
accents, 164, 166, 167, 168169, 176

access-and-legitimacy paradigm, 3, 1114, 16

Access Capital International, 1214

accountability theory, 39

action learning, 83, 94

adaptation, to cultural differences, 166, 171, 172, 173174

ADHD, 150, 151

affirmative action, 6, 16, 58, 64, 88

African-American Forum, 95

African Americans

assets brought by, 3

burden of care for female, 91

career advancement and, 50

college recruitment and, 37

diversity management and, 2

in financial industry, 29

in management positions, 43

mentoring programs and, 37, 5862, 72

See also minority professionals; people of color

age-friendly strategies, 139, 145

ageism, 140143

aging population, 137147

Airbnb, 146

antidiscrimination laws, 96

Ascend Foundation, 47, 48, 49

Asian Americans, 3, 4, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 4749

assignments, 75, 105, 120, 122

assimilation, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 16

Austin, Robert D., 149162

authority, 170

autism spectrum disorder, 149155 See also neurodiversity

Bank of America, 29, 43

behavioral styles, 134135

Behfar, Kristin, 163179

Bernanke, Ben, 137

Best Buy, 115


determining problem of, 116119

diversity managers and, 43

diversity training and, 3132

elimination of, 3032, 36, 37

experience of, 5152

gender, 50, 113136

hidden, 81, 8789, 93

identifying key metrics on, 119120

impact of, 54

interrupters, 114116, 120123

in performance reviews, 30, 3334, 53, 54, 121, 122

racial, 4551

research on, 47, 5051

BMW, 145

Booz Allen Hamilton, 93

Bourdieu, Pierre, 84

Brett, Jeanne, 163179

brogrammer culture, 120

Brooks Brothers, 144

Brown, Cathy, 181187

bureaucratic organizations, 7, 19

career trajectories

fast-track, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 70, 76

of minorities, 5769, 7577

for neurodiverse employees, 158

of white professionals, 50, 58, 6063, 6769

of women, 125136

care responsibilities, 8283, 86, 9192, 9899, 106

Carter, Nancy M., 125136

Center for Talent Innovation, 81, 95

Center for WorkLife Law, 120, 121

Center for the Future of Aging, 140

class action lawsuits, 29

Coca-Cola, 37

cognitive dissonance, 3536

cognitive diversity, 55. See also neurodiversity

college recruitment programs, 3536, 37, 4041

color-blind, gender-blind ideal, 7, 11

coming out in workplace, 181187

communication styles, 164165, 166, 168

community service, 7996

company mission, 1819, 26, 93

compensation, 20, 83, 92, 120, 122123, 126, 138

competence, 6466, 116, 132, 165, 168

competitive advantage

aging population and, 137147

diversity and, 12

neurodiversity as, 149162

compulsory training, 3132

confidence, 6465, 69, 97, 99, 101103, 105108

confidence intervals, 53

confirmation bias, 107

contact, 31, 3738

continual learning, 111

cross-functional teams, 5455

cross-race mentoring relationships, 61, 7073

cross-training, 38, 40

cultural backgrounds, 5, 15, 23, 94, 165

cultural capital, 80, 8385, 86, 8990, 9496

cultural competencies, 13, 2324

cultural differences

acknowledgment of, 1617

in attitude toward hierarchy, 166, 170

in communication styles, 164165, 166, 168

in decision-making norms, 166, 170171

interventions for, 165, 166167, 171177

language issues, 166, 168169

management of, 13

in multicultural teams, 163166, 168171

role of, 12

CVS “Snowbird” program, 144

data-driven decision making, 46, 5255

decision-making norms, 166, 170171

Deloitte, 4243, 150

Delta Manufacturing, 25

Delta Sigma Theta, 82, 90

demographic transformation, 137147

dependency ratio, 140141

Deutsche Bank, 127, 133134

Dewey & Levin, 1516, 17, 21

differentiation, 3, 4, 16

direct communication, 164165, 166, 168


identity-group, 25

lawsuits, 29

racial, 811, 29, 4546

sex, 29

See also bias

discrimination-and-fairness paradigm, 3, 611, 16


approaches to, 327

assumptions about, 2

