The web-based technologies we have introduced so far deal with content, content binding, content development, and processing. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) describes the display properties of HTML elements and the appearance of web pages. CSS is used for styling and providing the desired appearance and presentation of HTML elements.

Developers/designers can control the layout and presentation of a web document using CSS. CSS can be applied to a distinct element in a page, or it can be embedded through a separate document. Styling details can be described using the <style> tag.

The <style> tag can contain details targeting repeated and various elements in a block. As seen in the following code, multiple <a> elements exist and also possess the class and id global attributes: 

h1{color:black; text-decoration:underline;}
<h1> Welcome to Web Scraping </h1>
<a href="https://www.google.com"> Google </a>
<a class='classOne' href="https://www.yahoo.com"> Yahoo </a>
<a id='idOne' href="https://www.wikipedia.org"> Wikipedia </a>

Attributes that are provided with CSS properties or have been styled inside <style> tags in the preceding code block will result in the output seen here:

HTML output (with the elements styled using CSS)

CSS properties can also appear in in-line structure with each particular element. In-line CSS properties override external CSS styles. The CSS color property has been applied in-line to elements. This will override the color value defined inside <style>:

  <h1 style ='color:orange;'> Welcome to Web Scraping </h1>
<a href="https://www.google.com" style ='color:red;'> Google </a>
<a class='classOne' href="https://www.yahoo.com"> Yahoo </a>
<a id='idOne' href="https://www.wikipedia.org" style ='color:blue;'> Wikipedia </a>

CSS can also be embedded in HTML using an external stylesheet file:

<link href="http://..../filename.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Although CSS is used for the appearance of HTML elements, CSS selectors (patterns used to select elements) often play a major role in the scraping process. We will be exploring CSS selectors in detail in the chapters ahead.

Please visit https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/ and https://www.w3schools.com/css/ for more detailed information on CSS.
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