Abatan, Peter, 228, 229

Aberdeen Group, 271

Accenture, 9

Accessibility of information:

costs associated with, 104

identity access management for, 212213, 272

long-term digital preservation for, 26, 32, 322, 340341, 343

principles of IG including, 26, 28, 32, 35, 37

records and information management availability principle on, 28, 32, 35, 37, 151, 309

security balanced with, 26, 32, 151, 203, 212213, 215216, 224


for data governance, 16, 192

for disposition, 133

for IG policy implementation, 88

for IT governance, 17

for maintenance of IG program, 349350

principles of IG including, 27, 28, 30, 35, 36

for records and information management, 28, 30, 35, 36, 53, 133, 309, 311312

for SharePoint, 309, 311312

for social media, 267

for strategic planning, 5354

Adler, Steven, 192

Adobe, 85, 331, 332

AirWatch, 275

Aldus Corporation, 331332

Alperovitch, Dmitri, 207


Elastic Compute Cloud service, 296

Web Services, 344

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 76, 87, 155, 371

Andrews, James, 259

AntiSec, 241242

AOL Instant Messenger, 247, 249


AppSense, 275

iOS, 271, 276, 279

iPhone, 271, 278

iTunes App Store, 278279

Application programming interface (API), 293294

ArchiveFacebook, 261

Archivematica, 344

Archiving information, 33, 34, 6364, 8586, 177, 244247, 248249, 261262, 263, 321323, 339. See also Long-term digital preservation

Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), 176

Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA), 6, 20, 28, 34, 62, 71, 72, 147, 155, 176


database auditing tools for, 203

IG policies, 8990

long-term digital preservation audit and certification standards, 325327

principles of IG including, 26, 30, 32

records and information management including, 30, 32, 150, 183

risk mitigation plan, 51, 63

security functions including, 26, 203, 211, 213, 225, 291

strategic planning including, 63

technology-assisted review, 130

Australasian Digital Recordkeeping Initiative (ADRI), 80


AS 4390-1996 records and information management standard in, 84

AS 5044-2010 metadata standard in, 85

AS 5090:2003 records and information management standard in, 85

AS 8015 IT governance standard in, 1920, 79, 201

Archives Act in, 391, 392

Australian Government Locator Service in, 85

Australian Government Recordkeeping Metadata Standard Version 2.0 in, 8485

Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 in, 392

Crimes Act 1914 in, 393

Designing and Implementing Recordkeeping Systems (DIRKS) used in, 62, 80, 155

Electronic Transactions Act 1999 in, 393

Evidence Act 1995 in, 393

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 in, 393

Freedom of Information Amendment [Reform] Act 2010 in, 169, 391392

AS ISO 15489 records and information management standard in, 84, 85

National Archives of Australia in, 80, 393

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in, 392

Privacy Act 1988 in, 392, 398

records and information management regulations and standards in, 8485, 149, 150, 303, 391393

Standards Australia in, 76, 84, 87

standards in, 1920, 76, 79, 8485, 201

Bearing Point, 62

Best Buy, 264

Best practices:

for cloud computing, 64

of cross-functional IG implementation team, 62

for disposition of information, 62, 6364

of executive sponsorship, 63, 65

for IG policy development and enforcement, 62, 7576, 8788

for instant messaging, 247249

for international and national guideline standards usage, 64

for IT functions for IG, 190, 202203

for long-term digital preservation, 6465

for maturity model usage, 62

for metadata and taxonomy usage, 64, 190

for mobile devices, 280281

for ongoing program aspect of IG, 6162

for privacy protection, 63

for records and information management, 61, 62

for retention of information, 6263, 6465

for risk management, 6263

of security functions, 62, 63, 202203

for social media, 64, 262, 267268

strategic planning consideration of, 6165

Big Data, 35, 100101, 106107, 117, 355

Biometric authentication technologies, 272, 277

Blair, Barclay, 8

Blogs, 260, 265

Bloomberg Messaging, 247

Bollinger, Bryan, 108

Booz Allen Hamilton, 241242

Box, 289

BoxTone, 275

British Standards Institute (BSI), 76, 371

Broddy, William, 216

Business considerations:

business classification schemes as, 368369

business conditions and economic environment survey, 5960

business continuity management as, 8687, 150, 153, 320, 321, 327, 350

business intelligence for, 191, 194

business process analysis as, 377379

changing information environment as, 9799

cloud computing as, 285, 297

corporate culture impacts as, 107

cost sources impacting, 103105

data governance impact as, 16

disposition issues related to, 103, 136137

full cost accounting of, 101102

IG as good business, 78, 110111

IG-enabled organization positives as, 110111

impact of successful IG program as, 2021, 97112

information-calorie intake analysis as, 108

information cap-and-trade model as, 109

information cost calculations as, 99100

information value creation as, 105107

IT functions impacted by, 190, 194, 196197

legal issues related to, 99100, 103, 110, 125, 136137

opportunities and challenges of Big Data as, 100101, 106107

professionalism as, 153

records and information management issues related to, 110, 149150, 153, 303304, 307309

security functions related to, 111

SharePoint business objectives as, 303304, 307309

strategic plan alignment with, 5758

taxonomies addressing, 356357, 368369, 377379

unstructured information management as, 9799, 101111

BWF (broadcast wave format), 333


Canada Revenue Agency, 82, 92, 388, 394

Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB), 92, 394

Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 92

cyberattacks on government of, 207

Electronic Records as Documentary Evidence CAN/CGSB-72.34-2005, 82, 92, 387388, 394

Evidence Acts in, 8283, 93, 388389, 394395

Fraser Health Authority in, 10

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in, 169

Health Information Act in, 169

Library and Archives Canada, 330

Microfilm and Electronic Images as Documentary Evidence CAN/CGSB-72.11-93, 82, 92, 387388, 394

privacy laws in, 169, 398

records and information management regulations and standards in, 82, 92, 150, 303, 387389, 394395

records retention citation services in, 44, 138, 139, 178179

Standards Council of Canada in, 76, 92, 394

standards in, 76, 8283, 9293, 387388, 394

Centrify, 275


instant messaging in, 247

mobile devices in, 271

security issues of files sent to, 229, 273

Cisco Unified Presence, 247

CIS Database Server Benchmarks, 202

Citibank, 278

Citrix, 275

Cloud computing:

application programming interface in, 293294

benefits of, 298299

best practices for, 64

business considerations for, 285, 297

cloud-based mobile device management, 276

cloud deployment models, 289290

community, 289

definition and description of, 285286

disposition and retention issues in, 297, 299300

employee/insider threats in, 291292

growth of, 288

guidelines for, 300

hacking and unauthorized access in, 292293, 295296

hybrid, 289290

hypervisors in, 294295

IG policies on, 76, 291, 293, 296, 297298

information breaches in, 291

information loss in, 290

IT trend analysis of, 59

key characteristics of, 287288

legal issues with, 297

meaning of, 288289

multitenancy and technology sharing issues in, 294295

neighbors/other users of infrastructure in, 296297

overview of, 285286

private, 289

public, 289

records and information management for, 151, 160, 297, 299300

security issues with, 213, 224, 285286, 290298

Cloud Security Alliance, 290

CobiT® (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology), 18, 111, 197, 198199, 200

