
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


AC (actual cost)
about, The earned value management formulas
calculations for budget using, Are you over budget?
acceptance criteria
about, Kate’s project needs to follow company processes
checklist for, Kate makes some changes...
accepted deliverables, in Plan Scope Management process, The six Scope Management processes
accepted risk, How you deal with risk, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks, It isn’t always so bad
Achievement Theory, Motivate your team
acknowledge, in communication, Anatomy of communication
Acquire Project Team Process, Get your team together and keep them moving, Get the team together
acquisition, in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together
active listening, Get the message?, Counting communication lines the easy way, Question Clinic: The calculation question
activities definition process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work, Create the network diagram
activity attributes
change control and updating, Project documents updates
in Control Schedule process, What Control Schedule updates
in Define Activities process, Define activities outputs, Create the network diagram
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Figuring out how long the project will take
in Estimate Activity Resources process, What you need to estimate resources
in Sequence Activities process, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
activity cost estimates
in Determine Budget process, The Determine Budget process
in Estimate Activity Resources process, What you need to estimate resources
in Estimate Costs process, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
activity duration estimates, Time management helps with aggressive timelines
(see also Estimate Activity Durations process)
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Create the duration estimate
activity list
in Control Schedule process, What Control Schedule updates
in Define Activities process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Define activities outputs
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Figuring out how long the project will take
in Estimate Activity Resources process, What you need to estimate resources
in Sequence Activities process, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
activity list updates, in Define Activities process, Create the network diagram
Activity on Node (AON) diagram, Diagram the relationship between activities
activity resource requirements
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Figuring out how long the project will take
in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
actual cost (AC)
about, The earned value management formulas
calculations for budget using, Are you over budget?
adjourning, as stage of team development, Stages of team development
advertising, in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
affinity diagrams, Help your team to get creative, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document, How to plan for quality
Agile development, Exam Answers, Rolling wave planning lets you plan as you go
agreements (contracts)
about, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
anatomy of, Anatomy of an agreement
as procurement process deliverables, Anatomy of an agreement
closing, Close the contract when the work is done, Kate closes the contract, Before you look at the answers...
consideration in, More about contracts
force majeure clause in, More about contracts
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Develop Project Charter process, The Develop Project Charter process
point of total assumption in, More about contracts
types of, Types of contractual agreements
union, Two months later..., Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
writing contracting, Ask the legal expert
alternative analysis, in Estimate Activity Resources process, Estimating the resources
alternatives generation, in Define Scope process, Alternatives generation
analogous estimating
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Estimation tools and techniques
top-down estimating as, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
analytical techniques
in Close Project or Phase Process, Finish the work, close the project
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner, Pick a partner, Pick a partner
in Monitor and Control Project Work process, Look for changes and deal with them
in Plan Cost Management process, Plan how you’ll estimate, track, and control your costs
in Plan Risk Management process, The Risk Management plan is the only output
in Plan Schedule Management process in, Plan your scheduling processes
in Plan Stakeholder Management process, Stakeholder analysis up close
AON (Activity on Node) diagram, Diagram the relationship between activities
approved change requests, Pick a partner
(see also change requests)
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Control Quality process, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality
in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
assumptions, Managing project constraints, The project scope statement tells you what you have to do, Estimation tools and techniques
Assumptions analysis, in Identify Risks process, More Identify Risks techniques
procurement, in Close Procurements process, Close the contract when the work is done
in Control Procurements process, Stay on top of the seller
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
bring in auditor for, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
in Control Risks process, More control risk tools and techniques
authorization, The Develop Project Charter process, Question Clinic: The “just-the-facts-ma’am” question
avoided risk, How you deal with risk, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks, Response planning can even find more risks


BAC (Budget at completion)
calculating, Look at the schedule to figure out your budget, How to calculate planned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, The earned value management formulas, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers.
calculating EV with, How to calculate earned value
calculating PV with, How to calculate planned value
calculating TCPI with, Are you over budget?
forecasting with, Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done
backward pass, Take a backward pass to find late start and finish
balanced matrix organizations, There are different types of organizations
bar charts, Control Schedule tools and techniques, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms
about, The Project Management plan lets you plan ahead for problems
cost performance, in Project Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
cost, in Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget
in project management plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
performance measurement, Preventing or correcting problems
project scope
changing, Anatomy of a change
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?
in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Rank your risks
in WBS process, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
schedule, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Preventing or correcting problems, Schedule data, What Control Schedule updates
in Define Activities process, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
in Project Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Preventing or correcting problems
in WBS process, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
updating, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
basis of estimates
in Determine Budget process, The Determine Budget process
in Estimate Costs process, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost
BCR (Benefit cost ratio), Let’s talk numbers, Determine budget: how to build a budget
group creativity technique, Help your team to get creative
in Plan Quality Management process, How to plan for quality, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
Benefit cost ratio (BCR), Let’s talk numbers, Determine budget: how to build a budget
beta distribution, First gather the data...
bidder conferences
avoiding unfair advantage in bids, Before you look at the answers...
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner, Pick a partner
sellers at, Exam
bottom line
about, Cost Management: Watching the bottom line
looking after, Managing project constraints
bottom-up estimating, Estimating the resources, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
about, Help your team to get creative
as facilitation technique, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
in Identify Risks process, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks, Before you look at the answers...
in Plan Quality Management process, How to plan for quality
using RBS in, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks
vs. Delphi technique, Examine each risk in the register
bribery, Keep the cash?, Before you look at the answers..., Before you look at the answers...
about, Cost Management: Watching the bottom line
calculations, Look at the schedule to figure out your budget, Are you over budget?
determining, Introducing the Cost Management processes, The Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget
impacting scope, Managing project constraints
keeping project on track, Keep your project on track with TCPI
managing, Kate makes some changes..., Knowledge areas organize the processes
project overruns and, Determine budget: how to build a budget, Before you look at the answers...
Budget at completion (BAC)
calculating, Look at the schedule to figure out your budget, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, The earned value management formulas, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers.
calculating EV with, How to calculate earned value
calculating PV with, How to calculate planned value
calculating TCPI with, Are you over budget?
forecasting with, Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done
buffer, Estimation tools and techniques, Create the duration estimate
business case document, Make the case for your project, A closer look at the project charter, Two things you’ll see over and over and over..., Talk to your stakeholders
business partners
as stakeholders, More types of stakeholders
project team role as, Your project team has lots of roles too
buy analysis, make or, in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project, More about contracts
buy decisions, make or
in Conduct Procurements process, Get in touch with potential sellers
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project, Start with a plan for the whole project, More about contracts
renting equipment and, Exam
buyer-conducted performance review, Stay on top of the seller