benefits of, 12

class-based, 20

command-and-control approach to, 3031

embracing, 83

financial incentives for, 92

holistic view of, 23

leadership and, 1718, 2127

LGBTIQ+ workers, 181187

management of, 2

neurodiversity, 149162

paradigm shift toward, 1727

as priority, 57

in tech industry, 113124

work styles and, 2123

diversity industrial complex, 114, 124

diversity managers, 41, 4243

diversity programs

reasons for failure of, 2943

results from, 1

successful, 4041

diversity task forces, 39, 41, 42, 43

diversity training, 3032, 4041

Dobbin, Frank, 2943

dominance, 5, 2426

double bind, 134135

dyslexia, 150, 151

dyspraxia, 150, 151

E*Trade, 142

Eisenhower, Dwight, 37

Ellison, Ralph Waldo, 95

Ely, Robin J., 127, 97112


background cultural experience of, 2324

coming out in workplace, 181187

empowerment of, 18, 20

expectations for, 18

exploitation of, 14

incorporating diverse perspectives of, 1517

neurodiverse, 149162

older, 137147

young, 145, 146

engagement, 3537, 38, 40, 145, 150, 160

English language, 5, 16, 167, 168169, 176

equal employment opportunities, 57, 58

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 6, 34

equality, 10, 29, 100

equal treatment, 78, 10

ergonomics, 145

exit strategy, for cultural differences, 165, 167, 171, 172, 173, 177

exploitation, 14

extended families, 8081, 8283, 86, 9192

Facebook, 43, 54, 55, 113

failures, reactions to, 104, 105106

fairness, 611, 34, 116

faith-based work, 8788

family responsibilities, 8283, 86, 9192, 9899, 106

fast-track opportunities, 62, 63, 64, 66, 70, 76

feedback, 106111, 127, 132, 163

female executives

challenges faced by, 8182

opportunities for minority, 88, 96

outside lives of, 7996

See also women

Fenwick & West, 115

financial incentives, for diversity, 92

financial industry, 2930

First Interstate Bank, 1920

flexible schedules, 81, 82, 91, 118, 144, 146

fundamental attribution error, 107

fusion, 174

gender bias

promotions and, 50, 125136

in tech industry, 113124

gender stereotypes, 97112

General Electric, 81, 95

Getting into the Skin program, 93

glass ceiling, 47, 4849, 118

global executives, 82, 8687

Global Human Capital Trends study, 142

Goldman Sachs, 49, 83, 94

Google, 43, 113, 123, 119, 121

grievance procedures, 30, 3435, 40, 48

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), 150, 151, 152, 153, 156160

hidden bias, 81, 8789, 93

Hidden Brain Drain, 81

hierarchy, 5, 164, 166, 170, 174, 178

hiring decisions

bias in, 4546, 47, 5051

gender neutral, 121122

neurodiverse candidates and, 156157

hiring tests, 30, 3233, 40


assets brought by, 3

career advancement and, 32, 47, 50

college recruitment and, 37

diversity management and, 2

in financial industry, 29

mentoring programs and, 37

See also minority professionals; people of color

Home Depot, 144

Ibarra, Herminia, 125136

IBM, 127, 135, 142, 150

identity groups, 2, 11, 15, 17, 21, 2324, 25

inclusion, 9293

indirect communication, 135, 164165, 166, 168

in-group favoritism, 120

innovation, 146, 154, 162

insider information, 3

integration paradigm, 3, 5, 1517

investment banks, 1114, 29, 33

Irving, Paul, 137147

Iversen Dunham, 811, 2123

job advertisements, 121122

job interviews, 33, 46, 151, 154, 155, 156157

junior staff, relationships with, 74

Kalev, Alexandra, 2943

Kern, Mary C., 163179

language fluency, 165, 166, 168169, 176

lawsuits, 29, 30


attitude toward diversity of, 1718, 2127

changes in, 2

LGBTIQ+ issues and, 185186

minority executives and, 7996

off-the-job development of, 8096

style, 2123, 2526, 134135

valuing of, 79

learning-and-effectiveness paradigm, 45, 1517, 2127

learning opportunities, 18

legal profession, 49

legitimacy, 1114, 88

Lehman Brothers, 83, 92, 102

LGBTIQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer) people, 143, 181187

