to Earlier Editions


Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Aims and Objectives

1.2 Essential Features of HAZOP Study

Chapter 2. Process Hazard Studies

2.1 HS 1—Concept Stage Hazard Review

2.2 HS 2—HAZID at Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) or Project Definition Stage

2.3 HS 3—Detailed Design Hazard Study

2.4 HS 4—Construction/Design Verification

2.5 HS 5—Pre-Commissioning Safety Review

2.6 HS 6—Project Close-Out/Post Start-Up Review

2.7 HS 0—Consideration of Inherently Safer or Less Polluting Systems

2.8 HS 7—Demolition/Abandonment Reviews

2.9 Overview of Hazard Studies

2.10 Illustrative Checklist for HS 2

Chapter 3. The HAZOP Study Method

3.1 Essential Features

3.2 The Purpose

3.3 Limitations

Chapter 4. The Detailed HAZOP Study Procedure

4.1 The Description and Design Intention

4.2 Generating a Deviation

4.3 Identifying Causes

4.4 Evaluating Consequences

4.5 Safeguards (Protection)

4.6 Risk Assessment

4.7 Recommendations/Actions

4.8 Recording

4.9 Continuing and Completing the Analysis

4.10 An Illustration of the HAZOP Study Process

Chapter 5. Organizing a HAZOP Study

5.1 Defining the Scope and Objectives of the Study and Establishing the Boundaries

5.2 Appointing a Team Leader and Selecting the Team

5.3 Preparation

Chapter 6. Carrying Out a Study

6.1 Premeeting with Client

6.2 Planning the Meetings

6.3 The Study Meetings

6.4 Coordinating and Reviewing Responses

6.5 Completing and Signing Off the Report(s)

6.6 Follow-Up of Actions and Management of Change

Chapter 7. Recording and Auditing

7.1 Background Information

7.2 Section Headings

7.3 The Recording Format for the Detailed Examination

7.4 The Level of Recording

7.5 The Content

7.6 Computer Recording

7.7 Auditing a HAZOP Study

Chapter 8. Training

8.1 Team Members

8.2 Scribe

8.3 Team Leader

Chapter 9. Company Procedures for HAZOP Study

Chapter 10. Advanced Aspects of HAZOP Study

10.1 HAZOP Study of Computer-Controlled Processes

10.2 Human Factors

10.3 Linking HAZOP Studies to LOPA

Chapter 11. Specific Applications of HAZOP

11.1 Modification of Existing Operations

11.2 Repeat Designs—HAZOP-by-difference

11.3 Periodic Hazard Studies and the HAZOP of an Existing Plant

11.4 Operating Procedures

11.5 Pilot Plant and Laboratory Operations

11.6 Drains, Vents, and Other Interconnections Between Plants

11.7 Commissioning and Decommissioning

11.8 Start-Up and Shutdown

11.9 Construction and Demolition

11.10 Contract Operations

Chapter 12. Factors for a Successful HAZOP Study

12.1 Throughout the Study

12.2 Before the Study

12.3 During the Study

12.4 After the Study

Appendix 1. The Guideword-First Approach to HAZOP

Appendix 2. The Use of Checklists Within HAZOP Study

Appendix 3. An Illustration of HAZOP Study for a Continuous Operation

A3.1 Methanol Injection

A3.2 General Process Data

A3.3 The Issues

A3.4 Methodology

Appendix 4. An Illustration of HAZOP Study for a Batch Operation

A4.1 Introduction

A4.2 The Company, Site, Plant, and Process

A4.3 The Process Stages Selected for HAZOP Study

A4.4 HAZOP Study of Steps 9 and 10, the Reaction Stage and Workout

A4.5 A Section of the HAZOP Study Report for the Batch Reaction (See Table A4.1)

Appendix 5. An Illustration of HAZOP Study for a Procedure

A5.1 Background

A5.2 Detailed Proposed Sequence

A5.3 The HAZOP Study

A5.4 Final HAZOP Study Report

A5.5 Authors Notes on this Procedure

Acronyms and Abbreviations

References and Bibliography



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