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 4445, 138140, 178, 386, 387


of business and financial cost considerations, 108

of IG policies, 25, 35, 89, 242243, 248, 282, 352

of instant messaging policies, 248

of inventory goals, 158

of metadata use, 364

of mobile device policies, 282

principles of IG including, 25

of records and information management policies, 31, 158, 169, 313314

of security functions, 233234

of SharePoint policies, 313314

of strategic plan, 55

Compliance, Governance and Oversight Counsel (CGOC), 4, 72, 73

Computer-assisted review, 128130, 135

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 210

Computerworld, 106

Conniff, Richard, 109

Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, 321

Corporate culture:

business and financial impacts of, 107

IT governance impacted by, 199

legal and e-discovery readiness impacted by, 124

SharePoint usage necessitating changes to, 304305

strategic planning consideration of, 58

Corporate governance:

data governance in, 1517, 25, 110, 191194, 299300

information governance in, 5, 6, 7, 15, 20 (see also Information governance)

IT governance in, 1720, 79, 111, 196201

Costs. See Financial issues

Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities, 80

Council of Information Auto-Classification, “Information Explosion” survey, 131

CTIA (The Wireless Association), 271

Customs and Border Protection, U.S., 223

CyberArk, 209

Data architecture, 195

Database activity monitoring (DAM), 203

Database auditing tools, 203

Data governance, 1517, 25, 110, 191194, 299300

Data Governance Institute, 193

Data loss prevention (DLP) technology, 220222, 227228, 231, 291, 292

Data modeling, 195196, 197

Data Protection Act, 156

Defense in depth, 212

Delivery platforms:

best practices using, 64, 247249, 262, 267268, 280281

cloud computing as, 59, 64, 76, 151, 160, 213, 224, 276, 285301

disposition of information from, 6364, 125126, 244247, 248249, 261262, 263, 297, 299300

e-mail as (see E-mail)

IG for various, 8, 9, 11, 241251, 253268, 271283, 285301, 303314

IG policies applied to, 76, 242243, 247249, 257, 258, 259260, 262264, 267, 276, 281282, 291, 293, 296, 297298, 310311

instant messaging as, 243, 247250, 257

IT trend analysis of, 59

legal issues related to specific, 116, 119, 125126, 243244, 245, 259260, 264267, 282, 297, 303, 307

mobile devices as, 9, 11, 59, 151, 160, 164, 213, 220, 225, 230, 271283, 298, 303

records and information management on various, 151, 159, 160, 164, 232, 264267, 297, 299300, 303314

removable media as, 159, 164, 223, 277

retention of information on, 64, 126, 175178, 243247, 248249, 261262, 263, 264267, 297, 299300

risk management issues with, 242243, 257260

security issues with, 213, 217218, 220, 223224, 225, 226227, 230, 233234, 241251, 256268, 271283, 285286, 290298, 303314

SharePoint as, 160, 232, 303314

social media as, 59, 64, 76, 151, 213, 253268

training in specific, 258, 268, 282, 313

Department of Defense, U.S. (DoD) standards, 76, 80, 8182, 179

Design Criteria Standard for Electronic Records Management Software Applications, 81

Designing and Implementing Recordkeeping Systems (DIRKS), 62, 80, 155

Device control methods, 227

Digital signatures, 218219, 220

Digital Systems Knowledge Transfer Network, 271

DISA Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), 202

Disasters, business continuity after, 8687, 150, 153, 320, 321, 327, 350

Disposition of information:

accountability for, 133

archiving as, 33, 34, 6364, 8586, 177, 244247, 248249, 261262, 263, 321323, 339 (see also Long-term digital preservation)

auto-classification and analytics technologies assisting with, 134135

best practices for, 62, 6364

business considerations related to, 103, 136137

cloud computing, specifically, 297, 299300

costs associated with, 103

discarding as, 34

e-mail, specifically, 6364, 125126, 244247

essential steps to defensible, 136

event-based, 179181

final disposition and closure criteria, 181182

IG policies on, 7576, 121122

imaging as, 34

implementation of, 182183

importance of, 45

information control through, 26

information value increased through appropriate, 106

instant messages, specifically, 248249

legally defensible, 45, 6, 8, 62, 117, 121122, 125126, 130137

methods of, 34, 170

proving record destruction in, 183

purging as, 34

records and information management addressing, 28, 3334, 35, 37, 130137, 150, 151, 170, 177178, 179183, 297, 299300

shredding as, 34

social media, specifically, 261262, 263

strategic plan consideration of, 62, 6364

technologies assisting with, 134136, 179, 183

volume of information necessitating improved, 131132

DLM Forum, 84

Document analytics, 232233

Document labeling, 26, 231232

Document life cycle security (DLS) technologies, 291, 292. See also Data loss prevention (DLP) technology; Information rights management (IRM) software