cause-and-effect diagrams, The seven basic tools of quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
CCB (Change Control Board), Sometimes you need to change your plans, How the processes interact with one another, Control your changes; use change control, Preventing or correcting problems, A closer look at the change control system, Before you look at the answers...
about, Introduction: Why get certified?
meaning of passing test for, A PMP certification is more than just passing a test
reasons to get, Introduction: Why get certified?, What you need to be a good project manager, Meet a real-life PMP-certified project manager
change control, The six Integration Management processes
(see also Perform Integrated Change Control process)
configuration management system and, There’s no “right order” for the Control Scope and Validate Scope processes
find it...evaluate it...fix it, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
in anatomy of change, Anatomy of a change
in updating project scope baseline, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
in Validate Scope process, Is the project ready to go?
meetings to decide on changes, Changes, defects, and corrections
performing integrated, The six Integration Management processes
project teams involvement in, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
recommended corrective actions and, Before you look at the answers...
updating activity attributes and resource requirements and, Project documents updates
using, How the processes interact with one another
Change Control Board (CCB), Sometimes you need to change your plans, How the processes interact with one another, Control your changes; use change control, Preventing or correcting problems, A closer look at the change control system, Before you look at the answers...
change control system, Control your changes; use change control, A closer look at the change control system
change control tools, in Perform Integrated Change Control process, Make only the changes that are right for your project
change log, in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
change request document, Control your changes; use change control, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
change request process, How the processes interact with one another, Preventing or correcting problems, The Control Scope process, Make sure the team delivered the right product
change requests, Keep an eye on the contract
(see also approved change requests)
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
in Control Communications process, Now you can get the word out
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Control Quality process, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
in Control Risks process, More control risk tools and techniques
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Now you can tell when you need to change the way you deal with stakeholders
in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Validate Scope process, Is the project ready to go?
change, influencing factors that cause, Influence the factors that cause change
channels of communication, counting, Count the channels of communication
charter, program, using, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
charter, project, The six Integration Management processes
(see also Develop Project Charter process)
about, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
answering questions on, Question Clinic: The “just-the-facts-ma’am” question
contents of, A closer look at the project charter
difference from programs and projects, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
in Collect Requirements process, Collect requirements for your project
in Define Scope process, Define the scope of the project
in Identify Stakeholders process, Find out who your stakeholders are
in matrix organizations, Use expert judgment and facilitation techniques to write your project charter
in Plan Cost Management process, Plan how you’ll estimate, track, and control your costs
in Plan Schedule Management process in, Plan your scheduling processes
in planning scope management process, Plan your scoping processes
necessity of, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
sections of, A closer look at the project charter
using, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
vs. business case document, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
writing, Use expert judgment and facilitation techniques to write your project charter, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
Checklist analysis, in Identify Risks process, More Identify Risks techniques
checklists, quality
in Control Quality process, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
in Plan Quality Management process, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
checksheets, in Control Quality process, Checksheets and scatter diagrams
claims administration, in Control Procurements process, Stay on top of the seller
clients, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
(see also customers)
Close Procurements process
about, Calling in the cavalry
closing contract, Close the contract when the work is done, Kate closes the contract
deliverables, Calling in the cavalry
vs. Close Project or Phase process, Before you look at the answers...
Close Project or Phase process
about, Finish the work, close the project
vs. Close Procurements process, Before you look at the answers...
closed procurements
as procurement process deliverable, You can have several contracts for a single project
in Close Procurements process, Close the contract when the work is done
process group, Projects are like recipes, You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here
project or phase process, The six Integration Management processes, Integration Management and the process groups, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
projects, Break it down, The day-to-day work of a project manager, The six Integration Management processes, Finish the work, close the project, Before you look at the answers...
closing process group
Close Procurements process in, Calling in the cavalry, Close the contract when the work is done, Kate closes the contract, Before you look at the answers...
Close Project or Phase process in, Finish the work, close the project
about, Project teams are made of people
in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
vs. team building, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, PMI, Professional Responsibility: Making good choices
(see also professional responsibility)
coin flip, in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
collaborating, resolving conflicts by, How to resolve a conflict
Collect Requirements process, The six Scope Management processes, Collect requirements for your project
collective bargaining agreements, Two months later..., Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
colocation, in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills
command, in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
Communication Requirements Analysis, in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication, Get a handle on communication
communication technology, in Manage Communications process, More Manage Communications tools
as knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
effective methods in, Tell everyone what’s going on
getting handle on, Get a handle on communication
in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication, Tell everyone what’s going on
in Manage Communications process, Tell everyone what’s going on, More Manage Communications tools, One of your most important outputs
in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
about, Anatomy of communication
in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication, Get a handle on communication
in Manage Communications process, More Manage Communications tools
technology, in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, Here’s how to do this next section
communications management
about, Communications management: Getting the word out
anatomy of communication, Anatomy of communication
getting information out, Tell everyone what’s going on
letting everyone know status of project, Let everyone know how the project’s going
Communications Management Plan
about, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication, Get a handle on communication, Tell everyone what’s going on
in Manage Communications process, Tell everyone what’s going on
Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication
company policies, following, Fly business class?
composite organizations, There are different types of organizations, Managing project constraints
compression techniques, schedule
crashing, Crash the schedule, Project documents updates
fast-tracking, Fast-tracking the project, Project documents updates
finding variances in results of, Control Schedule tools and techniques
compromise, resolving conflicts by, How to resolve a conflict, How to resolve a conflict
Conduct Procurements process
about, Calling in the cavalry
deliverables, Calling in the cavalry
getting in touch with potential sellers, Get in touch with potential sellers
configuration management system, Control your changes; use change control, There’s no “right order” for the Control Scope and Validate Scope processes
conflict management
about, Project teams are made of people
collaborating in, How to resolve a conflict
common reasons for, Conflict management up close
compromising in, How to resolve a conflict
confronting in, How to resolve a conflict
forcing in, How to resolve a conflict
in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
smoothing in, How to resolve a conflict
withdrawal in, How to resolve a conflict
conflict resolution questions, answering, Before you look at the answers...
conformance to requirements, Quality up close
as conflict resolution technique, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
resolving conflicts by, How to resolve a conflict, How to resolve a conflict
consensus, in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
consideration, in contracts, More about contracts
about, The project scope statement tells you what you have to do
changes impacting, Managing project constraints
cost, Managing project constraints
dealing with
portfolio managers, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
project managers, A day in the life of a project manager
identifying, Managing project constraints
kinds of, A day in the life of a project manager
managing, Managing project constraints
quality, A day in the life of a project manager, Managing project constraints
resource, A day in the life of a project manager, Managing project constraints
risk, Managing project constraints
scope, Managing project constraints
time, Managing project constraints
types of, Managing project constraints
consultants (contractors), More types of stakeholders
(see also sellers)
as stakeholders, More types of stakeholders
considering as resource, Estimating the resources
in projectized organizations, There are different types of organizations
teams organized by, There are different types of organizations
consultation, in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
consumers (users)
as stakeholders, More types of stakeholders
project team role as, Your project team has lots of roles too
context diagrams, group creativity technique, Help your team to get creative
contingency reserve
about, Estimation tools and techniques
analysis, How to control your risks, More control risk tools and techniques, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
contract change control system, in Control Procurements process, Stay on top of the seller
contractors (consultants), More types of stakeholders
(see also sellers)
as stakeholders, More types of stakeholders
considering as resource, Estimating the resources
in projectized organizations, There are different types of organizations
teams organized by, There are different types of organizations
contracts (agreements)
about, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
anatomy of, Anatomy of an agreement
as procurement process deliverables, Anatomy of an agreement
closing, Close the contract when the work is done, Kate closes the contract, Before you look at the answers...
consideration in, More about contracts
force majeure clause in, More about contracts
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Develop Project Charter process, The Develop Project Charter process
information on laws, Calling in the cavalry
outside legal advisor for, Ask the legal expert
point of total assumption in, More about contracts
terminating, Before you look at the answers...
types of, Types of contractual agreements
union, Two months later..., Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
writing contracting, Ask the legal expert
control charts, The seven basic tools of quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects, Introducing Quality Assurance
Control Communications process, Let everyone know how the project’s going
control communications, in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication
Control Costs process, Introducing the Cost Management processes
about, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
calculating BAC, Look at the schedule to figure out your budget, How to calculate planned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
calculating if over budget, Are you over budget?
calculating PV, How to calculate planned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
calculating SPI, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?
calculating SV, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?
EVM formulas, The earned value management formulas
figuring out budget, Look at the schedule to figure out your budget
flipping formulas, Finding missing information
interpreting CPI and SPI numbers, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project
tools and techniques, A few new tools and techniques
understanding EV, Earned value tells you how you’re doing
Control Procurements process
about, Calling in the cavalry
deliverables, Calling in the cavalry
keeping eye on contract, Keep an eye on the contract
Control Quality process, “An ounce of prevention...”, Inspect your deliverables, Quality control means finding and correcting defects, More ideas behind quality assurance
Control Risks process, You can’t plan for every risk at the start of the project
Control Schedule, Break it down
Control Schedule process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
Control Scope process, Break it down, The Control Scope process, Just one Control Scope tool/technique, There’s no “right order” for the Control Scope and Validate Scope processes
Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Understanding your stakeholders, Control your stakeholders’ engagement
controlling, The six Integration Management processes
(see also Monitor and Control Project Work process; Monitoring and Controlling process group)
costs, Introducing the Cost Management processes
about, Project management offices help you do a good job, every time
descriptions of, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
vs. directive PMOs, Project teams are made of people
projects, The day-to-day work of a project manager
scope, The six Scope Management processes
conversation, in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
coordinators, project
about, There are different types of organizations
vs. expediters, There are different types of organizations
copyright issues, New software
corrections, project, Changes, defects, and corrections
as knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
constraint, Managing project constraints
performance baseline, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Preventing or correcting problems
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, Here’s how to do this next section
cost aggregation, in Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget, Determine budget: how to build a budget
Cost and Schedule Management Plans, in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?
cost baseline, in Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget
cost control process
about, Introducing the Cost Management processes, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
calculating BAC, Look at the schedule to figure out your budget, How to calculate planned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
calculating if over budget, Are you over budget?
calculating PV, How to calculate planned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
calculating SPI, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?
calculating SV, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?
EVM formulas, The earned value management formulas
figuring out budget, Look at the schedule to figure out your budget
flipping formulas, Finding missing information
interpreting CPI and SPI numbers, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project
tools and techniques, A few new tools and techniques
understanding EV, Earned value tells you how you’re doing
cost disagreements, causing conflicts, Conflict management up close
cost management
about, Cost Management: Watching the bottom line
benefit cost ratio, Let’s talk numbers, Determine budget: how to build a budget
controlling costs
about, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
calculating BAC, Look at the schedule to figure out your budget, How to calculate planned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
calculating if over budget, Are you over budget?
calculating PV, How to calculate planned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
calculating SPI, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?
calculating SV, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?
EVM formulas, The earned value management formulas
figuring out budget, Look at the schedule to figure out your budget
forecasting, Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done
interpreting CPI and SPI numbers, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project
tools and techniques, A few new tools and techniques
understanding EV, Earned value tells you how you’re doing
depreciation, Let’s talk numbers
determining budget, The Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget
estimating costs, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost
forecasts, flipping formulas in, Finding missing information
(see also forecasts)
internal rate of return, Let’s talk numbers
keeping project on track, Keep your project on track with TCPI
lifecycle costing, Let’s talk numbers, Determine budget: how to build a budget
net present value, Let’s talk numbers, Determine budget: how to build a budget
opportunity cost, Let’s talk numbers
about, Introducing the Cost Management processes
planning handling of costs, Plan how you’ll estimate, track, and control your costs
Cost Management Plan
about, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
in Plan Cost Management process, Now you’ve got a consistent way to manage costs
cost of quality
about, Before you look at the answers...
in Estimate Costs process, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs
in Plan Quality Management process, How to plan for quality, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
cost performance baselines, in Project Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
Cost Performance Index (CPI)
about, The earned value management formulas, Let’s say you’re given...
calculating, Are you over budget?, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers.
forecasting with, Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done, VAC = BAC – EAC
Cost Variance (CV)
about, The earned value management formulas
calculating, Are you over budget?
cost-benefit analysis, in Plan Quality Management process, How to plan for quality
costs plus award fee (CPAF) contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner
costs plus fixed fee (CPFF) contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner
costs plus incentive fee (CPIF) contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner
CPAF (costs plus award fee) contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner
CPFF (costs plus fixed fee) contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner
CPI (Cost Performance Index)
about, The earned value management formulas, Let’s say you’re given...
calculating, Are you over budget?, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers.
forecasting with, Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done, VAC = BAC – EAC
crashing schedule, compression technique, Crash the schedule, Project documents updates
Create WBS process
inputs of, The inputs for the WBS come from other processes
outputs of, The outputs of the Create WBS process
project scope baseline, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
structure of, Create the work breakdown structure
WBS Dictionary, Inside the work package, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan, Anatomy of a change, A closer look at the change control system
critical chain method, Other Develop Schedule tools and techniques, Project documents updates
critical path
about using, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
backward pass, Take a backward pass to find late start and finish
float for activities on, Finding the float for any activity, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
identifying risks through, Where to look for risks
method, Use the critical path method to avoid big problems
using early start and early finish, Figure out the early start and early finish, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
using forward pass method, Add early and late durations to your diagrams
using late start and late finish, Figure out the latest possible start and finish
Crosby, Philip, Quality up close
cultural awareness, Project teams are made of people, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
as enterprise environmental factor, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
respecting people and their, A good price or a clean river?
on exam, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
satisfaction of, Quality up close
vs. sponsors, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
cutting corners, impacting resources, Managing project constraints
CV (Cost Variance)
about, The earned value management formulas
calculating, Are you over budget?


data points, out of control, The seven basic tools of quality
databases, as enterprise environmental factor, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
decision analysis, multi-criteria, in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together
Decision Tree Analysis, ... then analyze it, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices
decision-making, in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team, Stages of team development, How to resolve a conflict
decoding, in communication model, Anatomy of communication, One of your most important outputs
decomposition, in Define Activities process, Tools and techniques for Define Activities, Rolling wave planning lets you plan as you go
impacting quality, Managing project constraints, Knowledge areas organize the processes
prevention of, “An ounce of prevention...”
prevention vs. inspection, “An ounce of prevention...”
repairing, Executing the project includes repairing defects, Changes, defects, and corrections
Define Activities process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work, Create the network diagram
Define Scope process, Define the scope of the project, Create the work breakdown structure
about, Executing the project includes repairing defects
accepted, in Plan Scope Management process, The six Scope Management processes
decomposing into work packages, Decompose deliverables into work packages, The outputs of the Create WBS process
focus in quality management processes of, Before you look at the answers...
in Close Project or Phase process, Finish the work, close the project
in Control Quality process, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
in procurement process deliverables, Anatomy of an agreement
inspecting, Is the project ready to go?, Inspect your deliverables
matching to requirements and project management plan, The stakeholders decide when the project is done
Project Management Plan as, Before you look at the answers...
using in WBS, The outputs of the Create WBS process
verified, in Validate Scope process, Make sure the team delivered the right product
vs. work performance data and change to project management plan, Deliverables include everything that you and your team produce for the project
delivery dates, meeting, Do these problems seem familiar?
Delphi technique
group creativity technique, Help your team to get creative
information gathering technique, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks, Before you look at the answers...
vs. brainstorming, Examine each risk in the register
Deming Cycle, More ideas behind quality assurance
Deming, W. Edwards, More ideas behind quality assurance
getting information about, Leads and lags add time between activities
in sequencing activities, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
depreciation, Let’s talk numbers
design of experiments, in Plan Quality Management process, How to plan for quality
Determine Budget process, Introducing the Cost Management processes, The Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget
Develop Project Charter process, Question Clinic: The “just-the-facts-ma’am” question
(see also project charter)
about, The six Integration Management processes
as integration management process, The six Integration Management processes, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
contents of charter, A closer look at the project charter
importance of, The Develop Project Charter process
in initiating processes, Start your project with the Initiating processes
interaction with processes, Integration Management and the process groups
process group for, Break it down
recording historical information in, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
sections of charter, A closer look at the project charter
writing charter, Use expert judgment and facilitation techniques to write your project charter, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
Develop Project Management Plan process
about, The six Integration Management processes
as integration management process, The six Integration Management processes, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
in process groups, Break it down
interaction with processes, Integration Management and the process groups
organizing project information, Plan your project!
planning ahead for problems with, The Project Management plan lets you plan ahead for problems
subsidiary plans in knowledge areas, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
Develop Project Team process, Get your team together and keep them moving, Develop your project team
Develop Schedule process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Bringing it all together, Other Develop Schedule tools and techniques
diagramming techniques, in Identify Risks process, More Identify Risks techniques
dictatorship, group decision making technique, Make decisions about requirements
Direct and Manage Project Work process
about, The six Integration Management processes, The six Integration Management processes, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
as integration management process, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
components of, Executing the project includes repairing defects
creating deliverables, The project team creates deliverables
in change request, How the processes interact with one another
interaction with processes, Integration Management and the process groups
process group for, Break it down
directive PMOs
about, Project management offices help you do a good job, every time
descriptions of, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
vs. controlling PMOs, Project teams are made of people
discretionary dependencies, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
discriminating against others, Exam
document analysis, group creativity technique, Help your team to get creative
document updates, in Plan Stakeholder Management process, Stakeholder analysis up close
documentation reviews, in Identify Risks process, More Identify Risks techniques
duration estimate, Create the duration estimate


