

Plan well.

Section 1: AUDIENCE

Know your audience and build empathy.

Understand the Audience’s Power

Your idea’s fate is in their hands.

Segment the Audience

Focus on who matters most.

Present Clearly and Concisely to Senior Executives

Help them make big decisions on a tight schedule.

Get to Know Your Audience

It’s easier to convince someone you know.

Define How You’ll Change the Audience

What do you want people to believe? How do you want them to behave?

Find Common Ground

Resonate through empathy.

Section 2: MESSAGE

Develop persuasive content.

Define Your Big Idea

Clearly state your point of view—and what’s at stake.

Generate Content to Support the Big Idea

When you’re brainstorming, more is more.

Anticipate Resistance

Think through opposing perspectives.

Amplify Your Message Through Contrast

Create and resolve tension.

Build an Effective Call to Action

Get things done!

Choose Your Best Ideas

Sort and filter.

Organize Your Thoughts

Outline your presentation by writing clear, active slide titles that hang together.

Balance Analytical and Emotional Appeal

Stay credible while you reel people in.

Lose the Jargon

Is your language clear enough to pass the “grandmother test”?

Craft Sound Bites

Good ones get repeated, tweeted, and heeded.

Section 3: STORY

Use storytelling principles and structure to engage your audience.

Apply Storytelling Principles

Make your presentation stick.

Create a Solid Structure

Storytelling principles provide a framework.

Craft the Beginning

Establish the gap between what is and what could be.

Develop the Middle

Build tension between what is and what could be.

Make the Ending Powerful

Describe the new bliss.

Add Emotional Texture

Decisions are not made by facts alone.

Use Metaphors as Your Glue

Memorable themes help rally an audience.

Create Something They’ll Always Remember

Drive your big idea home.

Section 4: MEDIA

Identify the best modes for communicating your message.

Choose the Right Vehicle for Your Message

Slide decks aren’t always the answer.

Make the Most of Slide Software

It’s not just for slides.

Determine the Right Length for Your Presentation

Keep your audience engaged by budgeting your time.

Persuade Beyond the Stage

Communicate before, during, and after your presentation.

Share the Stage

Mixing in experts and media holds interest.

Section 5: SLIDES

Conceptualize and simplify the display of information.

Think Like a Designer

Visuals should convey meaning.

Create Slides People Can “Get” in Three Seconds

Do they pass the glance test?

Choose the Right Type of Slide

Bullets aren’t the only tool.

Storyboard One Idea per Slide

Plan before you create.

Avoid Visual Clichés

Make your slides stand out.

Arrange Slide Elements with Care

Make your visuals easier to process.

Clarify the Data

Emphasize what’s important, remove the rest.

Turn Words into Diagrams

Use shapes to show relationships.

Use the Right Number of Slides

Size up your situation before building your deck.

Know When to Animate

. . . and when it’s overkill.

Section 6: DELIVERY

Deliver your presentation authentically.

Rehearse Your Material Well

Roll with the unexpected and fully engage with the audience.

Know the Venue and Schedule

Control them when you can.

Anticipate Technology Glitches

Odds of malfunction are high.

Manage Your Stage Fright

Exercises to calm your nerves.

Set the Right Tone for Your Talk

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Be Yourself

Authenticity connects you to others.

Communicate with Your Body

Physical expression is a powerful tool.

Communicate with Your Voice

Create contrast and emphasis.

Make Your Stories Come to Life

Re-experience them in the telling.

Work Effectively with Your Interpreter

Pay attention to chemistry, pacing, and cultural resonance.

Get the Most out of Your Q&A

Plan, plan, plan.

Build Trust with a Remote Audience

Get past technology’s barriers.

Keep Remote Listeners Interested

You’re fighting for the attention of multitaskers.

Keep Your Remote Presentation Running Smoothly

Use this checklist to minimize annoyances.

Section 7: IMPACT

Measure—and increase—your presentation’s impact on your audience.

Build Relationships Through Social Media

Engage with users so they’ll engage fully and fairly with your ideas.

Spread Your Ideas with Social Media

Facilitate the online conversation.

Gauge Whether You’ve Connected with People

Gather feedback in real time and after your talk.

Follow Up After Your Talk

Make it easier for people to put your ideas into action.


About the Author

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