Dropbox, 289

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), 85, 365366

Economist Intelligence Unit, 8, 105


costs associated with, 60, 99100, 103, 123

disposition issues with, 117, 121122, 125126

e-discovery process, steps of, 120

Electronic Discovery Reference Model, 62, 72, 119122

e-mail as, 244

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure impacting, 115116, 117118, 119, 150, 265, 303

guidelines for e-discovery planning, 121122

IG impact on, 123

IG proactive management of, 8

legal hold process impacting, 26, 60, 62, 117, 122126, 297, 303

predictive coding assistance with, 58, 127128

retention issues with, 4, 100, 121126

social media as, 260, 264265

techniques of, 119

technologies assisting with, 58, 126130

technology-assisted review assistance with, 128130

Zubulake v. UBS Warburg on, 119

Eisenberg, Anne, 99

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR), 45, 139140, 178

Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), 210

Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM), 62, 72, 119122

Electronic records management. See Records and information management


archiving of, 244247

as business records, 175176, 241, 245246

destructive retention of, 64, 126, 177178, 246247

disposition of, 6364, 125126, 244247

encryption of, 217, 226

IG control of, 8, 241247

IG policies on, 76, 242243

information value creation through, 106

legal issues related to, 116, 119, 125126, 243244, 245

ownership of, 98

realistic policies on, 243

retention of, 64, 126, 175178, 243247

risk management issues with, 242243

security issues with, 217218, 223224, 226227, 233234, 241247

social media distinction from, 257

stream messaging vs., 217218, 233234, 236

technology-agnostic policies on, 243

unstructured information management including, 9799, 106


accountability of, 16, 17, 27, 28, 30, 35, 36, 5354, 88, 133, 192, 267, 309, 311312, 349350

communication with (see Communication)

corporate culture among, 58, 107, 124, 199, 304305

e-mail ownership issues with, 98

executive sponsorship by senior, 16, 25, 28, 30, 5355, 63, 65, 88, 157, 159, 169, 182, 192, 197, 306, 349350, 352, 388

IG benefits for, 8

IG continuity plan involving, 350

IG policies for (see Information governance policies)

IG teams/governance bodies including, 11, 35, 38, 55, 5657, 62, 88, 124125, 262263, 281, 306307, 350

information misuse by, 810, 26, 208210, 228, 229, 242243, 258259, 291292, 320321

inventory team including, 157, 160

risk profile interviews with, 4748

stakeholder consultation including, 2627

training for (see Training)

Encryption, 26, 164, 203, 217, 219220, 225, 226227, 228, 276, 277, 281, 291, 294

Enterprise content management (ECM), 149

Environmental Protection Agency, U.S., 101, 153

ePolicy Institute, 233, 244

Etsy, Dan, 109

European Union. See also specific countries

European Broadcasting Union in, 333

mobile devices in, 271

privacy laws in, 398

records and information management regulations in, 303

Executive sponsorship:

continuity of, 350

for data governance, 16, 192

for IG maintenance, 349350, 352

for IG policy development and implementation, 88

for inventory of records, 157, 159

for IT governance, 197

key purposes of, 54

as principle of IG, 25, 28, 30

for records and information management, 28, 30, 157, 159, 169, 182, 306, 388

for SharePoint implementation, 306

for strategic planning, 5355, 63, 65

Facebook, 254, 256, 257, 261, 265

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 9

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 280

Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002, 296

Federal Register, 45, 139, 178

Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 244

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP):

e-discovery impacts of, 115116, 117118, 119, 150, 265, 303

FRCP 1, 117

FRCP 16, 118

FRCP 26, 118, 119, 265

FRCP 33, 118

FRCP 34, 118

FRCP 37, 118

Federal Wiretap Act, 210

FedEx, 259

FILELAW®, 44, 138, 139, 178179

Financial Institution Privacy Protection Act of 2001/2003, 385

Financial issues:

accessibility costs as, 104

business considerations based on, 78, 16, 2021, 5960, 99112, 125, 136137

business process structuring costs as, 104105

classification and organization costs as, 103

cost-benefit analysis of, 2021, 152

digitization and automation costs as, 103104

disposition costs as, 103

e-discovery costs as, 60, 99100, 103, 123

full cost accounting of, 101102

IG enabling or maturity impacting, 110111

information cost calculations as, 99100

information value creation as, 105107

knowledge transfer costs as, 105

long-term digital preservation costs as, 321

migration to current system costs as, 104

mobile device costs as, 281282

policy management and compliance costs as, 104

records and information management costs as, 151, 152

retention costs as, 45, 99, 104, 131

risk assessment calculating, 48

security breach costs as, 207, 220221, 227, 271

sources of costs in, 103105

standards-related costs as, 77

strategic planning of budgets as, 53, 54, 5960

unstructured information ownership costs as, 102105

Flash drives. See Removable media

Flickr, 261

Flynn, Nancy, 233, 244, 245

Folksonomies, 381

Food and Drug Administration, 386

Ford Motor Company, 9

Forrester Research, 227, 230, 355


privacy laws in, 398

records and information management regulations in, 149

Société Générale breach in, 212

FRCP. See Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Freedom of Information Act, U.S., 4546, 156, 169, 210

Friedman, Ted, 5

Frost & Sullivan, 275

Fulbright and Jaworski research, 126, 177

Gartner, Inc., 3, 5, 10, 27, 189, 194, 220, 271, 275, 288, 356

Geithner, Timothy, 244

General Accounting Office (GAO), 173

Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles®, 2735, 3637, 53, 71, 74, 155, 171


privacy laws in, 398

records and information management regulations in, 149

Global Aerospace, Inc., et al. v. Landow Aviation, LP, et al., 127128

Global Information Locator Service (GILS), 366367

Good Technology, 275


Android Marketplace of, 278279

Android OS of, 271, 272, 276, 279

security breach of, 229

Government Printing Office, 45, 139, 178

GPS (Global Positioning System), 273

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 385

Gruman, Galen, 287

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 223, 385

Heartland, 296

Homeland Security, U.S., 223

House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee, U.S., 244

Huawei Technologies, 9

Hypervisors, virtualization, 294295

Ibas, 208


Endpoint Manager for Mobile Devices, 275

Lotus Sametime, 247

Identity access management, 212213, 272

IG. See Information governance


cyberattacks on government of, 207

mobile devices in, 271

privacy laws in, 399

records and information management regulations in, 149

security issues of files sent to, 229

Indonesia, security of files sent to, 229

Information governance (IG):

auditing in (see Auditing)

Big Data age necessitating, 35, 100101, 106107, 117, 355

business considerations in (see Business considerations)

communication related to (see Communication)

continuity plan for, 350

continuous improvement to, 27, 3435, 3637, 351352

corporate governance including, 5, 6, 7, 15, 20

data governance distinction from, 1517 (see also Data governance)

definition and description of, 57, 20

delivery platforms for (see Delivery platforms)

disposition of information in (see Disposition of information)

employees working with (see Employees/staff)

executive sponsorship of (see Executive sponsorship)

failures in, 810

financial issues in (see Financial issues)

impact of successful, 2021

imperative for, 35

information technology functions in (see Information technology (IT) functions)