EAC (Estimate at Completion), Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done, Let’s say you’re given...
Early Start (ES) and Early Finish (EF), Figure out the early start and early finish, Add early and late durations to your diagrams, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
Earned Value (EV)
about, Earned value tells you how you’re doing
calculating, How to calculate earned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, The earned value management formulas, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers.
calculating CPI with, Are you over budget?
calculating CV with, Are you over budget?
calculating SPI with, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?
calculating TCPI with, Are you over budget?
finding missing information on exam about, Finding missing information
forecasts and, Question Clinic: The calculation question
understanding, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
Earned Value Management (EVM)
about, The earned value management formulas, Let’s say you’re given...
evaluating projects based on, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project
forecasting using, Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done
in Control Costs process, A few new tools and techniques
effective listening, Get the message?, Counting communication lines the easy way
effort estimate, Create the duration estimate
EMV (Expected Monetary Value)
calculating, Calculate the expected monetary value of your risks
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, ... then analyze it
on negative risk, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
for cost of risk and opportunity, Before you look at the answers...
for project savings and costs, Before you look at the answers...
encoding, in communication model, Anatomy of communication, One of your most important outputs
enhanced risk, It isn’t always so bad
enterprise environmental factors
about, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
as project input, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
company culture as, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together
in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication
in Define Activities process, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
in Develop Project Charter process, The Develop Project Charter process, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Figuring out how long the project will take
in Estimate Activity Resources process, What you need to estimate resources
in Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?
in Identify Stakeholders process, Find out who your stakeholders are
in Manage Communications process, Tell everyone what’s going on
in Monitor and Control Project Work process, Look for changes and deal with them
in Perform Integrated Change Control process, Make only the changes that are right for your project
in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Rank your risks
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
in Plan Cost Management process, Plan how you’ll estimate, track, and control your costs
in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Plan Quality Management process, Plan Quality is how you prevent defects
in Plan Risk Management process, Plan Risk Management
in Plan Schedule Management process in, Plan your scheduling processes
in Plan Scope Management process, Plan your scoping processes
in Plan Stakeholder Management process, Stakeholder analysis up close
in Sequence Activities process, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
in WBS process, The inputs for the WBS come from other processes
enterprise environmental factors updates, in Develop Project Team process, How’s the team doing?
environment, knowing company, Understand your company’s big picture
Estimate Activity Durations, Break it down
Estimate Activity Durations process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Figuring out how long the project will take, Bringing it all together
Estimate Activity Resources process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, What you need to estimate resources, Bringing it all together
Estimate at Completion (EAC), Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done, Let’s say you’re given...
estimate costs
in Determine Budget process, The Determine Budget process
process, Introducing the Cost Management processes, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost
Estimate to Complete (ETC), Once you’ve got an estimate, you can calculate a variance!, Before you look at the answers...
estimates, Cost Management: Watching the bottom line
(see also cost management)
Rough Order of Magnitude, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs, Determine budget: how to build a budget
ethics, code of
about, Professional Responsibility: Making good choices
avoiding unfair advantage in bids, Before you look at the answers...
being responsible to community, A good price or a clean river?
following company policies, Fly business class?
on allowing racist remarks, Before you look at the answers...
on bribery, Keep the cash?, Before you look at the answers..., Before you look at the answers...
on discriminating against others, Exam
preparing for questions on, We’re not all angels
run projects properly, Shortcuts
EV (Earned Value)
about, Earned value tells you how you’re doing
calculating, How to calculate earned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, The earned value management formulas, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers.
calculating CPI with, Are you over budget?
calculating CV with, Are you over budget?
calculating SPI with, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?
calculating TCPI with, Are you over budget?
finding missing information on exam about, Finding missing information
forecasts and, Question Clinic: The calculation question
understanding, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
EVM (Earned Value Management)
about, The earned value management formulas, Let’s say you’re given...
evaluating projects based on, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project
forecasting using, Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done
in Control Costs process, A few new tools and techniques
exam question help
answering conflict resolution questions, Before you look at the answers...
answering questions on formulas, Question Clinic: The calculation question
eliminating wrong answers, Party time!
fake artifacts and processes, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied, Exam Answers
free online PMP exam, Read me
getting brain to think about exam, Metacognition: thinking about thinking
information presented in questions, Question Clinic: The red herring
made-up terms on exam, Before you look at the answers...
on formulas, Party time!
questions describing tools or techniques, Before you look at the answers...
red herrings, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied, Question Clinic: The red herring, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
remembering processes using organizational process assets, Plan Risk Management
study aid for exam, Question Clinic: BYO questions
tips on answering test practice questions on, A long-term relationship for your brain
use of formal document, Question Clinic: The calculation question
use of “technique”, Question Clinic: The calculation question
using project management software, Control Schedule tools and techniques
writing questions for exam preparation, Before you look at the answers...
“Have-A-Meeting” question, Question Clinic: The “have-a-meeting” question
“just the facts” questions, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
“slack” used in exam, Another satisfied customer!
“Which-is-BEST” questions, Question Clinic: The “which-is-BEST” question
“Which-is-BEST” “Which-comes-next” questions, Question Clinic: The “which-comes-next” question
“Which-is-next” question, Another satisfied customer!
“Which-is-not” questions, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
“Which-One” questions, Question Clinic: The “which-one” question
exam scoring, Praise for Head First PMP
in integration management process, Integration Management and the process groups
projects, The day-to-day work of a project manager, Integration Management and the process groups, Executing the project includes repairing defects, Sometimes you need to change your plans
executing process group
about, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
Acquire Project Team process in, Get your team together and keep them moving, Get the team together
Communications Management process in, Get a handle on communication
Conduct Procurements process in, Calling in the cavalry, Anatomy of an agreement, Pick a partner
Develop Project Team process in, Develop your project team
Direct and Manage Project Work process in, Projects are like recipes
Manage Communications process in, Tell everyone what’s going on, More Manage Communications tools
Manage Project Team process in, Managing your team means solving problems
Perform Quality Assurance process in, Trouble at the Black Box 3000TM factory
Expectancy Theory, Motivate your team
Expected Monetary Value (EMV)
calculating, Calculate the expected monetary value of your risks
Decision Tree Analysis using, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, ... then analyze it
on negative risk, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
for cost of risk and opportunity, Before you look at the answers...
for project savings and costs, Before you look at the answers...
expediters, project
about, Kate wants a new job
in weak matrix organizations, There are different types of organizations, Exam Answers
vs. coordinators, There are different types of organizations
experiments, design of, in Plan Quality Management process, How to plan for quality
expert judgment
in Close Project or Phase Process, Finish the work, close the project
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner, Pick a partner
in Control Communications process, Take a close look at the work being done
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Now you can tell when you need to change the way you deal with stakeholders
in Define Activities process, Tools and techniques for Define Activities
in Define Scope process, Alternatives generation
in Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget
in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Estimation tools and techniques
in Estimate Activity Resources process, Estimating the resources
in Identify Stakeholders process, Find out who your stakeholders are
in Monitor and Control Project Work process, Look for changes and deal with them
in Perform Integrated Change Control process, Make only the changes that are right for your project
in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Examine each risk in the register
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, First gather the data...
in Plan Cost Management process, Plan how you’ll estimate, track, and control your costs
in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Plan Risk Management process, The Risk Management plan is the only output
in Plan Schedule Management process in, Plan your scheduling processes
in Plan Scope Management process, Plan your scoping processes
in Plan Stakeholder Management process, Stakeholder analysis up close
selected sellers, Pick a partner
using in writing project charter, Use expert judgment and facilitation techniques to write your project charter, A closer look at the project charter
expert power, Lead the team with your management skills
exploited risk, It isn’t always so bad
external constraints to project, Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
external dependencies, Dependencies help you sequence your activities


facilitated workshops, Talk to your stakeholders, How do you define the scope?
facilitation techniques
purpose of, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
using in writing project charter, Use expert judgment and facilitation techniques to write your project charter, A closer look at the project charter
facilitator, in brainstorming, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks
factors outside project, identifying risks through, Where to look for risks
factors that cause change, influencing, Influence the factors that cause change
fake artifacts and processes, on exam, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied, Exam Answers
“Faster, cheaper, better—pick two” saying, Managing project constraints
fast-tracking schedule, compression technique, Fast-tracking the project, Project documents updates
Federal Acquisition Regulation website, US, Types of contractual agreements
feedback, in Manage Communications process, Get the message?, One of your most important outputs
feedback/response, in communication model, Anatomy of communication
FF (Finish to Finish) dependencies, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
FFP (firm fixed price) contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner
find it...evaluate it...fix it, in handling changes, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
Finish to Finish (FF) dependencies, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
Finish to Start (FS) predecessors/dependencies, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
firm fixed price (FFP) contracts, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner
fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram, The seven basic tools of quality, Exam Answers, Human Resource Management: Getting the team together, More Identify Risks techniques, Before you look at the answers...
fixed price (FP) contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner, Before you look at the answers...
fixed price plus incentive fee (FPIF) contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner
flipping formulas, Finding missing information
float for activities, finding, Finding the float for any activity, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
flowcharts, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms, Introducing Quality Assurance, More Identify Risks techniques
focus groups, Talk to your stakeholders
in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills
force field analysis, How to plan for quality
force majeure clause, in contracts, More about contracts
forcing, resolving conflicts by, How to resolve a conflict
forecasts, Preventing or correcting problems, Preventing or correcting problems, Control Schedule inputs and outputs, A few new tools and techniques, Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done, Question Clinic: The calculation question, Before you look at the answers...
formal verbal communication method, in Manage Communications process, Tell everyone what’s going on, One of your most important outputs
formal written communication method
in Manage Communications process, Tell everyone what’s going on, One of your most important outputs
use of formal document on exam, Question Clinic: The calculation question
forming, as stage of team development, Stages of team development
answering questions on, Question Clinic: The calculation question
counting channels of communication, Count the channels of communication
about, The earned value management formulas, Let’s say you’re given...
evaluating projects based on, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project
forecasting using, Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done
exam question help on, Party time!
flipping, Finding missing information
learning and using, What you need to be a good project manager
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, A Little Last-Minute Review: Check your knowledge
forward pass method, Add early and late durations to your diagrams
FP (fixed price) contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner, Before you look at the answers...
FPIF (fixed price plus incentive fee) contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Pick a partner
FS (Finish to Start) predecessors/dependencies, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
functional managers, as stakeholders, More types of stakeholders
functional organizations
about, Kate wants a new job
interview comments to determine type of, There are different types of organizations
PM effectiveness in, There are different types of organizations
teams in, There are different types of organizations
Funding Limit Reconciliation, in Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget


Gantt charts, Control Schedule tools and techniques, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms
gold plating, Why scope changes, Before you look at the answers...
grade vs. quality, Quality up close
ground rules, in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills
Group Creativity Techniques, Help your team to get creative
group decision making techniques
about, Make decisions about requirements
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Estimation tools and techniques
in Estimate Costs process, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs
in Validate Scope process, Make sure the team delivered the right product
Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge® (see PMBOK® Guide)


halo effect, Get the team together
“Have-A-Meeting” question, in exam, Question Clinic: The “have-a-meeting” question
Head First PMP community website, Question Clinic: The “which-is-BEST” question
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Motivate your team
heuristic, Create the duration estimate
Hierarchy of Needs, Motivate your team
histograms, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms, Introducing Quality Assurance, The Staffing Management plan
historical information, recording, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
human resource
as knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, Here’s how to do this next section
human resource management
about, Human Resource Management: Getting the team together
acquiring, Get the team together
assembling teams, Figure out who you need on your team
developing project team, Develop your project team
interpersonal skills and, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
motivating team, Cubicle conversation
processes in, Get your team together and keep them moving
roles of project team, Your project team has lots of roles too
solving team problems, Managing your team means solving problems
staffing management plan, The Staffing Management plan
Human Resource Management Plan
about, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together
in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills
in Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?
in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
sections of, Figure out who you need on your team
hygiene factors, Motivate your team


