Startup scripts and stop scripts

Startup scripts allow you to run a script when starting up or creating an instance. For instance, to always install miniconda and related data science packages when creating a new instance, simply write the following script in a file on your local machine:

#! /bin/bash
apt-get install bzip2
sudo bash
conda install scikit-learn
conda install pandas
conda install jupyter
conda install ipython

Then as you start the new instance, supply the --metadata-from-file flag, followed by startup-script=PATH/TO/FILE, where PATH/TO/FILE is a relative path to the startup script:

$ gcloud compute instances create example-instance --metadata-from-file startup-script=examples/scripts/

You can also use a startup script in extension in the command line or from a file stored in Google Storage. For more on startup scripts, visit

Stop scripts are scripts that are automatically run when an instance is terminated or restarted. Similar to startup scripts, you can associate a stop script with an instance at creation by adding the --metadata-from-file flag, followed by shutdown-script=PATH/TO/FILE:

$ gcloud compute instances create example-instance --metadata-from-file shutdown-script=examples/scripts/
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