Google Cloud Storage console

To start with, we will see how to create a bucket using the Google Cloud Storage console. First, when we access it, we can get to that console starting from the main Google Cloud Platform by clicking on the left in the Resources section on the entry Cloud Storage. The following window will be open:

In the window that opens, all the buckets related to the account are present. For each of them, there are the following features:

  • Name: Bucket name.
  • Default storage class: Storage class assigned by default to the objects added to a bucket.
  • Location: Place where data is stored.
  • LifecycleAllows you to set rules for automatically deleting objects or downgrading their storage class.
  • Labels: Help organize your buckets. Labels are also included in your bill, so you can see the distribution of costs across your labels.
  • Requester paysIf On, requests for the bucket's data will be billed to the requester's project.

To create a new bucket, simply click on the CREATE BUCKET button at the top of the Google Cloud Storage browser. The following page is opened:

On the page that opens, you need to specify the following information:

  • Name: Remember, it must be unique across Cloud Storage
  • Default storage class: Four options are available: Multi-Regional, Regional, Nearline, and Coldline
  • Location: This drop-down menu allows us to choose the location

After making these choices, just click on the CREATE button and a new bucket will be added to the Google Cloud Storage browser. 

Now we have the container, it is time to enrich it with contents. To do this, we must first access the simple bucket by clicking on its name. The following page is opened:

On the page that opens, all the contents of the buckets is listed. For each object, a series of information is proposed:

  • Name: Object name
  • Size: Object dimension
  • Type: Object type
  • Storage classStorage class assigned to the objects added to a bucket
  • Last modified: Date of last modification of the object

To add another object to the bucket:

  1. Simply click on the UPLOAD FILES button at the top of the Google Cloud Storage browser. A dialog window is opened.
  2. In the dialog window, select the file or folder you want to upload to your bucket.
  3. Click Open.

If we use Chrome as a browser it is possible to perform folder uploads. This way, we can load the entire contents of a folder into a bucket. Otherwise, we can first create a folder, using the CREATE FOLDER button and then upload all the objects individually.

To rename, copy, and move objects simply click the more options button (three vertical dots) associated with the object. A context menu is opened. In it we will be able to carry out the following operations:

  • Edit permissions
  • Edit metadata
  • Copy
  • Move
  • Rename

For each option, a relative window will be opened that will guide us in the operation.

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