Idea/Mind maps, group creativity technique, Help your team to get creative
Identify Risks process, Break it down, Anatomy of a risk, What could happen to your project?
Identify Stakeholders process
about, Understanding your stakeholders
finding out who stakeholders are, Find out who your stakeholders are
in initiating processes, Start your project with the Initiating processes
in process groups, Break it down
Stakeholder Analysis, Stakeholder analysis up close
IFB (invitation for bid), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
IFQ (invitation for quote), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
impact matrix, probability and, in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Examine each risk in the register
impact of risk, figuring out, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices
implemented defect repairs, Executing the project includes repairing defects
independent estimates, in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner, Pick a partner, Pick a partner
about, Project teams are made of people
in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
informal verbal communication method, in Manage Communications process, Tell everyone what’s going on, One of your most important outputs
informal written communication method, in Manage Communications process, Tell everyone what’s going on, One of your most important outputs
information gathering techniques, in Identify Risks process, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks, Before you look at the answers...
information management systems
in Control Communications process, Take a close look at the work being done
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Now you can tell when you need to change the way you deal with stakeholders
in Manage Communications process, More Manage Communications tools
information presented in exam questions, Question Clinic: The red herring
initiating process group
about, Projects are like recipes
Develop Project Charter process in, Start your project with the Initiating processes, The Develop Project Charter process
Identify Stakeholders process in, Find out who your stakeholders are
processes in, Start your project with the Initiating processes
vs. planning, Knowledge areas organize the processes
initiating projects, The day-to-day work of a project manager
inputs, project, Anatomy of a process, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
in Control Procurements process, Stay on top of the seller
in Control Quality process, Checksheets and scatter diagrams
in Validate Scope process, Is the project ready to go?
vs. prevention, “An ounce of prevention...”
insurance policies, in procurement management, More about contracts, Before you look at the answers...
integrated change control process
about, The six Integration Management processes
as integration management process, The six Integration Management processes, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
choosing changes to make, Make only the changes that are right for your project
corrective and preventive action with, Preventing or correcting problems
in change request, How the processes interact with one another
in monitor and control loop, Sometimes you need to change your plans
looking for changes with, Look for changes and deal with them
as knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, Here’s how to do this next section
integration management
about, Project Integration Management: Getting the job done
changing plans, Sometimes you need to change your plans
closing project, Finish the work, close the project
creating deliverables, The project team creates deliverables
developing project charter, The Develop Project Charter process
directing and managing project work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
importance of, So why INTEGRATION Management?, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
initiating processes, Start your project with the Initiating processes
interacting processes, Integration Management and the process groups, How the processes interact with one another
making case for project, Make the case for your project
planning projects, The teachers are thrilled...for now, Plan your project!
preventing or correcting problems, Preventing or correcting problems
processes, The six Integration Management processes
project management plan in, Plan your project!
repairing defects, Executing the project includes repairing defects
internal dependencies, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
internal rate of return, Let’s talk numbers
interpersonal skills
in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills
in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
used by PMs
about, Project teams are made of people
identifying, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
in Collect Requirements process, Talk to your stakeholders
in Identify Risks process, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, First gather the data...
invitation for bid (IFB), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
invitation for quote (IFQ), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram, The seven basic tools of quality, Exam Answers, Human Resource Management: Getting the team together, More Identify Risks techniques, Before you look at the answers...
issues log
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Control your stakeholders’ engagement
in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
iteration approach to phases, Phases can also overlap


JAD (Joint Application Design) sessions, Talk to your stakeholders
checklist, Kate wants a new job, ... and her project is a success!
interview comments to determine type of organization, There are different types of organizations
Joint Application Design (JAD) sessions, Talk to your stakeholders
Just-In-Time, More ideas behind quality assurance
“just the facts” questions, on exam, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied


made-up terms, on exam, Before you look at the answers...
maintenance process
dividing into releases, Kate makes some changes...
project constraints in, Managing project constraints
software development, Back to Kate’s maintenance nightmare
systems, Kate’s being asked to do operational work
majority, group decision making technique, Make decisions about requirements
make or buy analysis, in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project, Start with a plan for the whole project, More about contracts
make or buy decisions
in Conduct Procurements process, Get in touch with potential sellers
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
renting equipment and, Exam
Manage Communications, Break it down
manage communications
in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication
Manage Communications process, Tell everyone what’s going on
Manage Project Team process, Get your team together and keep them moving, Managing your team means solving problems
Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Understanding your stakeholders, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
management reserve
about, Determine budget: how to build a budget
in Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget
management skills
in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
leading with, Lead the team with your management skills
managing project teams, Develop your project team
mandatory dependencies, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
market research, in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
market, as enterprise environmental factor, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Motivate your team
matrix diagrams, How to plan for quality, Figure out who you need on your team, The Staffing Management plan, How engaged are your stakeholders?
matrix organizations
about, There are different types of organizations
interview comments to determine type of, There are different types of organizations
PMs authority in, There are different types of organizations
project charter in, The Develop Project Charter process
McClelland’s Achievement Theory, Motivate your team
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Motivate your team
mean, statistical, The seven basic tools of quality
measurable, projects as, What a project IS...
in Close Project or Phase Process, Finish the work, close the project
in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication, Tell everyone what’s going on
in Control Communications process, Take a close look at the work being done
in Control Risks process, Control Risks is another change control process, More control risk tools and techniques, More control risk tools and techniques
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Now you can tell when you need to change the way you deal with stakeholders
in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
in Identify Stakeholders process, Find out who your stakeholders are
in Monitor and Control Project Work process, Look for changes and deal with them
in Perform Integrated Change Control process, Make only the changes that are right for your project
in Plan Cost Management process, Plan how you’ll estimate, track, and control your costs
in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Plan Quality Management process, How to plan for quality
in Plan Risk Management process, The Risk Management plan is the only output
in Plan Schedule Management process in, Plan your scheduling processes
in Plan Scope Management process, Plan your scoping processes
in Plan Stakeholder Management process, Stakeholder analysis up close
kickoff, More Manage Communications tools, Counting communication lines the easy way
metrics, quality
in Control Quality process, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
in Plan Quality Management process, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
micromanaging project teams, Motivate your team
Microsoft Project, The Project Management plan is a collection of other plans, Estimating the resources, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!, Control Schedule tools and techniques
milestone chart, in Develop Schedule process, Outputs of Develop Schedule
milestone list
in Define Activities process, Define activities outputs
in Sequence Activities process, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
milestone schedule, A closer look at the project charter
mitigated risk, How you deal with risk, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks, Response planning can even find more risks
modeling techniques, Modeling techniques, Control Schedule tools and techniques, ... then analyze it
monitor and control loop, Integration Management and the process groups
Monitor and Control Project Work process
about, The six Integration Management processes
as integration management process, The six Integration Management processes, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
in change request, How the processes interact with one another
in monitor and control loop, Integration Management and the process groups, Sometimes you need to change your plans
looking for changes with, Look for changes and deal with them
Monitoring and Controlling process group
about, Projects are like recipes
Communications Management process in, Get a handle on communication
Control Communications process in, Let everyone know how the project’s going
Control Costs process in, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
Control Procurements process in, Calling in the cavalry, You can have several contracts for a single project, Keep an eye on the contract
Control Quality process in, Inspect your deliverables, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
Control Risks process in, You can’t plan for every risk at the start of the project
Control Schedule process in, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
Control Scope process in, The Control Scope process
Control Stakeholder Engagement process in, Control your stakeholders’ engagement
Monitor and Control Project Work process in, Look for changes and deal with them
Perform Integrated Change Control process in, Make only the changes that are right for your project
processes for, Break it down
Validate Scope process in, Make sure the team delivered the right product
monitoring, projects, The day-to-day work of a project manager, Eventually, things WILL go wrong...
Monte Carlo Analysis, Modeling techniques, Project documents updates, ... then analyze it, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices
motivation, project team, Cubicle conversation, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team, Motivate your team
motivation, team, Good leadership helps the team work together
Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Motivate your team
multi-criteria decision analysis, in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together


negative risk
EMV on, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
strategies for, It isn’t always so bad
negative stakeholders, Stakeholders are impacted by your project, Managing project constraints, Stakeholder analysis up close, How engaged are your stakeholders?
in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together
in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
Net present value (NPV), Let’s talk numbers, Determine budget: how to build a budget
network diagrams
creating, Create the network diagram
critical path in
backward pass, Take a backward pass to find late start and finish
finding float for activities, Finding the float for any activity
using Critical Path Method, Use the critical path method to avoid big problems
using early start and early finish, Figure out the early start and early finish, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
using forward pass method, Add early and late durations to your diagrams
using late start and late finish, Figure out the latest possible start and finish
finding float for activities in, Finding the float for any activity, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
in Define Activities process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines
networking, in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
neutral role, stakeholders in, How engaged are your stakeholders?
noise, in communication model, Anatomy of communication
nominal group techniques, Help your team to get creative, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document, How to plan for quality
nonverbal communication
in Manage Communications process, Get the message?
vs. paralingual communication, Counting communication lines the easy way
norming, as stage of team development, Stages of team development, How to resolve a conflict
NPV (Net present value), Let’s talk numbers, Determine budget: how to build a budget


in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
using, Use a questionnaire to get requirements from a bigger group of people
Open Issues section, in project management plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
operational work
about, Kate takes a new job
vs. projects, Kate’s being asked to do operational work
operations (processes)
anatomy of, Anatomy of a process
combining, Combine processes to complete your project
in process groups, Break it down, Anatomy of a process
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, A Little Last-Minute Review: Check your knowledge
vs. projects, What a project IS...
operations management, function of, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
operations teams, as stakeholders, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
opportunity cost, Let’s talk numbers
organization charts, in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
organizational groups, as stakeholders, More types of stakeholders
organizational process asset updates
in Control Communications process, Now you can get the word out
in Control Quality process, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Now you can tell when you need to change the way you deal with stakeholders
in Manage Communications process, More Manage Communications tools
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
organizational process assets
about, Anatomy of a process
as project input, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together
in Close Procurements process, Close the contract when the work is done
in Close Project or Phase process, Finish the work, close the project
in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner, Pick a partner
in Control Communications process, Counting communication lines the easy way
in Control Costs process, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Control Quality process, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
in Create WBS process, The inputs for the WBS come from other processes
in Define Activities process, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
in Define Scope process, Define the scope of the project
in Develop Project Charter process, The Develop Project Charter process, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Figuring out how long the project will take
in Estimate Activity Resources process, What you need to estimate resources
in Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?
in Identify Stakeholders process, Find out who your stakeholders are
in Manage Communications process, Tell everyone what’s going on
in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
in Monitor and Control Project Work process, Look for changes and deal with them
in Perform Integrated Change Control process, Make only the changes that are right for your project
in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Rank your risks
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
in Plan Cost Management process, Plan how you’ll estimate, track, and control your costs
in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Plan Quality Management process, Plan Quality is how you prevent defects
in Plan Risk Management process, Plan Risk Management
in Plan Schedule Management process in, Plan your scheduling processes
in Plan Scope Management process, Plan your scoping processes
in Plan Stakeholder Management process, Stakeholder analysis up close
in Sequence Activities process, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
lessons learned as, Before you look at the answers..., Before you look at the answers...
Manage Project Team process in, Managing your team means solving problems
performance measurements, Control Schedule tools and techniques
progress reports in, Control Schedule tools and techniques
organizational process assets updates
in Control Risks process, More control risk tools and techniques
in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
organizational theory, in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
composite, There are different types of organizations
finding new, Kate wants a new job
functional, Kate wants a new job, There are different types of organizations
interview comments to determine type of, There are different types of organizations
matrix, There are different types of organizations
projectized, Kate wants a new job
type on PMP exam, There are different types of organizations
types of, There are different types of organizations
out of control data points, The seven basic tools of quality
outputs, project, Anatomy of a process
“overlapping activities”, Fast-tracking the project
overlapping project phases, Phases can also overlap, Exam Answers