IT governance distinction from, 1720 (see also IT governance)

key points related to, 12, 2122, 38, 51, 68, 9091, 111112, 142143, 184186, 204, 234236, 250251, 268, 283, 301, 314, 345346, 352353, 382

laws and regulations impacting (see Laws and regulations)

legal issues for (see Legal issues)

long-term program issues with (see Long-term program issues)

maintenance of IG program, 349353

metadata management in (see Metadata)

monitoring in (see Monitoring)

policies for (see Information governance policies)

principles of, 2538

privacy protection in (see Privacy protection)

records and information management in (see Records and information management)

retention of information and (see Retention of information)

risk management in (see Risk management)

security functions in (see Security functions)

strategic planning and best practices for (see Strategic planning)

taxonomies in (see Taxonomy/common terminology)

training in (see Training)

Information governance policies:

accountability for, 88

best practices for developing and enforcing, 62, 7576, 8788

business continuity management under, 8687

cloud computing under, 76, 291, 293, 296, 297298

communication of, 25, 35, 89, 242243, 248, 282, 352

controls, monitoring, auditing and enforcement of, 8990

cost of development of and compliance with, 104

development of, 1011, 25, 62, 7191

disposition under, 7576, 121122

e-mail under, 76, 242243

Information Governance Reference Model usage for, 62, 7275

instant messaging under, 243, 247249

international and national standards impacting, 7688, 9293

legal issues impacting, 7688

long-term digital preservation under, 8586, 326, 327, 337, 338

mobile devices under, 276, 281282

realistic, 243

records and information management under, 71, 74, 7986, 9293, 150151, 310311

retention under, 46, 7576, 8586, 121122

risk management under, 46, 6263, 75, 77

roles and responsibilities for, 88

security function under, 72, 7879, 213, 214, 221, 222, 224, 233234, 291, 293, 297298

SharePoint under, 310311

social media under, 76, 257, 258, 259260, 262264, 267

strategic plan shaping, 5368

teams/governance bodies determining, 11, 35, 38, 88

technology-agnostic, 243

training in, 35, 89, 282

Information Governance Reference Model, 62, 7275

Information life cycle management (ILM), 195. See also Disposition of information; Retention of information

Information management, 194196, 197

Information rights management (IRM) software, 9, 26, 62, 164, 210, 222226, 227228, 229, 291, 292

Information technology (IT) functions:

best practices for, 190, 202203

business considerations impacting, 190, 194, 196197

customization of, 190

data architecture as, 195

data governance as, 1517, 25, 110, 191194, 299300

data modeling as, 195196, 197

delivery platforms for (see Delivery platforms)

IG enabling or maturity impacting, 110111

information life cycle management as, 195 (see also Disposition of information; Retention of information)

information management as, 194196, 197

IT governance as, 1720, 79, 111, 196201

IT network diagram detailing, 160

IT strategic planning as, 58, 59

IT trend analysis as, 59

master data management as, 194

overview of, 189190, 204

records and information management relationship to, 151, 160, 164, 176

risk management through, 192, 193, 198

security functions as, 202203

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), 18, 19, 197, 198, 200201

Inside Out, 342

Insider threats, 810, 26, 208210, 228, 229, 242243, 258259, 291292, 320321

Instagram, 261

Instant messaging:

best practices for, 247249

disposition and retention of, 248249

IG policies on, 243, 247249

monitoring of, 249

security issues with, 247250

social media distinction from, 257

tips for safer use of, 249250

Intellectual property, security of, 9, 208210, 223, 228, 229, 260

Intel/McAfee, 207208

Internal Revenue Agency, 296

International Council on Archives (ICA), Principles and Functional Requirements for Records in Electronic Office Environments (Req), 80

International Data Corporation (IDC), 131, 272

International Olympic Committee, 207

International Organization for Standardization (ISO):

best practices on referral to, 64

IG policies impacted by, 76, 7781, 84

ISO 14721:2003, 321

ISO 14721:2012, 8586, 318, 325, 333, 334, 335336

ISO 15489-1:2001, 7980, 141, 155, 324

ISO 15489-2:2001, 80, 141

ISO 15498:2004, 332

ISO 15836:2009, 365

ISO 15849, 364365, 369

ISO 16175, 80, 84

ISO 16175-1:2010, 141

ISO 16363 (2012), 325327, 333, 334, 335

ISO 16363:2012, 86

ISO 17799, 18, 198

ISO 19005, 331

ISO 19005-1:2005, 85

ISO 22301:2012, 8687

ISO 23081-1:2006, 364365

ISO 23950, 366

ISO 25964, 371

ISO 28500:2009, 333

ISO 30300:2011, 8081

ISO 30301:2011, 8081

ISO 31000:2009, 77

ISO/IEC 13818-3:2000, 333

ISO/IEC 15444:2000, 332333

ISO/IEC 20000, 19, 200

ISO/IEC 27001:2005, 78

ISO/IEC 27002:2005, 78, 210

ISO/IEC 38500:2008, 1920, 79, 111, 201

ISO TR 18492 (2005), 86, 324325

IT governance standards, 1920, 111, 198, 200201

long-term digital preservation standards, 8586, 318, 321, 324327, 331, 332333, 334, 335336

metadata standards, 364365

records management standards, 7981, 84, 8586, 141, 147, 155, 369

risk management standards, 46, 77

security standards, 7879, 210

thesauri standards, 371

Inventory of records:

challenges of, 155156

conducting of, 157, 163166

conductor of inventory determined for, 157, 160

definition of, 154

executive sponsorship of, 157, 159

Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles® for, 155

goals of, 157158

information/elements to be collected determination for, 157, 159160

information location determination for, 157, 163

interviews as method of conducting, 164, 165166, 167

inventory forms for, 157, 160, 161163

IT security based on, 202

long-term digital preservation use of, 339

observation as method of conducting, 164

overview of, 154155

purposes of, 156

records and information management including, 154168, 173, 202, 339

records value appraisal in, 167168

results verification and analysis for, 157, 166168

retention schedule detailed in, 154, 173, 339

scope of, 157, 158159

steps of creating, 157168

surveys as method of conducting, 164

IRC Federal, 242

ISACA (formerly Information Systems Audit and Control Association), 18, 198

ISO. See International Organization for Standardization

IT. See Information technology (IT) functions

IT governance, 1720, 79, 111, 196201

IT Governance Institute:

Board Briefing on IT Governance, 17

CobiT® development by, 18, 198

ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), 18, 19, 197, 198, 200201

Jabber XCP, 247


privacy laws in, 399

records and information management regulations in, 149

Jaquith, Andrew, 230

Jolicloud, 261

JPEG 2000 (joint photographic engineers group) standard, 332333, 343

Key point summaries, 12, 2122, 38, 51, 68, 9091, 111112, 142143, 184186, 204, 234236, 250251, 268, 283, 301, 314, 345346, 352353, 382

Knorr, Eric, 287

Kortchinksy, Kostya, 295

Labels, documents, 26, 231232

LANDesk, 275

Laws and regulations. See also specific regulatory bodies; Standards

citation services summarizing, 44, 138, 139, 178179

cloud computing impacted by, 297

Code of Federal Regulations, 4445, 138140, 178, 386, 387

e-mail under, 245

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 115116, 117118, 119, 150, 265, 303

freedom of information laws as, 4546, 156, 169, 210, 391392

IG policies impacted by, 7688

privacy, 169, 210211, 297, 385, 392, 397400

records and information management compliance with, 28, 32, 33, 35, 3637, 130142, 149150, 151, 156, 169, 176179, 303, 307, 385395

risk management research and application of, 4346, 6263, 123

security functions impacted by, 223, 227, 296

social media impacted by, 265

strategic planning consideration of, 5657, 60

Legal issues. See also Laws and regulations

Big Data effect on, 117

business considerations related to, 99100, 103, 110, 125, 136137

cloud computing-specific, 297

e-discovery as, 4, 8, 26, 58, 60, 62, 72, 99100, 103, 115130, 150, 244, 260, 264265, 297, 303

e-mail-specific, 116, 119, 125126, 243244, 245

FRCP impacting, 115116, 117118, 119, 150, 265, 303

IG policies impacted by, 7688

legal hold process as, 26, 60, 62, 117, 122126, 297, 303

legally defensible disposition of information as, 45, 6, 8, 62, 117, 121122, 125126, 130137

mobile device-specific, 282

overview of, 115

privacy protection impacted by, 4344, 63, 169, 210211, 297, 385, 392, 397400

records and information management legal compliance as, 28, 32, 33, 35, 3637, 130142, 149150, 151, 156, 169, 176179, 303, 307, 385395

retention impacted by, 4, 26, 33, 4344, 6263, 122126, 137142, 169, 177179, 243244

risk management research and application of, 4346, 6263, 123

security functions impacted by, 4344, 223, 227, 296

SharePoint compliance with, 303, 307

social media-specific, 259260, 264267

strategic planning consideration of, 5657, 60, 6263, 123

taxonomies addressing, 357

technologies assisting with, 58, 126130, 134136

Leslie, Phillip, 108

Library of Congress, U.S., 328, 330, 361, 366, 371372

Lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP), 226

LinkedIn, 254, 256, 259260, 262

Logan, Debra, 10, 27, 189

Long-term digital preservation:

accessibility of information through, 26, 32, 322, 340341, 343

archiving as, 177, 321323, 339

audit and certification standards for, 325327

best practices for, 6465

business continuity issues in, 320, 321, 327

costs of, 321

definition of, 317318

digital object management in, 326327

digital preservation infrastructure of, 337338

digital preservation processes and services of, 339341

evolving marketplace for, 344

future of, 344

IG policies on, 8586, 326, 327, 337, 338

integrity of information in, 340, 343

key factors in, 318320

Long-Term Digital Preservation Capability Maturity Model®, 334341

media obsolescence and renewal in, 320, 339340, 342343

metadata in, 318, 328329, 340, 343

OAIS Reference Model for, 321323

open standard technology-neutral formats for, 321, 324, 329333, 338, 342, 343

optimal to nominal stages of preservation in, 335336

organizational infrastructure of, 325326

performance metrics for, 341

preservation description information for, 322323

principles of IG including, 26, 32

producers and users of, 336337, 344

records and information management addressing, 177, 182, 317346

requirements for, 333

risk management of, 327

security issues related to, 32, 320321, 325, 327, 340, 343

standards on, 8586, 318, 321333, 334, 335336

strategic planning including, 59, 6465, 325, 337

strategies and techniques for, 341344

technical infrastructure of, 327, 338

threats to, 320321

trustworthy digital repository for, 339

Long-term program issues:

IG as ongoing, long-term program, 7, 11, 27, 6162

IG policies addressing, 8586, 326, 327, 337, 338

long-term digital preservation as, 26, 32, 59, 6465, 8586, 177, 182, 317346

principles of IG including, 26, 32

standards on, 8586, 318, 321333, 334, 335336

strategic plan addressing, 59, 6162, 6465, 325, 337

Mah, Paul, 242

Maintenance of IG program, 349353

Management support. See Executive sponsorship

Managing Electronic Records: Methods, Best Practices and Technologies (Smallwood), 81

Man-in-the-middle attacks, 279, 280

Manning, Bradley, 258

Masking technology, 203

Master data management, 194

Master Data Management (MDM) Institute, 189

McKinsey, 100, 105, 107


best practices for, 64

core issues with, 363364

definition of, 357, 358, 361

digital signatures in, 220

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative on, 85, 365366

Global Information Locator Service on, 366367

information organization and classification using, 26, 357, 358, 359368, 370, 375, 381

long-term digital preservation of, 318, 328329, 340, 343

records and information management use of, 265, 361368, 370, 375, 381

security issues related to, 220

social media, 265

standards on, 82, 8485, 328329, 340, 360362, 364368

taxonomy relationship to, 357, 358, 359360, 367368, 370, 375, 381 (see also Taxonomy/common terminology)

text mining of, 367368

training and communication in use of, 363364

types of, 362363

MI6, 10


Active Direction, 226

instant messaging system, 247

Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), 215, 216, 232, 261, 329

Office Communications Server, 247

Outlook TwInbox, 261

SharePoint, 160, 232, 303314

Visio®, 377

Wave audio format, 333

Windows OS, 272

MIKE2.0, 62

Mobile devices:

3G and 4G interoperability of, 273

anti-virus security measures for, 274, 278

authentication methods for, 277, 280

best practices for, 280281

biometric authentication used with, 277

bring-your-own-device (BYOD) approach to, 275, 281282, 298, 303

cloud computing via, 298

confidential information removal from, 274275

costs associated with, 281282

e-commerce via, 277280

encryption on, 276, 277, 281

GPS for, 273

hacking protection for, 276

IG for, 9, 11, 271283

IG policies for, 276, 281282

innovation vs. security for, 279280

IT trend analysis of, 59

legal issues related to, 282

long-term evolution of, 273

mobile application security for, 277280

mobile device management of, 273, 275276

number of users, 271, 272

overview of, 271273

password protection for, 276, 277

push-button applications for, 274

records and information management for, 151, 160, 164

security issues with, 213, 220, 225, 230, 271283

SharePoint supporting, 303

smartphone applications for, 273

software updates for, 276

solid state drives for, 274

supplemental broadband for, 274

timeout function for, 276, 277

training and communication related to, 282

trends in mobile computing, 273274

Virtual Private Network hardware and software for, 273

WiMax networks for, 273

MobileIron, 275

Model Requirements for Management of Electronic Records (MoReq2010), 80, 8283


cloud computing, 295, 296

database activity monitoring as, 203

data governance plan, 192

IG policies, 8990

instant messaging, 249

maintenance of IG program including, 349350

principles of IG including, 26, 32

records and information management including, 150, 169

security functions including, 202203, 209, 249, 295, 296

Montague Institute, 357

Motorola, 9

MPEG-2 (motion picture expert group) standard, 333

MSN instant messaging system, 249

National Archives and Records Administration, 45, 76, 81, 139140, 141, 154, 172173, 178, 254, 299, 321, 386387

Office of the Federal Register, 45, 139140, 178

National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), 223

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 76, 286287, 296

National Labor Relations Board, 263

National Security Agency, U. S., 89, 208, 241242, 291

Nerney, Chris, 258

Office of Management and Budget, 296

Office of the Federal Register, 45, 139140, 178

Open archival information system (OAIS), 8586, 321323

Organizational culture. See Corporate culture

Osterman Research, 126, 176, 177

Pace, Nicholas M., 99

PageFreezer, 261, 262

Passwords, computer, 215, 276, 277, 295

PATRIOT Act, 386

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), 227

PDF995, 262

PDF/A format, 85, 331, 343

PDFCreate, 262

Peck, Andrew, 135

Pew Research Center, 101

Phishing, 202, 279, 293, 295

Picasa, 261

PNG (portable network graphics) format, 332

Policies. See Information governance policies

Political environment, 60. See also Laws and regulations; specific governments by country name

Ponemon Institute, 207, 220

Portable storage devices. See Removable media

Predictive coding, 58, 127128

PREMIS preservation metadata standard, 328329, 340

PrimoPDF, 262

Principles of information governance:

accountability as, 27, 28, 30, 35, 36

continuous improvement as, 27, 3435, 3637

executive sponsorship as, 25, 28, 30

Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles® as, 2735, 3637

information accessibility as, 26, 28, 32, 35, 37

information control as, 26

information governance monitoring and auditing as, 26, 30, 32

information integrity as, 25, 28, 31, 35, 36

information organization and classification as, 2526

information policy development and communication as, 25

information security as, 26, 28, 32, 35, 36

overview of, 2527

stakeholder consultation as, 2627

team/governance body for implementing, 35, 38

Privacy protection:

best practices for, 63

failures of, 10

IG policies addressing, 72, 264

instant messaging policy on, 248

legal requirements for, 4344, 63, 169, 210211, 297, 385, 392, 397400

perimeter security limitations impacting, 211

personally identifiable information (PII) in, 26, 4344, 210, 297, 385

principles of IG including, 26

redaction as, 210211

risk management consideration of, 4344, 63

security function of, 9, 10, 26, 4344, 63, 72, 169, 207, 210211, 248, 264, 297, 385, 392, 397400

social media, 264

strategic planning consideration of, 63

PRONON program, 330

Quest Software, 248

Records and information management:

accountability for, 28, 30, 35, 36, 53, 133, 309, 311312

adoption and compliance with, 168169

assessment and improvement roadmap for, 3435, 3637

audit process for, 30, 32, 150, 183

availability of records through, 28, 32, 35, 37, 151, 309

benefits of, 152153

best practices for, 61, 62

business considerations related to, 110, 149150, 153, 303304, 307309

challenges of, 150151, 304306

cloud computing issues with, 297, 299300

communication related to, 31, 158, 169, 313314

costs of, 151, 152

definition of, 147

delivery platforms impacting, 151, 159, 160, 164, 232, 264267, 297, 299300, 303314

disposition requirements in, 28, 3334, 35, 37, 130137, 150, 151, 170, 177178, 179183, 297, 299300 (see also Disposition of information)

enterprise content management relationship to, 149

executive sponsorship of, 28, 30, 157, 159, 169, 182, 306, 388

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure impacting, 150, 265, 303

Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles® for, 2735, 3637, 53, 71, 74, 155, 171

IG policy relationship to, 71, 74, 7986, 9293, 150151, 310311

integrity of, 28, 31, 35, 36, 340, 343, 389

inventory of records in, 154168, 173, 202, 339 (see also Inventory of records)

IT relationship to, 151, 160, 164, 176

legal and policy compliance through, 28, 32, 33, 35, 3637, 130142, 149150, 150151, 156, 169, 176179, 303, 307, 385395

long-term (see Long-term program issues)

maturity levels/model of, 29, 34, 3637, 62, 334341

metadata in, 265, 361368, 370, 375, 381

monitoring of, 150, 169

overview of, 147149

protection or security of records in, 28, 32, 35, 36, 151, 202, 215, 232, 297 (see also Security functions)

records groupings rationale in, 174, 368

records series identification and classification in, 174175

retention requirements in, 28, 3233, 35, 37, 8586, 137142, 150, 151, 154, 167168, 169183, 264267, 297, 299300, 368, 369 (see also Retention of information)

risk management through, 158

SharePoint for, 160, 232, 303314

social media-specific, 151, 264267

standards on, 7986, 9293, 141, 147, 155, 179, 364365, 369, 387389

taxonomies in, 134, 355360, 367381

training in, 31, 169, 313

transparency of, 28, 31, 35, 36

user assistance and compliance with, 151, 164167, 307

Redaction, 210211

Reference data management, 196

Regulations. See Laws and regulations

Removable media, 159, 164, 223, 277

Research Library Group, 328

Retention of information:

auditing of, 183

best practices for, 6263, 6465

classification of records for, 173175

cloud computing, specifically, 297, 299300

cost of, 45, 99, 104, 131

destructive, 64, 126, 177178, 246247

disposition vs. (see Disposition of information)

e-mail, specifically, 64, 126, 175178, 243247

event-based impact on, 179181

Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles® for, 28, 3233, 35, 37, 171

