On-policy Monte Carlo control

In Monte Carlo exploration starts, we explore all state-action pairs and choose the one that gives us the maximum value. But think of a situation where we have a large number of states and actions. In that case, if we use the MC-ES algorithm, then it will take a lot of time to explore all combinations of states and actions and to choose the best one. How do we get over this? There are two different control algorithms. On policy and off policy. In on-policy Monte Carlo control, we use the ε greedy policy. Let's understand what a greedy algorithm is.

A greedy algorithm picks up the best choice available at that moment, although that choice might not be optimal when you consider the overall problem. Consider you want to find the smallest number from a list of numbers. Instead of finding the smallest number directly from the list, you will divide the list into three sublists. Then you will find the smallest number in each of the sublists (local optima). The smallest number you find in one sublist might not be the smallest number when you consider the whole list (global optima). However, if you are acting greedy then you will see the smallest number in only the current sublist (at the moment) and consider it the smallest number.

The greedy policy denotes the optimal action within the actions explored. The optimal action is the one which has the highest value. 

Say we have explored some actions in the state 1, as shown in the Q table:

State Action Value
State 1 Action 0 0.5
State 1 Action 1 0.1
State 1 Action 2 0.8


If we are acting greedy, we would pick up the action that has maximal value out of all the actions we explored. In the preceding case, we have action 2 which has high value, so we pick up that action. But there might be other actions in the state 1 that we haven't explored and might the highest value. So we have to look for the best action or exploit the action that is best out of all explored actions. This is called an exploration-exploitation dilemma. Say you listened to Ed Sheeran and you liked him very much, so you kept on listening to Ed Sheeran only (exploiting) because you liked the music. But if you tried listening to other artists you might like someone better than Ed Sheeran (exploration). This confusion as to whether you have to listen to only Ed Sheeran (exploitation) or try listening to different artists to see if you like them (exploration) is called an exploration-exploitation dilemma.

So to avoid this dilemma, we introduce a new policy called the epsilon-greedy policy. Here, all actions are tried with a non-zero probability (epsilon). With a probability epsilon, we explore different actions randomly and with a probability 1-epsilon we choose an action that has maximum value, that is, we don't do any exploration. So instead of just exploiting the best action all the time, with probability epsilon, we explore different actions randomly. If the value of the epsilon is set to zero, then we will not do any exploration. It is simply the greedy policy, and if the value of epsilon is set to one, then it will always do only exploration. The value of the epsilon will decay over time as we don't want to explore forever. So over time our policy exploits good actions:

Let us say we set the value of epsilon to 0.3. In the following code, we generate a random value from the uniform distribution and if the value is less than epsilon value, that is, 0.3, then we select a random action (in this way, we search for a different action). If the random value from the uniform distribution is greater than 0.3, then we select the action that has the best value. So, in this way, we explore actions that we haven't seen before with the probability epsilon and select the best actions out of the explored actions with the probability 1-epsilon:

def epsilon_greedy_policy(state, epsilon):
if random.uniform(0,1) < epsilon:
return env.action_space.sample()
return max(list(range(env.action_space.n)), key = lambda x: q[(state,x)])

Let us imagine that we have explored further actions in the state 1 with the epsilon-greedy policy (although not all of the actions pair) and our Q table looks as follows:

State Action Value
State 1 Action 0 0.5
State 1 Action 1 0.1
State 1 Action 2 0.8
State 1 Action 4 0.93


In state 1, action 4 has a higher value than the action 2 we found previously. So with the epsilon-greedy policy, we look for different actions with the probability epsilon and exploit the best action with the probability 1-epsilon.

The steps involved in the on-policy Monte Carlo method are very simple:

  1. First, we initialize a random policy and a random Q function.
  2. Then we initialize a list called return for storing the returns.
  3. We generate an episode using the random policy π.
  4.  We store the return of every state action pair occurring in the episode to the return list.
  1. Then we take an average of the returns in the return list and assign that value to the Q function.
  2. Now the probability of selecting an action a in the state s will be decided by epsilon.
  3. If the probability is 1-epsilon we pick up the action which has the maximal Q value.
  4. If the probability is epsilon, we explore for different actions.
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