
Absolutes, 133

Abstract language, 101–2, 109–10

Accountability, personal, 83–84, 189–92

Active voice, 130–31

Adaptation, 45–46

Animal questions, 56

Answer guidelines. See Brown Shorts answer guidelines Apple, xvi, 14

Aristotle, 56

Attitude, 207, 209

attitude versus skills, xii–xv, 14

bless their hearts (low skills, high attitude), 15–16

caring, 36

challenging, 36

condescending, 35

ignoring, 36

objectivity, 36

overwhelming, 36

persistence, 36

placating, 35

sincerity, 36–37

talented terrors (high skills, low attitude), 16–17

understanding, 36

unique for organization, xvi, 1–37

Attitude characteristics, 18–28

differential, 18–20

finding brown shorts, 20–28, 62

Authenticity, 171–73

Behavioral questions, xvii, 43–49

Behavioral specificity, 22–28, 154, 193–94

Blame, xiii–xiv, 26, 64

Bless their hearts, 15–16


assessment of employee strengths, 84–85

assessment of employee weaknesses, 85–87

contacting former, 81–82

describing, 82–83

Brainteaser questions, 64–65

Brown Shorts ads. See Job ads

Brown Shorts answer guidelines, xviii, 89–118, 208

actual answers, 101–3

case study, 90–97

employee role in forming, 110–13

formalized approach, 101

objectivity and, 137

origins, 110–13

positive signals, 98, 99–101, 102–3, 106–10

ratings, 91–92

samples, 137–41

scoring answers, 119–41 (see also Scoring)