IG policies on, 46, 7576, 8586, 121122

implementation of retention schedule, 182183

information control through, 26

instant messages, specifically, 248249

inventory of records detailing, 154, 173, 339

legal requirements for, 4, 26, 33, 4344, 6263, 122126, 137142, 169, 177179, 243244

long-term digital preservation for, 26, 32, 59, 6465, 8586, 177, 182, 317346

need for retention schedules, 171173

ongoing maintenance of retention schedule for, 183

principles of retention scheduling, 169170

records and information management addressing, 28, 3233, 35, 37, 8586, 137142, 150, 151, 154, 167168, 169183, 264267, 297, 299300, 368, 369

records groupings rationale related to, 174, 368

records retention citation services on, 44, 138, 139, 178179

records series identification and classification for, 174175

records value appraisal for, 167168

retention period/duration/schedule of, 33, 46, 63, 126, 137138, 140142, 154, 169183, 266, 339, 368, 369

risk management consideration of, 4344, 46, 63, 100

social media, specifically, 261262, 263, 264267

steps for retention schedule development, 171173

strategic planning consideration of, 59, 6263, 6465

technologies assisting with, 183

transitory record retention as, 182

Reuters Messaging, 247

Risk management:

best practices for, 6263

corporate culture on risk tolerance in, 58

data governance role in, 192, 193

delivery platform impacting, 242243, 257260

heat maps in, 47

IG policy relationship to, 46, 6263, 75, 77

IG role in, 8, 4351

inventory of records for, 158

IT functions role in, 192, 193, 198

legal and policy research and compliance in, 4346, 6263, 123

long-term digital preservation consideration of, 327

metrics and results measurements in, 50, 63

privacy issues addressed through, 4344, 63

retention of information addressed through, 4344, 46, 63, 100

risk analysis and assessment in, 4849, 192

risk maps in, 47

risk mitigation plan auditing in, 51, 63

risk mitigation plan development in, 49, 63

risk mitigation plan execution in, 50

risk profile creation in, 4648, 63

security issues addressed through, 4344, 213, 327

standards on, 46, 77

strategic planning consideration of, 58, 6263

top-10 lists in, 47

Rutkowska, Joanna, 295

Safety Deposit Box, 344

SAP Afaria MDM, 275

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), 149, 223, 245, 386

Securities and Exchange Commission, Rule 17A-4, 386

Security functions:

accessibility balanced with, 26, 32, 151, 203, 212213, 215216, 224

anti-virus security measures as, 274, 278

application programming interface as, 293294

auditing as, 26, 203, 211, 213, 225, 291

best practices of, 62, 63, 202203

biometric authentication technologies as, 272, 277

blueprint and CAD document protection as, 228229

business considerations related to, 111

challenges of, 213215

costs of security breaches, 207, 220221, 227, 271

cyberattack proliferation necessitating, 207208

data loss prevention technology as, 220222, 227228, 231, 291, 292

defense in depth as, 212

deletion of files as, 215

delivery platforms impacting, 213, 217218, 220, 223224, 225, 226227, 230, 233234, 241251, 256268, 271283, 285286, 290298, 303314

device control methods as, 227

digital signatures as, 218219, 220

document analytics as, 232233

document labeling as, 231232

document life cycle security technologies as, 291, 292

embedded protection as, 226227, 231

employee information misuse necessitating, 810, 26, 208210, 228, 229, 242243, 258259, 291292, 320321

encryption as, 26, 164, 203, 217, 219220, 225, 226227, 228, 276, 277, 281, 291, 294

external access blockage as, 215216

hybrid approach to, 227

identity access management as, 212213, 272

IG addressing, 810, 26, 207236

IG enabling or maturity impacting, 111

IG policy relationship to, 72, 7879, 213, 214, 221, 222, 224, 233234, 291, 293, 297298

information rights management software as, 9, 26, 62, 164, 210, 222226, 227228, 229, 291, 292

innovation balanced with, 279280

internal price list protection as, 229230

IT functions as, 202203

legal requirements for, 4344, 223, 227, 296

long-term digital preservation security issues, 32, 320321, 325, 327, 340, 343

masking technology for, 203

monitoring as, 202203, 209, 249, 295, 296

outside the organization security approaches as, 230231

password protection as, 215, 276, 277, 295

perimeter security limitations impacting, 211, 214

persistent, 222226, 228229 (see also Information rights management (IRM) software)

principles of IG including, 26, 28, 32, 35, 36

print file security as, 216217

privacy protection as, 9, 10, 26, 4344, 63, 72, 169, 207, 210211, 248, 264, 297, 385, 392, 397400

protected data as, 231

protected process as, 230

records and information management protection as, 28, 32, 35, 36, 151, 202, 215, 232, 297

redaction as, 210211

repository-based approach to, 214215

risk management consideration of, 4344, 213, 327

secure printing as, 216, 230

standards on, 7879, 210

strategic plan consideration of, 62, 63

stream messaging as, 217218, 233234, 236

technologies improving, 215217

thin clients as, 227, 230

thin devices as, 230

timeout function as, 276, 277

trade secret protection as, 228, 260

training in, 209, 228, 233234, 236

zero trust model of, 230231

Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), 202


accountability/responsibility for, 309, 311312

business objectives of, 303304, 307309

challenges of implementing, 304306

communication related to, 313314

corporate culture changes necessitated by, 304305

guiding principles for, 308309

IG policy relationship to, 310311

legal and policy compliance through, 303, 307

overview of, 303304

planning process for use of, 306310

process established for use of, 312

records and information management including, 160, 232, 303314

scope of deployment of, 309310

training in, 313

Signatures, digital, 218219, 220


privacy laws in, 399

Standards Singapore in, 87

SkyDrive, 289

Snapchat, 255

Snowden, Edward, 9, 208, 241242

SocialFolders, 261

Social media:

accountability for, 267

best practices for, 64, 262, 267268

as business records, 260, 265266

categories of, 254256

content control models for, 267268

disposition and retention of, 261262, 263, 264267

e-mail and instant messaging distinction from, 257

employee misuse of, 258259

enterprise use of, 256

IG policies on, 76, 257, 258, 259260, 262264, 267

IT trend analysis of, 59

legal issues related to, 259260, 264267

privacy expectations for, 264

records and information management for, 151, 264267

risk management issues with, 257260

security issues with, 213, 256268

training in, 258, 268

types of, 253256

SocialSafe, 261, 262

Social tagging, 356, 381

Sorensen, Alan, 108

Space Data Information Transfer System-Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model, 321323