Life Alert ad, 142

longevity strategy, 139147

managerial interventions, for cultural differences, 164, 167, 171, 172, 173, 176177


diversity, 41, 4243

diversity programs and, 3543

diversity training for, 32

hiring tests and, 3233

mentoring by, 3637

mandatory training, 32, 38, 40, 43

marginalization, impact of, 5152

market segmentation, 12

Mastiff, 2123, 2526

maternity leave, 100, 120


confidence and, 101

gender stereotypes and, 97112

mentoring and, 128131

negotiation skills of, 101

risk taking and, 101104


challenges, 61, 6975

classical, 132

coordination of, 133134

cross-race issues, 61, 7073

developmental, 6970

effectiveness of, 3637, 41

environment for success and, 7577

instructional, 69

men and, 128131

minorities, 5777

network management and, 7375

relationships with, 71

sponsorship, 74, 127136

women and, 125136


characteristics of, 132

identification and, 71

networks of, 9495

relationships with, 6263, 6566, 68

role modeling by, 71, 73

role of, 5758, 6970

mere exposure effect, 107

meritocracy, 113

Merrill Lynch, 29, 43

meta-analysis, 101, 102103

Microsoft, 150, 151, 159, 160


environment for success for, 7577

mentoring, 5777

recruitment of, 57

See also people of color

minority professionals

burden of care for female, 91

career trajectories of, 5769, 7577

challenges faced by, 8182

community experiences of, 8385

community work of, 8396

cultural capital of, 8385, 86, 8990, 9496

family responsibilities of, 8283

leadership development and, 7996

mentoring for, 9495

opportunities for, 96

outside lives of, 7996

recruitment of, 9293

retention of, 83, 95

mission, 1819

mistakes, reactions to, 105106

Morgan Stanley, 29

motherhood, 118119, 120

multiculturalism, 11

multicultural teams, 163179

assessing circumstances for, 171172

attitudes toward hierarchy and authority in, 166, 170

challenges faced by, 164165, 168171, 177179

cultural differences in, 163166, 168171

decision-making norms and, 166, 170171

interventions for, 165, 166167, 171177

language issues on, 168169

subgroups on, 175176

multigenerational workforce, 137147

National Institutes of Health, 144

Native Americans, 3, 48

negative incentives, 31

negative stereotypes, 54, 65, 70, 141142, 175


salary, 114, 116117

skills, 101, 104, 106


management of, 61, 68, 7375, 94

women and, 104106, 130

neurodiversity, 149162

niche markets, 2, 3, 12, 14

Nissan, 145

office housework, 117, 120

off-the-job leadership development, 8096

older workers, 137147

O’Leary, Jane, 181187

openness, 18, 2324

organizational culture, 18, 2223, 123

organizational effectiveness, diversity and, 12

organizational structure, 19

organizational trust, 5, 2627

paradigm shift

company examples of, 1927

preconditions for making, 1719

peer relationships, 74

peer resentment, of mentoring relationships, 7172

people analytics, 46, 5255

people of color

assets brought by, 3

career advancement and, 4750, 5769

college recruitment programs and, 3536, 37, 41

diversity management and, 2

expectations for, 18

experiences of bias of, 5152

opportunities for, 12

performance ratings and, 34

self-perception of, 5051

See also minorities; minority professionals

people with disabilities, jobs for, 156

performance evaluations

bias in, 30, 3334, 53, 54, 121, 122

for neurodiverse employees, 158

objective, 54

for women, 107108

personal growth, 18, 60, 6364, 80

personality traits, 107

personal lives, of minority professionals, 7996

Pfizer, 146

phased retirements, 144

Pisano, Gary P., 149162