paralingual communication
in Manage Communications process, Get the message?
vs. nonverbal communication, Counting communication lines the easy way
parametric estimation, Estimation tools and techniques, Create the duration estimate, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs, Determine budget: how to build a budget
pareto charts, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms, Quality control means finding and correcting defects, A closer look at some tools and techniques
Pareto charts, Exam Answers, Before you look at the answers...
payment systems, in Control Procurements process, Stay on top of the seller
PDM (precedence diagramming method), Diagram the relationship between activities
people, as enterprise environmental factor, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
Perform Integrated Change Control process
about, The six Integration Management processes
as integration management process, The six Integration Management processes, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
choosing changes to make, Make only the changes that are right for your project
corrective and preventive action with, Preventing or correcting problems
in change request, How the processes interact with one another
in monitor and control loop, Sometimes you need to change your plans
looking for changes with, Look for changes and deal with them
Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Anatomy of a risk, Rank your risks, Before you look at the answers...
Perform Quality Assurance process, “An ounce of prevention...”, Trouble at the Black Box 3000TM factory, More ideas behind quality assurance, Exam Answers
Perform Quality Control process, Exam Answers
Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, Qualitative vs. quantitative analysis, Before you look at the answers...
about, What you need to be a good project manager
neglecting, What you need to be a good project manager
performance measurement
in Control Schedule process, Measuring and reporting performance
in organizational process assets, Control Schedule tools and techniques
performance measurement baseline, Preventing or correcting problems
performance reporting
in Control Communications process, Counting communication lines the easy way
in Control Procurements process, Stay on top of the seller
in Manage Communications process, More Manage Communications tools
performance reviews
in Control Costs process, A few new tools and techniques
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule tools and techniques
performing, as stage of team development, Stages of team development
personal skills
about, What you need to be a good project manager
neglecting, What you need to be a good project manager
personalities clashing, causing conflicts, Conflict management up close
personnel assessment tools, in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills
PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique), Estimation tools and techniques
PfMP (Portfolio), Your project has value
(see also portfolio managers)
certification in, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
PgMP (Program Management), Your project has value
(see also portfolio managers)
certification in, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
iterative relationship of, Phases can also overlap
managing projects in, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases
overlapping, Phases can also overlap
sequential project, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases
using in WBS, The outputs of the Create WBS process
plan communications management, in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication
Plan Human Resource Management process, Get your team together and keep them moving
Plan Procurement Management process
about, Calling in the cavalry
contractual agreements, Types of contractual agreements
deliverables, Anatomy of an agreement
figuring out potential buyers, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
planning whole project, Start with a plan for the whole project
Plan Quality Management process, Break it down, “An ounce of prevention...”, Plan Quality is how you prevent defects
Plan Risk Management process, Plan Risk Management
Plan Risk Responses process, Anatomy of a risk, How do you respond to a risk?
Plan Schedule Management process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Plan your scheduling processes
Plan Scope Management process, Plan your scoping processes
Plan Stakeholder Management process, Understanding your stakeholders, Stakeholder analysis up close
plan updates, in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
Plan-Do-Check-Act, More ideas behind quality assurance
planned value (PV)
calculating, How to calculate planned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, The earned value management formulas, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers.
calculating SPI with, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?
planning process group
about, Projects are like recipes
Collect Requirements process in, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document
Communications Management process in, Get a handle on communication
Create WBS process in, Create the work breakdown structure
Define Activities process in, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
Define Scope process in, Define the scope of the project
Determine Budget process in, The Determine Budget process
Develop Project Management Plan process in, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
Develop Schedule process in, Bringing it all together
Estimate Activity Durations process in, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Figuring out how long the project will take, Bringing it all together
Estimate Activity Resources process in, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, What you need to estimate resources, Bringing it all together
Estimate Costs process in, Introducing the Cost Management processes, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost
Identify Risks process in, What could happen to your project?, Now put it in the risk register
Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process in, Rank your risks, Examine each risk in the register
Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process in, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results
Plan Cost Management process in, Plan how you’ll estimate, track, and control your costs
Plan Human Resource Management process in, Get your team together and keep them moving, Figure out who you need on your team
Plan Procurement Management process in, Calling in the cavalry, Anatomy of an agreement, Start with a plan for the whole project
Plan Quality Management process in, Plan Quality is how you prevent defects, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
Plan Risk Management process in, Plan Risk Management
Plan Risk Responses process in, How do you respond to a risk?
Plan Schedule Management process in, Plan your scheduling processes
Plan Scope Management process in, Plan your scoping processes
Plan Stakeholder Management process in, Stakeholder analysis up close
Sequence Activities process in, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
vs. initiating, Knowledge areas organize the processes
planning project
in integration management, The teachers are thrilled...for now, Plan your project!
projects, The day-to-day work of a project manager
plurality, group decision making technique, Make decisions about requirements
PMBOK® Guide
about, Projects don’t have to be this way
as body of knowledge for project management, What you need to be a good project manager
goals of, How project managers run great projects
learning and, We know what you’re thinking.
PMI (Project Management Institute)
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, Professional Responsibility: Making good choices, We’re not all angels
(see also professional responsibility)
PMOs (Project Management Offices)
about, Project management offices help you do a good job, every time
descriptions of, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
vs. directive PMOs, Project teams are made of people
about, Project management offices help you do a good job, every time
descriptions of, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
vs. controlling PMOs, Project teams are made of people
types of, Project management offices help you do a good job, every time
PMP Code of Professional Conduct, Doing the right thing, We’re not all angels
(see also professional responsibility)
PMP practice exam., Before you look at the answers...
(see also exam question help)
answering conflict resolution questions, Before you look at the answers...
answers, Before you look at the answers...
questions, Practice makes perfect Practice PMP exam
PMs (Project Managers)
about, Your project has value
activities of, A day in the life of a project manager
analytical techniques used by, Finish the work, close the project
assign authority level of, A closer look at the project charter
authority in organizations, There are different types of organizations
core characteristics of, What you need to be a good project manager
dealing with constraints, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
effectiveness in functional and projectized organizations, There are different types of organizations
ethics of PMP-certified, The main ideas
(see also professional responsibility)
kinds of power, Lead the team with your management skills
organization type on PMP exam, There are different types of organizations
running great projects, How project managers run great projects
point of total assumption, in contracts, More about contracts
political and cultural awareness, in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
political awareness, Project teams are made of people
portfolio charter, using, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
portfolio managers
about, Your project has value
adding business value, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
certification for, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
dealing with constraints, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
about, Understand your company’s big picture
charters and, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
using charters, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
position descriptions, in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
choosing form of, How to resolve a conflict
kinds of PM, Lead the team with your management skills
Power/Interest Grid, Stakeholder analysis up close
pre-assignment, in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together
precedence diagramming method (PDM), Diagram the relationship between activities
predecessors, Finish to Start, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
prevention of defects, “An ounce of prevention...”
prevention vs. inspection, “An ounce of prevention...”
causing conflicts, Conflict management up close
in risk register, Examine each risk in the register, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results
vs. urgency, Examine each risk in the register
prioritization matrices, How to plan for quality
probability and impact matrix, in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Examine each risk in the register
probability distribution, in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, First gather the data...
problem-solving, resolving conflicts by, How to resolve a conflict, How to resolve a conflict
problems, preventing or correcting problems, Preventing or correcting problems
process analysis, in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
process framework, The Process Framework: It all fits together
process groups
about, Projects are like recipes
closing, Projects are like recipes
executing, Projects are like recipes
about, Projects are like recipes
vs. planning, Knowledge areas organize the processes
monitoring and controlling, Projects are like recipes
phases of projects in, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases
about, Projects are like recipes
vs. initiating, Knowledge areas organize the processes
processes in, Break it down, Anatomy of a process
vs. knowledge areas, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Knowledge areas organize the processes
Process Improvement Plan
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
in Plan Quality Management process, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
processes (operations)
anatomy of, Anatomy of a process
combining, Combine processes to complete your project
in process groups, Break it down, Anatomy of a process
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, A Little Last-Minute Review: Check your knowledge
vs. projects, What a project IS...
as knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, Here’s how to do this next section
procurement audits, in Close Procurements process, Close the contract when the work is done
procurement documents
as procurement process deliverable, Anatomy of an agreement
in Close Procurements process, Close the contract when the work is done
in Conduct Procurements process, Get in touch with potential sellers
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Identify Stakeholders process, Find out who your stakeholders are
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
procurement management
about, Procurement Management: Getting some help
anatomy of agreement, Anatomy of an agreement
closing contract, Close the contract when the work is done, Kate closes the contract
contractual agreements, Types of contractual agreements
figuring out potential buyers, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
getting in touch with potential sellers, Get in touch with potential sellers
keeping eye on contract, Keep an eye on the contract
plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
planning whole project, Start with a plan for the whole project
about, Calling in the cavalry
deliverables, Anatomy of an agreement
Procurement Management Plan
about, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
procurement negotiations
in Close Procurements process, Close the contract when the work is done
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner, Pick a partner, Pick a partner
procurement performance reviews, in Control Procurements process, Stay on top of the seller
procurement statement of work
in Conduct Procurements process, Get in touch with potential sellers
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
product analysis
about, How do you define the scope?
vs. requirements gathering, Alternatives generation
product requirements, gathering, A day in the life of a project manager
product scope, It looks like we have a scope problem, The project is ready to ship!
professional responsibility
avoiding unfair advantage in bids, Before you look at the answers...
being responsible to community, A good price or a clean river?
ethics and, Professional Responsibility: Making good choices
following company policies, Fly business class?
on allowing racist remarks, Before you look at the answers...
on bribery, Keep the cash?, Exam , Before you look at the answers...
on discriminating against others, Exam
preparing for questions on, We’re not all angels
run projects properly, Shortcuts
program charter, using, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT), Estimation tools and techniques
Program Management (PgMP), Your project has value
(see also portfolio managers)
program managers
about, Your project has value
certification for, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
dealing with constraints, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
about, Understand your company’s big picture
difference from portfolios and projects, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
progress reports, in Organizational Process Assets, Control Schedule tools and techniques
progressively elaborated, projects as, What a project IS...
project calendars
frequency of updating, Control Schedule tools and techniques
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
in Develop Schedule process, Schedule data
project charter, The six Integration Management processes
(see also Develop Project Charter process)
answering questions on, Question Clinic: The “just-the-facts-ma’am” question
contents of, A closer look at the project charter
in Collect Requirements process, Collect requirements for your project
in Define Scope process, Define the scope of the project
in Identify Stakeholders process, Find out who your stakeholders are
in matrix organizations, The Develop Project Charter process
in Plan Cost Management process, Plan how you’ll estimate, track, and control your costs
in Plan Risk Management process, Plan Risk Management
in Plan Schedule Management process in, Plan your scheduling processes
in Plan Scope Management process, Plan your scoping processes
in planning scope management process, Plan your scoping processes
necessity of, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
sections of, A closer look at the project charter
using, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
vs. business case document, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
writing, Use expert judgment and facilitation techniques to write your project charter, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
project communications
in Manage Communications process, More Manage Communications tools
project constraints
changes impacting, Managing project constraints
cost, Managing project constraints
dealing with
portfolio managers, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
project managers, A day in the life of a project manager
identifying, Managing project constraints
kinds of, A day in the life of a project manager
managing, Managing project constraints
quality, A day in the life of a project manager, Managing project constraints
resource, A day in the life of a project manager, Managing project constraints
risk, Managing project constraints
scope, Managing project constraints
time, Managing project constraints
types of, Managing project constraints
project coordinators
about, There are different types of organizations
vs. expediters, There are different types of organizations
project document updates
about, The project scope statement tells you what you have to do
in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication, Tell everyone what’s going on
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
in Control Risks process, More control risk tools and techniques
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
in Control Scope process, The Control Scope process
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Now you can tell when you need to change the way you deal with stakeholders
in Create WBS process, The outputs of the Create WBS process
in Define Activities process, Create the network diagram
in Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget
in Develop Schedule process, Schedule data
in Estimate Costs process, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost
in Manage Communications process, More Manage Communications tools
in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Plan Quality Management process, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
in Plan Risk Responses process, Add risk responses to the register
in Validate Scope process, Make sure the team delivered the right product, Is the project ready to go?
project documents
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Control Quality process, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Control your stakeholders’ engagement
in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
project execution, The day-to-day work of a project manager, Integration Management and the process groups, Executing the project includes repairing defects, Sometimes you need to change your plans
project expediters
about, Kate wants a new job
in weak matrix organizations, There are different types of organizations, Exam Answers
vs. coordinators, There are different types of organizations
project funding requirements, in Control Costs process, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
project integration management
about, Project Integration Management: Getting the job done
changing plans, Sometimes you need to change your plans
closing projects, Finish the work, close the project
creating deliverables, The project team creates deliverables
developing project charter, The Develop Project Charter process
directing and managing project work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
importance of, So why INTEGRATION Management?, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
initiating processes, Start your project with the Initiating processes
interacting processes, Integration Management and the process groups, How the processes interact with one another
knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
making case for project, Make the case for your project
planning projects, The teachers are thrilled...for now, Plan your project!
preventing or correcting problems, Preventing or correcting problems
processes, The six Integration Management processes
project management plan in, Plan your project!
repairing defects, Executing the project includes repairing defects
Project Management Information System, A closer look at the change control system, There’s no “right order” for the Control Scope and Validate Scope processes
Project Management Institute, Projects don’t have to be this way
(see also PMBOK® Guide)
certification in Portfolio (PfMP), Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
certification in Program Management (PgMP), Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
Project Management Institute (PMI)
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, Professional Responsibility: Making good choices, We’re not all angels
(see also professional responsibility)
Project Management Offices (PMOs)
about, Project management offices help you do a good job, every time
descriptions of, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
vs. directive PMOs, Project teams are made of people
about, Project management offices help you do a good job, every time
descriptions of, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
vs. controlling PMOs, Project teams are made of people
types of, Project management offices help you do a good job, every time
Project Management Plan, The six Integration Management processes
(see also Develop Project Management Plan process)
anticipating problems in, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
as deliverable, Before you look at the answers...
as procurement process deliverable, Anatomy of an agreement
creating, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
Direct and Manage Project Work process in, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
in change request, Control your changes; use change control, A closer look at the change control system
in Close Procurements process, Close the contract when the work is done
in Close Project or Phase process, Finish the work, close the project
in Communications Management process, Get a handle on communication
in Control Costs process, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Control Quality process, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality
in Control Risks process, Control Risks is another change control process
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
in Control Scope process, The Control Scope process, Anatomy of a change
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Control your stakeholders’ engagement
in Develop Schedule process, Schedule data
in Monitor and Control Project Work process, Look for changes and deal with them
in Perform Integrated Change Control process, Make only the changes that are right for your project
in Plan Cost Management process, Plan how you’ll estimate, track, and control your costs
in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Plan Quality Management process, Plan Quality is how you prevent defects
in Plan Risk Management process, Plan Risk Management
in Plan Schedule Management process in, Plan your scheduling processes
in Plan Scope Management process, Plan your scoping processes
in Plan Stakeholder Management process, Stakeholder analysis up close
in Validate Scope process, Make sure the team delivered the right product
matching deliverables to, The stakeholders decide when the project is done
performance measurement baseline, Preventing or correcting problems, Preventing or correcting problems
planning ahead for problems with, The Project Management plan lets you plan ahead for problems
vs. defect in deliverable, Deliverables include everything that you and your team produce for the project
vs. scope management plan, The outputs of the Create WBS process
Project Management Plan updates
in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
in Control Communications process, Now you can get the word out
in Control Quality process, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
in Control Risks process, More control risk tools and techniques
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Now you can tell when you need to change the way you deal with stakeholders
in Manage Communications process, More Manage Communications tools
in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
in Plan Risk Responses process, Add risk responses to the register
project management software
doing critical path calculations, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
in Control Costs process, A few new tools and techniques
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule tools and techniques
in Estimate Activity Resources process, Estimating the resources
in Estimate Costs process, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs
using on exam, Control Schedule tools and techniques
project management, benefits of successful, The benefits of successful project management
Project Managers (PMs)
about, Your project has value
activities of, A day in the life of a project manager
assign authority level of, A closer look at the project charter
authority in organizations, There are different types of organizations
core characteristics of, What you need to be a good project manager
dealing with constraints, Portfolios, programs, and projects have a lot in common
effectiveness in functional and projectized organizations, There are different types of organizations
interpersonal skills used by, Project teams are made of people
kinds of power, Lead the team with your management skills
organization type on PMP exam, There are different types of organizations
project organization chart, in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
project overruns, budget and, Determine budget: how to build a budget, Before you look at the answers...
project performance appraisals, in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
project risk management (see risk management)
project schedule
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Develop Schedule process, Outputs of Develop Schedule
vs. project management plan, The Project Management plan is a collection of other plans
Project Schedule Network Diagram
creating, Create the network diagram
in Define Activities process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Create the network diagram
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
project scope
about, It looks like we have a scope problem, The project is ready to ship!
baseline, Knowledge areas organize the processes
(see also scope)
changing, Anatomy of a change
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?
in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Rank your risks
in WBS process, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
about, The project scope statement tells you what you have to do
in anatomy of change, Anatomy of a change
in Define Activities process, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Figuring out how long the project will take
in Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
in Sequence Activities process, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
in WBS process, The inputs for the WBS come from other processes, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
project sponsors (see sponsors)
project staff assignments
in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together
in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
Project Stakeholder Management, More types of stakeholders
project teams
acquiring, Get your team together and keep them moving, Get the team together
assembling, Figure out who you need on your team
conflict management in, How to resolve a conflict
creating deliverables, The project team creates deliverables
decision-making techniques for leading, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
developing, Develop your project team
(see also Develop Project Management Plan process)
getting team together, Get the team together
ground rules, Develop the team with your management skills
in functional and projectized organizations, There are different types of organizations
in matrix organizations, There are different types of organizations
involvement in change control, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
leading, Lead the team with your management skills
managing, Develop your project team
(see also Manage Project Team process)
micromanaging, Motivate your team
motivating, Good leadership helps the team work together, Cubicle conversation, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team, Motivate your team
roles of, Your project team has lots of roles too
solving team problems, Managing your team means solving problems
project work process, directing and managing, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
Project, Microsoft, The Project Management plan is a collection of other plans, Estimating the resources, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!, Control Schedule tools and techniques
projectized organizations
about, Kate wants a new job
interview comments to determine type of, There are different types of organizations
PMs authority in, There are different types of organizations
teams in, There are different types of organizations
projects, The six Integration Management processes
(see also Monitor and Control Project Work process)
about, Understand your company’s big picture
characteristics of, What a project IS...
closing, Break it down, The day-to-day work of a project manager, The six Integration Management processes, Finish the work, close the project, Before you look at the answers...
difference from portfolios and programs, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
figuring out length of, Figuring out how long the project will take
inputs in, Anatomy of a process
managing in phases, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases
meeting delivery dates, Do these problems seem familiar?
outputs in, Anatomy of a process
planning for risks, Do these problems seem familiar?
PMs running great, How project managers run great projects
process groups in, Projects are like recipes
stakeholders impacted by, Stakeholders are impacted by your project
steps to follow, Cooking up a project
tools and techniques in, Anatomy of a process
value of, Your project has value
vs. operational work, Kate’s being asked to do operational work
vs. operations, What a project IS...
proposal evaluation techniques, in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner, Pick a partner, Pick a partner
prototypes, using, A prototype shows users what your product will be like
published estimating data, in Estimate Activity Resources process, Estimating the resources
punishment power, The five kinds of power, How to resolve a conflict, Before you look at the answers...
purchase orders, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
PV (planned value)
calculating, How to calculate planned value, Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
calculating SPI with, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?