surveys, 113–17

warning signs, 98–99, 102–6

Brown Shorts Discovery, 2–37, 62

definitions, 4–10

finding brown shorts, 20–28

interviews, 21–28

Microchip Technology, 33–37

negative versus positive brown shorts, 20, 63, 156

online survey, 30–33

training current employees, 185–92

Brown Shorts interview questions, 59–87, 207–8

characteristics, 62–63

coachability question, 80–87

multiple interpretations, 73, 78–79

process of creating, 61–72

sample answers, 71–72, 75, 77–78, 92, 137–41

on surveys, 115–17

wording, 69–70

Byrnes, Terry, 200–205

Caesars Entertainment Corporation, 200–205

Career fairs, 181

CareerBuilder, 172–73

research, 182–83

surveys on job applications, 177

Work@, 173

Case studies

CEOs, 162

chemical company answer guidelines, 90–97

Microchip Technology, 33–37

nursing hires, 2–4, 161

programmers, 151–53

software development, 159–60

Southwest Airlines, 4–10

CEOs, 162

Change, resistance to, xiii–xiv

Choice, 69

Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert, xiv

Coachability, xii

Coachability question, 80–87

Code Jam, xiv–xv Comfort zone, 71, 91–92

Company career portal, 181–82

Company recruiters, 181. See also Recruitment

Competition, 145–46

Concept attainment, 194–96

Control issues, 68–70

Courtesy, 23

Coworkers, 46–47

Culture, organizational, 1–37, 62, 91

fun culture, 4–7

Microchip Technology, 34–36

Southwest Airlines, 4–7

Customers, difficult, 74–76

Dating analogy, 169–70

Differential characteristics, 18–20

realism, 20

Differential situations, 64–67, 76–77

Drama, creating, xiii–xiv

Emotional intelligence, xii

Emotions, 131–32

Employee engagement, 166–67

Employee improvement, xix

Employee referrals, 176–77, 181–82

Employee surveys, 30–33

participation, 32–33

questions, 31–32

Employee training, 185–92


executive, 144

professional, 144

technical, 144

unskilled, 144

Entitlement, feelings of, xiii–xiv

ExecuNet, 162

Execution of ideas, 52

Executive interviews, 21–28


3-3-3, 29–30

Failure, attitudes toward, 73

Firing workers, xiv, 60

“Why CEOs Get Fired,” 52

Formula: P = A + U + S, 149–79

application of, 173–79

attraction, 151–58

suspicions, 171–73

urgency, 158–71

Four Seasons, xvi, 13

Fun, 4–7

Fuzzy language, 22–24, 189

Google, xiv–xv, xvi, 14

Grammar, xviii–xix, 208

High performers, xiv, 46, 50, 63, 110

attitude, 36–37

in differential situations, 64–67

job opportunities, 144–45

job training, 187–92

questions for, 162–64

rating inflation, 122

recruitment of, 155

shoves and tugs to leave current job, 158–71

textual analysis, 126–33

Hiring. See also Recruitment

brown shorts interview questions, 59–87

fits for organization, 13–14

people not to hire, 13–17

Hiring for Attitude, certification for, 2, 209

Hiring managers

training, 90–97

Hiring metrics

hire engagement, 180

hire tenure, 180

manager satisfaction, 180

quality of hire, 179

Hiring profiles, 24

Holtzman, Sam, 33, 198

Homicidal triad, 53

Hundred Percenters (Murphy), 123, 164

Hypothetical questions, xvii, 49–52

Individualism, 1

Initiative, xiii–xiv

Insecurity, 133

Interview questions, xvii

animal questions, 56

behavioral questions, xvii, 43–49

brainteaser questions, 64–65

broad versus specific, 21–22

Brown Shorts answer guidelines, 89–118

brown shorts interview questions, 59–87 (see also Brown Shorts interview questions)

