Composite types

Beside the basic types, there are others, which are known as composite types. These are as follows:

Type Description Example
Pointer The address in the memory of a variable *int
Array A container of the element of the same type with a fixed length [2]int
Slice Contiguous segment of an array []int
Map Dictionary or associative array map[int]int
Struct A collection of fields that can have different types struct{ value int }
Function A set of functions with the same parameters and output func(int, int) int
Channel Type pipes that are used for the communication of elements of the same type chan int
Interface A specific collection of methods, with an underlying value that supports them interface{}


The empty interface, interface{}, is a generic type that can contain any value. Since this interface has no requirements (methods), it can be satisfied by any value.

Interfaces, pointers, slices, functions, channels, and maps can have a void value, which is represented in Go by nil:

  • Pointers are self-explanatory; they are not referring to any variable address.
  • The interface's underlying value can be empty.
  • Other pointer types, like slices or channels, can be empty.
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