qualified seller list, Exam
Qualitative Risk Analysis, Rank your risks, Before you look at the answers...
qualitative vs. quantitative analysis, Qualitative vs. quantitative analysis
about, Quality Management: Getting it right
as knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
conformance to requirements and, Quality up close
constraints, A day in the life of a project manager, Managing project constraints
customer satisfaction and, Quality up close
definition of, Once you know what the product is supposed to do, it’s easy to tell which tests pass and which fail
planning for, How to plan for quality
seven basic tools of, The seven basic tools of quality
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, Here’s how to do this next section
testing for, Once you know what the product is supposed to do, it’s easy to tell which tests pass and which fail, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
tracking cost of testing, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
vs. grade, Quality up close
quality assurance, Introducing Quality Assurance, More ideas behind quality assurance
quality audits
in Control Procurements process, Stay on top of the seller
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
quality checklists
in Control Quality process, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
in Plan Quality Management process, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
quality control measurements, in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
quality control process, “An ounce of prevention...”, Inspect your deliverables, Quality control means finding and correcting defects, More ideas behind quality assurance
quality management
finding and correcting defects, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
inspecting deliverables, Inspect your deliverables
planning for quality, How to plan for quality
prevention vs. inspection, “An ounce of prevention...”
processes, “An ounce of prevention...”, Before you look at the answers...
quality assurance in, Trouble at the Black Box 3000TM factory, More ideas behind quality assurance
quality control tools, Checksheets and scatter diagrams
using flowcharts, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms
using histograms, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms
using pareto charts, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
using planning outputs to control quality, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality
using seven basic tools of quality, The seven basic tools of quality
Quality Management Plan
about, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
focus of, Executing the project includes repairing defects
in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
Process Improvement Plan as subset of, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
quality metrics
in Control Quality process, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality
in Perform Quality Assurance process, Introducing Quality Assurance
in Plan Quality Management process, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
Quantitative Risk Analysis, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
quantitative vs. qualitative analysis, Qualitative vs. quantitative analysis
questionnaires, Develop the team with your management skills
(see also surveys)
using, Use a questionnaire to get requirements from a bigger group of people, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document


RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) Matrix, Figure out who you need on your team, The Staffing Management plan
racist remarks, Before you look at the answers...
ranking risks, Rank your risks
RBS (risk breakdown structure), categorizing risks using, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks
reassessment, risk, in Control Risks process, How to control your risks, More control risk tools and techniques
recognition and rewards
in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills, Motivate your team
in staffing management plan, The Staffing Management plan
recommended corrective actions, change control and, Before you look at the answers...
records management system
in Close Procurements process, Close the contract when the work is done
in Control Procurements process, Stay on top of the seller
red herrings, on exam, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied, Question Clinic: The red herring, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
referent power, The five kinds of power
regression analysis, Finish the work, close the project
release criteria, in staffing management plan, The Staffing Management plan
releases, dividing software development maintenance into, Kate makes some changes...
requests for information (RFI), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Get in touch with potential sellers
requests for proposals (RFP), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Get in touch with potential sellers
collecting, The six Scope Management processes, Now you’ve got a roadmap for managing scope, A prototype shows users what your product will be like
conformance to, Quality up close
making decisions about, Make decisions about requirements
matching deliverables to, The stakeholders decide when the project is done
requirements documentation
in Control Scope process, The Control Scope process
in Create WBS process, The inputs for the WBS come from other processes
in Define Scope process, Define the scope of the project
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Plan Quality Management process, Plan Quality is how you prevent defects, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
in scope management, The project scope statement tells you what you have to do
in Validate Scope process, Make sure the team delivered the right product
requirements documents, in in Collect Requirements process, Talk to your stakeholders, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document
requirements gathering vs. product analysis, Alternatives generation
Requirements Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Now you’ve got a roadmap for managing scope, Collect requirements for your project
Requirements Traceability Matrix, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document, The Control Scope process, Make sure the team delivered the right product
contingency, Estimation tools and techniques
reserve analysis
contingency, How to control your risks, More control risk tools and techniques, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
estimating, Create the duration estimate
in Control Costs process, A few new tools and techniques
in Control Risks process, How to control your risks, More control risk tools and techniques
in Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget, Determine budget: how to build a budget
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Estimation tools and techniques
in Estimate Costs process, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs
residual risk, It isn’t always so bad
resistant role, stakeholders in, How engaged are your stakeholders?
resource breakdown structure
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Figuring out how long the project will take
resource calendars
in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Figuring out how long the project will take
in Estimate Activity Resources process, What you need to estimate resources
resource constraints, A day in the life of a project manager, Managing project constraints
resource optimization techniques
about, Other Develop Schedule tools and techniques
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule tools and techniques
resource requirements, updating, Project documents updates
causing conflicts, Conflict management up close
identifying risks through, Where to look for risks
in time management process
about, Rob and Rebecca have resource problems
estimating, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, What you need to estimate resources
responsible to community, being, A good price or a clean river?
results, projects creating unique, What a project IS...
reward power, Lead the team with your management skills
in overlapping project phases, Exam Answers
RFI (requests for information), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Get in touch with potential sellers
RFP (requests for proposals), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Get in touch with potential sellers
about, What’s a risk?
anatomy of, Anatomy of a risk
as knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
avoiding, Before you look at the answers...
categorizing, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks
constraint, Managing project constraints
controlling, How to control your risks
examining, Examine each risk in the register
figuring out impact of, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices
introducing through assumptions, Managing project constraints
looking for, Where to look for risks
mitigating, How you deal with risk, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks, Response planning can even find more risks
opportunity, What’s a risk?
planning for, Do these problems seem familiar?, Project Risk Management: Planning for the unknown
ranking, Rank your risks
residual, It isn’t always so bad
responding to, How do you respond to a risk?
secondary, It isn’t always so bad
strategies for negative, It isn’t always so bad
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, Here’s how to do this next section
transferring, How you deal with risk, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks, Response planning can even find more risks
ways of handling, How you deal with risk
risk analysis
qualitative, Rank your risks, Before you look at the answers...
qualitative vs. quantitative, Qualitative vs. quantitative analysis
quantitative, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
risk audits
bring in auditor for, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
in Control Risks process, More control risk tools and techniques
risk breakdown structure (RBS), categorizing risks using, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks
risk categorization, in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Examine each risk in the register
risk control process, You can’t plan for every risk at the start of the project
risk data quality assessment, in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Examine each risk in the register
risk identification process, Break it down, Anatomy of a risk, What could happen to your project?
risk management
controlling risk, You can’t plan for every risk at the start of the project
identifying risks, Break it down, Anatomy of a risk, What could happen to your project?
perform qualitative risk analysis, Rank your risks, Before you look at the answers...
perform quantitative risk analysis, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
planning process, Plan Risk Management
responding to risk, How do you respond to a risk?
Risk Management Plan
about, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?, Now put it in the risk register
in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Rank your risks
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
in Plan Risk Management process, The Risk Management plan is the only output
in Plan Risk Responses process, How do you respond to a risk?
risk register built into, Now put it in the risk register
risk probability and impact assessment, in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Examine each risk in the register
risk reassessment, in Control Risks process, How to control your risks, More control risk tools and techniques
risk register
about, What could happen to your project?, Now put it in the risk register
in Control Risks process, Control Risks is another change control process
in Define Activities process, Create the network diagram
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Figuring out how long the project will take
in Estimate Activity Resources process, What you need to estimate resources
in Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?, Now put it in the risk register
in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Rank your risks, Examine each risk in the register
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results, Add risk responses to the register
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Plan Risk Responses process, How do you respond to a risk?
risk register updates
in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Examine each risk in the register
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results
risk tolerance, as enterprise environmental factor, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
risk urgency assessment, in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Examine each risk in the register
roles and responsibilities, in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
rolling wave planning, in Define Activities process, Tools and techniques for Define Activities
root cause identification, in Identify Risks process, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks, Now put it in the risk register
Rough Order of Magnitude estimates, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs, Determine budget: how to build a budget
rule of seven, in quality control, The seven basic tools of quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects, Exam Answers
run charts, Question Clinic: The “which-one” question


scatter diagrams, in Control Quality process, Checksheets and scatter diagrams
baseline, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Preventing or correcting problems, Schedule data, What Control Schedule updates
causing conflicts, Conflict management up close
compression techniques
crashing, Crash the schedule, Project documents updates
fast-tracking, Fast-tracking the project, Project documents updates
finding variances in results of, Control Schedule tools and techniques
developing, Bringing it all together
(see also Develop Schedule process)
impacting scope, Managing project constraints
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
schedule and cost forecasts, in Monitor and Control Project Work process, Look for changes and deal with them
schedule control process, Break it down, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
schedule data
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
in Develop Schedule process, Outputs of Develop Schedule
schedule development process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Bringing it all together, Other Develop Schedule tools and techniques
schedule forecasts, in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
Schedule Management Plan
about, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
in Define Activities process, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
in Develop Schedule process, Bringing it all together
in Estimate Activity Durations process, Figuring out how long the project will take
in Estimate Activity Resources process, What you need to estimate resources
in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
in Plan Schedule Management process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, Now you know how you’ll track your schedule
in Sequence Activities process, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
schedule models, Now you know how you’ll track your schedule, Modeling techniques
Schedule Performance Index (SPI), calculating, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?, The earned value management formulas, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers.
Schedule Variance (SV), Control Schedule tools and techniques, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers., Let’s say you’re given...
scheduling software, Leads and lags add time between activities
scheduling tool, modeling technique, Modeling techniques, Control Schedule tools and techniques
as knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
baseline, It looks like we have a scope problem
(see also project scope)
about, Before you look at the answers...
in Define Activities process, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
in Project Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Preventing or correcting problems
in WBS process, Breaking down the work, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
changing, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan, Why scope changes
constraint, Managing project constraints
creep, It looks like we have a scope problem, Why scope changes, Before you look at the answers...
defining, The six Scope Management processes
gold plating, Why scope changes, Before you look at the answers...
product, It looks like we have a scope problem, The project is ready to ship!
project, It looks like we have a scope problem, The project is ready to ship!
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, Here’s how to do this next section
validating, The six Scope Management processes
scope control process, Break it down, The six Scope Management processes, The Control Scope process, Just one Control Scope tool/technique, There’s no “right order” for the Control Scope and Validate Scope processes
scope definition process, The six Scope Management processes, Define the scope of the project, Create the work breakdown structure
scope management
change control system, A closer look at the change control system
changing scope, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan, Why scope changes
Control Scope process, The Control Scope process, Just one Control Scope tool/technique
defining scope of project, Define the scope of the project
delivering right product, Make sure the team delivered the right product, Is the project ready to go?
helping team get creative, Help your team to get creative
making decisions about requirements, Make decisions about requirements
planning scoping process, Plan your scoping processes
power of, The power of Scope Management
processes, You’ve got to know what (and how) you will build before you build it, The six Scope Management processes
product vs. project scope, It looks like we have a scope problem, The project is ready to ship!
project out of control and, Out of the frying pan..., The power of Scope Management
project scope baseline
changing, Anatomy of a change
in WBS process, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
project scope statement
about, The project scope statement tells you what you have to do
in anatomy of change, Anatomy of a change
in WBS process, The inputs for the WBS come from other processes, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
prototypes, A prototype shows users what your product will be like
purpose of, Scope Management: Doing the right stuff
questionnaires, Use a questionnaire to get requirements from a bigger group of people, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document
talking to stakeholders, Talk to your stakeholders
using observation, Use a questionnaire to get requirements from a bigger group of people
writing requirements document, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document
Scope Management Plan
about, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, The six Scope Management processes, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document
contents of, You’ve got to know what (and how) you will build before you build it
in Collect Requirements process, Collect requirements for your project, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document
in Create WBS process, The inputs for the WBS come from other processes
in Define Scope process, Define the scope of the project
in Plan Scope Management process, Now you’ve got a roadmap for managing scope
stakeholders validating project deliverables, The stakeholders decide when the project is done
vs. project management plan, The outputs of the Create WBS process
secondary risks, It isn’t always so bad
selected sellers
as procurement process deliverable, Anatomy of an agreement
in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
self-actualization, Motivate your team
seller proposals, in Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner, Pick a partner
as stakeholders, More types of stakeholders
about, Calling in the cavalry, Start with a plan for the whole project
at bidder conference, Exam
getting in touch with potential, Get in touch with potential sellers
qualified seller list, Exam
selecting, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
project team role as, Your project team has lots of roles too
Sensitivity analysis, in Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, ... then analyze it
Sequence Activities process, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order, Bringing it all together
sequential phases, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases
seven basic tools of quality, How to plan for quality, The seven basic tools of quality, Checksheets and scatter diagrams
shared risk, It isn’t always so bad
sharing opportunity, with competitor, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
Shewhart, Walter, More ideas behind quality assurance
shortcuts in projects, run projects properly by avoiding, Shortcuts
simulation, modeling technique, Modeling techniques, ... then analyze it
“slack,” in exam, Another satisfied customer!
smoothing, resolving conflicts by, How to resolve a conflict
project management
doing critical path calculations, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
in Control Costs process, A few new tools and techniques
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule tools and techniques
in Estimate Activity Resources process, Estimating the resources
in Estimate Costs process, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs
using on exam, Control Schedule tools and techniques
using only legal, New software
software development maintenance process
about, Back to Kate’s maintenance nightmare
dividing into releases, Kate makes some changes...
project constraints in, Managing project constraints
source selection criteria
as procurement process deliverable, Anatomy of an agreement
in Conduct Procurements process, Get in touch with potential sellers
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
SOW (statement of work), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
SPI (Schedule Performance Index), calculating, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?, The earned value management formulas, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers.
as stakeholders, More types of stakeholders
charters and, Portfolios, programs, and projects all use charters
in developing project charter, The six Integration Management processes
number on project, A closer look at the project charter
vs. customers, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
SS (Start to Start) dependencies, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
staffing management plan, in Plan Human Resource Management process, Figure out who you need on your team
stages of team development, Stages of team development
Stakeholder Analysis, Find out who your stakeholders are, Before you look at the answers...
Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix, How engaged are your stakeholders?
stakeholder management
about, Stakeholder Management: Keeping everyone engaged
engagement of stakeholders
assessing, How engaged are your stakeholders?
control, Control your stakeholders’ engagement
managing, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
finding out who stakeholders are, Find out who your stakeholders are
planning in, Stakeholder analysis up close
Stakeholder Analysis, Stakeholder analysis up close
Stakeholder Management Plan
about, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
in Collect Requirements process, Collect requirements for your project, A prototype shows users what your product will be like, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document
in Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, Managing stakeholder engagement means clearing up misunderstandings
in Plan Stakeholder Management process, Stakeholder analysis up close
talking to stakeholders, Talk to your stakeholders
stakeholder management process, Understanding your stakeholders
stakeholder profiles, basis for, Stakeholder analysis up close
stakeholder register
in Collect Requirements process, Collect requirements for your project
in Identify Stakeholders process, Find out who your stakeholders are
in Plan Procurement Management process, Start with a plan for the whole project
in Plan Quality Management process, Plan Quality is how you prevent defects, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
in Plan Risk Management process, Plan Risk Management
in Plan Stakeholder Management process, Stakeholder analysis up close
requirements vs. expectations in, Stakeholder analysis up close
accepting deliverables, Finish the work, close the project
as knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
assessing engagement of, How engaged are your stakeholders?
business partners as, More types of stakeholders
changes impacting, Managing project constraints, Sometimes you need to change your plans
consumers or users as, More types of stakeholders
definition of, Find out who your stakeholders are
functional managers as, More types of stakeholders
identifying (see Identify Stakeholders process)
impacted by project, Stakeholders are impacted by your project
about, More types of stakeholders
expectations of, A day in the life of a project manager
negative, Stakeholders are impacted by your project, Managing project constraints, Stakeholder analysis up close, How engaged are your stakeholders?
operations teams as, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
organizational groups as, More types of stakeholders
sellers as, More types of stakeholders
sponsors as, More types of stakeholders
talking to, Talk to your stakeholders
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, Here’s how to do this next section
validating project deliverables, Make sure the team delivered the right product
standards, as enterprise environmental factor, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
Start to Finish dependencies, Leads and lags add time between activities
Start to Start (SS) dependencies, Dependencies help you sequence your activities
statement of work, The Develop Project Charter process, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
statement of work (SOW), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
statistical sampling
in Control Quality process, Checksheets and scatter diagrams
in Plan Quality Management process, How to plan for quality
storming, as stage of team development, Stages of team development, How to resolve a conflict
subprojects, The day-to-day work of a project manager
subsidiary plans
about, The Project Management plan lets you plan ahead for problems
in knowledge areas, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
memorizing for exam, The Project Management plan is a collection of other plans
summary milestone schedule, A closer look at the project charter
supportive PMOs
about, Project management offices help you do a good job, every time
descriptions of, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
supportive role, stakeholders in, How engaged are your stakeholders?
surveys, Use a questionnaire to get requirements from a bigger group of people
(see also questionnaires)
in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills
SV (Schedule Variance), Control Schedule tools and techniques, Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?, A project that’s behind schedule or over budget will have lower numbers., Let’s say you’re given...
SWOT analysis, in Identify Risks process, More Identify Risks techniques
systems maintenance process
about, Kate’s being asked to do operational work, Back to Kate’s maintenance nightmare
dividing into releases, Kate makes some changes...
project constraints in, Managing project constraints


