Part I

Building the Foundation for Security Testing


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In this part …

Your mission is to find the holes in your network so you can fix them before the bad guys exploit them. It’s that simple. This mission will be fun, educational, and most likely entertaining. It will certainly be an eye-opening experience. The cool part is that you can emerge as the hero, knowing that your organization will be better protected against malicious hackers and insider attacks and less likely to experience a breach and have its name smeared across the headlines.

If you’re new to security testing, this is the place to begin. The chapters in this part get you started with information on what to do and how to do it when you’re hacking your own systems. Oh, and you find out what not to do as well. This information will guide you through building the foundation for your security testing program. This foundation will keep you on the right path and off any one-way dead-end streets. This mission is indeed possible — you just have to get your ducks in a row first.

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