Spear phishing, 202

Sprint, 273, 274

SQL injections, 202

Staff. See Employees/staff

Standards. See also Laws and regulations

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 76, 87, 155, 371

benefits and risks of, 7677

best practices for usage of, 64

British Standards Institute (BSI), 76, 371

on business continuity management, 8687

de jure vs. de facto, 76

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative standards, 85, 365366

Global Information Locator Service standard, 366367

IG policies impacted by, 7688, 9293

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 18, 1920, 46, 64, 76, 7781, 84, 8587, 111, 141, 147, 155, 198, 200201, 210, 318, 321, 324327, 331, 332333, 334, 335336, 364366, 369, 371

on IT governance, 1920, 79, 111, 198, 200201

on long-term digital preservation, 8586, 318, 321333, 334, 335336

major national and regional, 8187 (see also under specific countries)

on metadata, 82, 8485, 328329, 340, 360362, 364368

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 76, 286287, 296

open standard technology-neutral, 321, 324, 329333, 338, 342, 343

PREMIS preservation metadata standard, 328329, 340

on records and information management, 7986, 9293, 141, 147, 155, 179, 364365, 369, 387389

on risk management, 46, 77

on security functions, 7879, 210

Space Data Information Transfer System-Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model, 321323

Standards Australia, 76, 84, 87

Standards Council of Canada, 76, 92, 394

Standards Singapore, 87

on thesauri, 371

U.S. Department of Defense, 76, 80, 8182, 179

Storage of information. See Retention of information

Stored Communications and Transactional Records Act (SCTRA), 210

Strategic planning:

accountability for, 5354

budgets/financial considerations in, 53, 54, 5960

business conditions and economic environment survey in, 5960

communication of, 55

corporate culture consideration in, 58

disposition consideration in, 62, 6364

execution of, 67

executive sponsorship of, 5355, 63, 65

external factors survey and evaluation in, 5865

IG team building and responsibilities in, 55, 5657, 62

industry best practices analysis in, 6165

IT trend analysis in, 59

legal issues consideration in, 5657, 60, 6263, 123

long-term program issues in, 59, 6162, 6465, 325, 337

metadata and taxonomy consideration in, 64

organizational and IG strategic plan alignment, 5758

overview of, 5354

project manager role in, 5455, 56

retention of information consideration in, 59, 6263, 6465

risk management consideration in, 58, 6263

security function consideration in, 62, 63

strategic plan formulation, 6567

Stream messaging, 217218, 233234, 236

SVG (scalable vector graphics) format, 332

Symantec Mobile Management Suite, 275

Taxonomy/common terminology:

auto-classification for, 356

auto-generated, 370371

best practices for, 64, 190

business classification scheme or file plan using, 368369

business process analysis for development of, 377379

business-unit, 372, 374

definition of, 355

disposition of information use of, 134

faceted, 376

folksonomies as, 381

functional, 372375

hybrid, 376

information organization and classification using, 26, 355360, 367381

maintenance of, 380381

metadata relationship to, 357, 358, 359360, 367368, 370, 375, 381 (see also Metadata)

navigation using, 357

need for new, 358

prebuilt vs. custom, 370371

records and information management use of, 134, 355360, 367381

search results improvement through, 358359, 367368

security functions use of, 231

social tagging for, 356, 381

subject, 371372, 373

successful IG program including, 21

testing of, 379380

text mining for, 356, 367368

thesaurus for, 360, 371, 372

types of, 371376

Technology-assisted review (TAR), 128130, 135

Tessella Technology & Consulting, 344

Texas Children's Hospital, 10

Text mining, 356, 367368

Thesauri, 360, 371, 372

Thin clients, 227, 230

Thin devices, 230

Thumb drives. See Removable media

TIFF (tagged image file format), 331332

Trade secret protection, 228, 260. See also Intellectual property, security of


in business and financial cost considerations, 108

in data governance, 17, 192

in IG policies, 35, 89, 282

of IG team/governance body, 35

in inventorying records, 157

in metadata, 363

in mobile device policies, 282

in records and information management, 31, 169, 313

in security related to IG, 209, 228, 233234, 236

in SharePoint, 313

in social media, 258, 268

TweetTake, 261

TwInbox, 261

Twitter, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259260, 261

United Kingdom:

British Standards Institute (BSI) in, 76, 371

BS 8723 thesauri standard in, 371

BS 15000 IT governance standard in, 200

BS 25999-2 business continuity standard in, 87

Digital Systems Knowledge Transfer Network in, 271

Freedom of Information Act 2000 in, 46, 169, 210

ITIL developed in, 19, 200

MI6 in, 10

Model Requirements for Management of Electronic Records (MoReq2010) in, 80, 8283

National Archives of, 330

National Health Service in, 10

privacy laws in, 210, 400

records and information management regulations and standards in, 80, 8283, 150, 303, 389391

standards in, 76, 8384, 87, 200, 371

United Nations, 207208

United States:

Code of Federal Regulations of, 4445, 138140, 178, 386, 387

Customs and Border Protection of, 223

cyberattacks on/by government of, 207, 208

Department of Defense of, 76, 80, 8182, 179

Environmental Protection Agency of, 101, 153

Food and Drug Administration of, 386

General Accounting Office of, 173

Government Printing Office of, 45, 139, 178

Homeland Security of, 223

House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee of, 244

information governance in (see Information governance)

Internal Revenue Agency of, 296

laws and regulations of (see Laws and regulations)

Library of Congress of, 328, 330, 361, 366, 371372

National Archives and Records Administration of, 45, 76, 81, 139140, 141, 154, 172173, 178, 254, 299, 321, 386387

National Security Agency of, 89, 208, 241242, 291

Office of Management and Budget of, 296

Office of the Federal Register of, 45, 139140, 178

political environment in, 60

Securities and Exchange Commission of, 386

U.S. Protection Profile for Authorization Server for Basic Robustness Environments in, 213

ValiT®, 18, 198, 199200

Verizon, 274

ViaLumina, 105

Vine, 255256

Virtual Private Network (VPN), 273, 286

W3C Internet Engineering Task Force, 332

Wayback Machine, 261, 262

Web 2.0, 253254

WebARChive (WARC), 333

WikiLeaks, 214, 220, 258

WiMax (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) networks, 273

World Economic Forum, 3

XML (extensible markup language), 329, 331

Yahoo! instant messaging system, 247, 249

Zakaras, Laura, 99

Zornes, Aaron, 189

Zubulake v. UBS Warburg, 119

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