Pitney Bowes, 82, 90

PNC Financial Group, 146

Postmates, 142

prejudice, 6, 32, 72, 172

professional growth, 6367


gender bias and, 122123, 125136

race and, 4749

protective hesitation, 72

qualitative analysis, 5355

quantitative analysis, 5355

racial bias, 3738, 4546, 4751

racial discrimination, 811, 29, 4546

recruitment, 6, 3537, 57, 9293

Red Ventures, 5051, 53

religious organizations, 79, 80, 81, 86, 8788

retention, 6, 83, 95, 99, 140, 156

retirement age, 137147

risk taking, 101104, 106, 111

role modeling, 71, 73

safe harbors, 92

salary negotiations, 114, 116117

sample size (n), 46, 53

SAP, 150154, 156160, 161, 162

self-assessments, 5051, 5354, 74, 125

self-managed teams, 30, 38, 40

self-perception, 5051

sex differences, 97112

sex discrimination, 29

sexism, 118119

sexual harassment, 118

sexual identity, 181187

Silicon Valley, 30, 47, 4849, 155

Silva, Christine, 125136

silver tsunami, 140141

skills shortages, 153

Smith Barney, 29

social accountability, 30, 39, 4243

social anxiety disorders, 150

social partners, 156

socioeconomic class, 20

soft skills, 157

Specialisterne, 155, 156157

Specialist People Foundation, 155

sponsors, 5777, 127136

sponsorship, 74, 127136

Steelcase, 144


gender, 97112

negative, 54, 65, 70

older workers and, 140143

Stouffer, Samuel, 3738

structural interventions, for cultural differences, 165, 167, 171, 172, 175176

style compliance issues, 8788

subgroups, 167, 172, 175176

subordination, 2426

support systems, for neurodiverse employees, 157158

talent management, 155160


cross-functional, 5455

multicultural, 163179

self-managed, 30, 38, 40

tech industry

bias in, 4750

culture of, 113, 120

diversity issues in, 30, 113124

neurodiversity in, 155160

women in, 113124

telecommuting, 81, 82, 91, 144

Thomas, David A., 127, 5777

Thomas, R. Roosevelt, Jr., 3132

Time Warner, 8182, 9193, 96

Tinsley, Catherine H., 97112

T-Mobile, 142

Torinno Food Company, 2324

training, 156157

Trau, Raymond, 181187

trust, 5, 2627, 51, 61, 65, 73, 80

Twitter, 115

two-tournament system, 5969, 76

underrepresented groups, 4546, 47, 50, 53

Unilever, 81, 93, 127, 133

United States Army, 7, 3738

U.S. labor force, 143

voluntary training, 32, 40

volunteer work, 7996

white professionals, career trajectories of, 50, 58, 6063, 6769

Williams, Joan C., 113124

Williams, Maxine, 4555


assets brought by, 3

backlash against assertive, 118

challenges faced by, 8182

college recruitment programs and, 3536, 37, 40

confidence and, 101, 105108

conflicts among, 119

differential conditions faced by, 104108

diversity management and, 2

double bind for, 134135

expectations for, 18

in financial industry, 29

gender stereotypes and, 97112

lack of feedback for, 106108

in management positions, 43

mentoring and, 125136

motherhood bias and, 118119, 120

negotiation skills of, 101

office housework and, 117, 120

opportunities for, 12, 96

outside lives of, 7996

performance ratings and, 34

risk taking and, 101104, 106

in tech industry, 113124

women of color

leadership development and, 7996

opportunities for, 96


coming out in workplace, 181187

neurodiverse, 149162

See also employees

workforce, aging of, 137147

work/life balance, 9899, 133


accommodations, 150, 155

creating inclusive, 186187

reimagining, 145

workplace diversity. See diversity

workplace relationships, 24

work styles, 2123

workweek, 144

Xerox, 145

young workers, 139, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146

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