Convolutional network

The first layer of DQN is the convolutional network, and the input to the network will be a raw frame of the game screen. So, we take a raw frame and pass that to the convolutional layers to understand the game state. But the raw frames will have 210 x 160 pixels with a 128 color palette and it will clearly take a lot of computation and memory if we feed the raw pixels directly. So, we downsample the pixel to 84 x 84 and convert the RGB values to grayscale values and we feed this pre-processed game screen as the input to the convolutional layers. The convolutional layer understands the game screen by identifying the spatial relationship between different objects in the image. We use two convolutional layers followed by a fully connected layer with ReLU as the activation function. Here, we don't use a pooling layer.

A pooling layer is useful when we perform tasks such as object detection or classification, where we don't consider the position of the object in the image and we just want to know whether the desired object is in the image. For example, if we want to classify whether there is a dog in an image, we only look at whether a dog is there in an image and we don't check where the dog is. In that case, a pooling layer is used to classify the image irrespective of the position of the dog. But for us to understand the game screen, the position is important as it depicts the game status. For example, in a Pong game, we don't just want to classify if there is a ball on the game screen. We want to know the position of the ball so that we can make our next move. That's why we don't use a pooling layer in our architecture.

Okay, how can we compute the Q value? If we pass one game screen and one action as an input to the DQN, it will give us the Q value. But it will require one complete forward pass, as there will be many actions in a state. Also, there will be many states in a game with one forward pass for each action, which will be computationally expensive. So, we simply pass the game screen alone as an input and get the Q values for all possible actions in the state by setting the number of units in the output layer to the number of actions in the game state. 

The architecture of DQN is shown in the following diagram, where we feed a game screen and it provides the Q value for all actions in that game state:

To predict the Q values of the game state, we don't use only the current game screen; we also consider the past four game screens. Why is that? Consider the Pac-Man game where the goal of the Pac-Man is to move and eat all the dots. By just looking at the current game screen, we cannot know in which direction Pac-Man is moving. But if we have past game screens, we can understand in which direction Pac-Man is moving. We use the past four game screens along with the current game screen as input.

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