canned answers, 41

coachability question, 80–87

creating, 61–72

hypothetical questions, xvii, 49–52

illegal, 57

leading questions, 44–45, 67

pseudo-psychological, 57

recitation skills, 41–42

signaling answers, 44–47

undifferentiating questions, xvii, 53–57

useless, 39–57

valid, 53

well-known, 40–43


finding brown shorts, 21–28

recording, 28–29

seating arrangement, 102

Job ads, 147–49

key phrases, 152

print media, 181

programmer, 151–53

shoves and tugs, 168–71

testing message, 177–79

Job applications

number of, 157, 178–79

Job boards, 181–82

Job offers

conditional, 61

Job post, xix

Job seekers, 172–73

Kelleher, Herb, 6

Leadership IQ, 12, 19

answering guidelines, 90, 101, 111, 112–13

certification training, 125, 185

clients, 185

coachability, 80

discussion guides, 37, 57

employee engagement survey, 95

evaluation of interview questions, 47

forms for recording interviews, 28

forms for research, 37

Global Talent Management Survey, 164, 176, 180

interview questions, 65

rating form, 119–20

size of organizations, 29

surveys, 40

talent-management studies, 143–44

textual analysis, 126

webinar, 185

“Why CEOs Get Fired,” 52

word pictures, 205

Leadership word picture, 199

Leading by example, 26

Leading questions, 44–45, 67

LifeGift, 33, 197–98

Listening, 135–37

Little, Mitch, 35

Low performers, xiii–xiv, 14, 46, 63, 110

attitude, 35–36

bless their hearts (low skills, high attitude), 15–16

in differential situations, 64–67

job training, 187–92

recruitment of, 155

talented terrors (high skills, low attitude), 16–17

textual analysis, 126–33

Macdonald, John M., 53–54

Macdonald Triad, 53

Marketing, 148–49

Microchip Technology, 33–37

culture, 34–36

Mission statements, 95–96, 196

MOKA, 60–61

Motivation, xii

Negation, 133

Negativity, xiii–xiv, 3

Networking, 181–82

New hires

attitude versus skills, xii–xv

failure, xi–xii

front-line employees’ reaction to, 30–33

Nonprofit organizations, 60

Nursing hires, 2–4

Objectivity, 112–13, 137

Online surveys front-line employees, 30–33

Organizational size, 29

Outside recruiters, 181. See also Recruitment

Ownership, 97, 106–8

Passive voice, 130–31

Performance. See also Low performers

appraisal data, 21

performance breakdown, 17

skills versus attitude, 14

Performance expectations, 187–92

Personal growth, 97

Positive signals, 98, 99–101, 102–3, 106–10

examples, 139–41

textual analysis, 126–33

Priorities, 47

Problem bringers, 45–49

answers to brown shorts questions, 73–78

Problem solvers, 45–49, 136

answers to brown shorts questions, 73–78

Procrastination, xiii–xiv

Professionalism, 23–24

Pronouns, 127–28

Pseudo-psychological questions, 57

Qualifiers, 132–33


animal, 56

attitude and, xvii–xviii

behavioral, xvii

behavioral questions, 43–49

brainteaser questions, 64–65

Brown Shorts answer guidelines, 89–118

brown shorts interview questions, 59–87 (see also Brown Shorts interview questions)

coachability question, 80–87

correlations, 53–54

creating, 61–72

hypothetical questions, xvii, 49–52

illegal, 57

interview, xvii, 39–57 (see also Interview questions)

interview questions, 59–87

leading questions, 44–45, 67

surveys, 115–17

undifferentiating questions, xvii, 53–57

valid, 53

well-known, 40–43

Rapport, 41

Rasmussen, Brent, 172

Recognition, 64

Recruitment, xix, 143–84, 208. See also Hiring

channels, 180–83

employee referrals, 176–77, 181

formula: P = A + U + S, 149–79

need for Brown Shorts, 155, 177

programmers, 151–53

questions for, 162

recruiting message, 146–49, 177

sales pitches, 146–49, 176, 177

shoves and tugs, 162–64

study of successful recruitment, 143–44

tenure data, 167

Research services, 181

Ritz-Carlton, 76

Sales pitch, 146–49

Brown Shorts and, 175–77

Scoring, 119–41

description on scales, 122

listening, 135–37

low scores, 123–24

rating Brown Shorts, 125–26

rating inflation, 122

seven-point scale, 121–23

standards, 134–35

tallying scores, 124–25

textual analysis, 126–33

timing, 134–35

Self-directed learning, 97, 106, 108

Shoves, 158–71 passim examples, 164–67

job ads, 168–71

Silence, 135–37


acquiring new skills, 64

attitude versus skills, xii–xv, 14

bless their hearts (low skills, high attitude), 15–16

talented terrors (high skills, low attitude), 16–17

testing, xiv

Social media, 172–73, 181

bad sales pitches, 176

Southwest Airlines, xvi, 4–10, 13, 76

awards, 9–10

fun culture, 4–7


scoring, 134–35

work standards, 79

Strategy, company, 95

Superstars, 3

Surveys, 30–33, 111

analysis, 117–18

Brown Shorts questions, 115–17

invitation to participate, 113–15

warm-up questions, 115

Talented terrors, 16–17

Target, xvi

Team conflict, 50–52

Teamwork, 3, 44–45, 125

Technical competence, xii, 2

Temperament, xii

Tenure data, 167, 180

Terminations. See Firing workers

Textual analysis, 126–33

absolutes, 133

active versus passive voice, 130–31

emotions, 131–32

negation, 133

pronouns, 127–28

qualifiers, 132–33

verb tense, 128–30

waffling, 133

Thinking outside the box, 79

Total service, 201

Toxic personalities, 52

Training current employees, 185–92

Tugs, 158–71 passim

job ads, 168–71

Undifferentiating questions, xvii, 53–57

University of Washington Tacoma, 135–37

Verb tense, 128–30

Voice, active versus passive, 130–31

Waffling, 133

Walmart, xvi

Warning signs, 98–99, 102–6

examples, 137–39

textual analysis, 126–33

Word pictures, xix, 21, 192–205

behavioral specificity, 193–94

Caesars Entertainment Corporation, 200–205

concept attainment, 194–96

leadership word picture, 199

topics, 196–99

Work standards, 79, 187–88

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