TCPI (To-Complete Performance Index)
about, A few new tools and techniques, The earned value management formulas
calculating, Are you over budget?
keeping project on track, Keep your project on track with TCPI
team building
about, Good leadership helps the team work together
vs. coaching, Operations management handles the processes that make your company tick
team development, stages of, Stages of team development
Team Performance Assessment
in Develop Project Team process, How’s the team doing?
in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
team-building activities, in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
teams, project
acquiring, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Get your team together and keep them moving, Get the team together
assembling, Figure out who you need on your team
conflict management in, How to resolve a conflict
creating deliverables, The project team creates deliverables
decision-making techniques for leading, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
developing, Develop your project team
(see also Develop Project Management Plan process)
getting team together, Get the team together
ground rules, Develop the team with your management skills
in functional and projectized organizations, There are different types of organizations
in matrix organizations, There are different types of organizations
involvement in change control, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
leading, Lead the team with your management skills
managing, Develop your project team
(see also Manage Project Team process)
micromanaging, Motivate your team
motivating, Good leadership helps the team work together, Cubicle conversation, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team, Motivate your team
roles of, Your project team has lots of roles too
solving team problems, Managing your team means solving problems
technical opinions, causing conflicts, Conflict management up close
technical performance measurement, in Control Risks process, More control risk tools and techniques
“technique,” used on exam, Question Clinic: The calculation question
templates, Define the scope of the project, The inputs for the WBS come from other processes, The project is ready to ship!, Before you look at the answers...
temporary, projects as, What a project IS...
test planning, in Plan Quality Management process, How to plan for quality, The Quality Management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
testing, for quality, Once you know what the product is supposed to do, it’s easy to tell which tests pass and which fail, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
Theory X and Theory Y, Motivate your team
Three-Point Estimates, in Estimate Activity Durations process, Estimation tools and techniques
as knowledge area, Knowledge areas organize the processes
constraint, Managing project constraints
test practice question answers on, Great job! It looks like you’re almost ready
test practice questions on, Here’s how to do this next section
time and materials (T&M), in contracts, Types of contractual agreements, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Exam
time management
about, Reality sets in for the happy couple
aggressive time lines and, Time management helps with aggressive timelines
control schedule, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
creating network diagram, Create the network diagram
critical path in
about using, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
backward pass, Take a backward pass to find late start and finish
finding float for activities, Finding the float for any activity, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
using Critical Path Method, Use the critical path method to avoid big problems
using early start and early finish, Figure out the early start and early finish, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
using forward pass method, Add early and late durations to your diagrams
using late start and late finish, Figure out the latest possible start and finish
defining activities
outputs, Define activities outputs
process, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
developing schedule
management plan, Now you know how you’ll track your schedule
outputs of, Outputs of Develop Schedule
process, Bringing it all together
tools and techniques, Other Develop Schedule tools and techniques
diagram relationship between activities, Diagram the relationship between activities
figuring out length of project, Figuring out how long the project will take
influencing factors that cause change, Influence the factors that cause change
leads and lags between activities, Leads and lags add time between activities
modeling techniques, Modeling techniques
plan scheduling processes, Plan your scheduling processes
process activities, Time management helps with aggressive timelines
resources in
about, Rob and Rebecca have resource problems
estimating, Time management helps with aggressive timelines, What you need to estimate resources
schedule compression techniques
crashing, Crash the schedule, Project documents updates
fast-tracking, Fast-tracking the project, Project documents updates
finding variances in results of, Control Schedule tools and techniques
sequencing activities, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
using scheduling software, Leads and lags add time between activities
To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI)
about, A few new tools and techniques, The earned value management formulas
calculating, Are you over budget?
keeping project on track, Keep your project on track with TCPI
tools and techniques, in projects, Anatomy of a process
top-down estimating, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
Traceability Matrix, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document, The Control Scope process, Make sure the team delivered the right product
in Develop Project Team process, Develop the team with your management skills
in staffing management plan, The Staffing Management plan
transferred risk, How you deal with risk, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks, Response planning can even find more risks
transmit message, in communication, Anatomy of communication
treating people properly, A good price or a clean river?
trend analysis, Finish the work, close the project, How to control your risks, More control risk tools and techniques
triangular distribution, First gather the data...
triggers, Examine each risk in the register, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results, It isn’t always so bad, More control risk tools and techniques
triple constraint, Managing project constraints
trust-building, Good leadership helps the team work together
in Develop Project Team process, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
Tuckman, Bruce, Stages of team development, How to resolve a conflict


unanimity, group decision making technique, Make decisions about requirements
unaware role, stakeholders in, How engaged are your stakeholders?
union contracts, Two months later..., Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
updates to organizational process assets, in Control Scope process, The Control Scope process
upper control limit, in control charts, The seven basic tools of quality
in risk register, Examine each risk in the register
vs. priority, Examine each risk in the register
US Federal Acquisition Regulation website, Types of contractual agreements
users (consumers)
as stakeholders, More types of stakeholders
project team role as, Your project team has lots of roles too


VAC (Variance at Completion), Once you’ve got an estimate, you can calculate a variance!
Validate Scope process, The six Scope Management processes, Make sure the team delivered the right product, Is the project ready to go?
validated changes
in Monitor and Control Project Work process, Look for changes and deal with them
in Perform Integrated Change Control process, Make only the changes that are right for your project
validated defect repair, in Control Quality process, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
value, in choosing projects, Determine budget: how to build a budget
variance analysis, The Control Scope process, Anatomy of a change, Just one Control Scope tool/technique, How to control your risks
Variance at Completion (VAC), Once you’ve got an estimate, you can calculate a variance!
vendor bid analysis, in Estimate Costs process, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs
vendors, More types of stakeholders
(see also contractors (consultants))
considering as resource, Estimating the resources
vertical bar charts, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms
virtual teams, in Acquire Project Team process, Get the team together


watch lists, Examine each risk in the register, Examine each risk in the register, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results, More control risk tools and techniques, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
about, The six Scope Management processes
breaking down work, Breaking down the work, Decompose deliverables into work packages, Inside the work package
Create WBS process in
inputs of, The inputs for the WBS come from other processes
outputs of, The outputs of the Create WBS process
project scope baseline, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
structure of, Create the work breakdown structure
WBS Dictionary, Inside the work package, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan, Anatomy of a change, A closer look at the change control system
decomposing deliverables into work packages, Decompose deliverables into work packages, The outputs of the Create WBS process
in Define Activities process, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
in Requirements Traceability Matrix, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document
using deliverables or phases, The outputs of the Create WBS process
work package of, Break it down by project or phase
WBS Dictionary
in Create WBS process, Inside the work package, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan, Anatomy of a change
in Define Activities process, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?
in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Rank your risks
weak matrix organizations, There are different types of organizations
“When you assume...,” identifying risks through, Where to look for risks
“Which-comes-next” questions, in exam, Question Clinic: The “which-comes-next” question
“Which-is-BEST” questions, in exam, Question Clinic: The “which-is-BEST” question
“Which-is-next” question, in exam, Another satisfied customer!
“Which-is-not” questions, on exam, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied, Question Clinic: The “which-is-NOT” question
“Which-One” questions, on exam, Question Clinic: The “which-one” question
withdrawal, resolving conflicts by, How to resolve a conflict
Work Authorization System, The Direct and Manage Project Work process, Look for changes and deal with them, Control your changes; use change control, Integration Management kept your project on track, and the teachers satisfied
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
about, The six Scope Management processes
breaking down work, Breaking down the work, Decompose deliverables into work packages, Inside the work package
Create WBS process in
inputs of, The inputs for the WBS come from other processes
outputs of, The outputs of the Create WBS process
project scope baseline, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan
structure of, Create the work breakdown structure
WBS Dictionary, Inside the work package, The project scope baseline is a snapshot of the plan, Anatomy of a change
decomposing deliverables into work packages, Decompose deliverables into work packages, The outputs of the Create WBS process
in activity decomposition, Rolling wave planning lets you plan as you go
in anatomy of change, Anatomy of a change
in Define Activities process, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
in Determine Budget process, What you need to build your budget
in Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can estimate costs
in Requirements Traceability Matrix, Now you’re ready to write a requirements document
using deliverables or phases, The outputs of the Create WBS process
work package of, Break it down by project or phase
work performance data
in Control Communications process, Let everyone know how the project’s going
in Control Costs process, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Control Risks process, Control Risks is another change control process
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs
in Control Scope process, The Control Scope process
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Control your stakeholders’ engagement
in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The Direct and Manage Project Work process, Deliverables include everything that you and your team produce for the project
in Validate Scope process, Make sure the team delivered the right product
turning into work performance information, Get a handle on communication
work performance information
as procurement process deliverable, You can have several contracts for a single project
in Control Communications process, Now you can get the word out
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Control Quality process, Use the planning outputs for Control Quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
in Control Risks process, More control risk tools and techniques
in Control Schedule process, Control Schedule inputs and outputs, Measuring and reporting performance
in Control Scope process, The Control Scope process
in Control Stakeholder Engagement process, Now you can tell when you need to change the way you deal with stakeholders
in Direct and Manage Project Work process, The project team creates deliverables
in Identify Risks process, What could happen to your project?
in Monitor and Control Project Work process, Look for changes and deal with them
in Perform Integrated Change Control process, Make only the changes that are right for your project
in Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Rank your risks
in Validate Scope process, Make sure the team delivered the right product
users of, Control Schedule tools and techniques
work performance data turning into, Get a handle on communication
work performance reports
in Control Procurements process, Keep an eye on the contract
in Control Risks process, Control Risks is another change control process
in Manage Communications process, Tell everyone what’s going on
in Manage Project Team process, Managing your team means solving problems
work process, project, directing and managing, The Direct and Manage Project Work process
working efficiently, quality and, Knowledge areas organize the processes
wrapping objects (see Adapter Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Facade Pattern)
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