How to Use This Book

The content of this book is clear and simple, and many suggestions and recommendations have been provided. Most of these suggestions are my own personal opinions based on my experience, so accept or reject these concepts at your own choice.

You will find “chapter topics” within the contents section so you are able to locate your specific interest directly. Even if you are interested in reading only a particular topic, you would do well to read chapters 1 and 2 first as this will give you a flavor of what the book is about and set the scene for good reading.

The last two chapters deal with the complexity of real day-to-day selling and the nuts and bolts of what is expected in today’s professional sales career. Performance is the key, so we deal with many areas that will assist you further to be a winner.

Reference lists are found at the end of the book.

How Will This Book Help You in Sales?

I wish that during my 49-year sales career, there was a book such as this to refer to. Keeping up with modern selling techniques, understanding how to plan effectively, understanding why the boss lies and tells mistruths, down to knowing how to handle a difficult workplace bullying situation or conflict in your sales team are just a few topics I discuss and share throughout this book.

The book aims to help you, the sales professional, understand what lies ahead in your chosen career or, for the more experienced seller, what to do next or how to solve a problem. I have intentionally omitted advice to sales managers and coaches as a future book will deal with these management issues separately.

This book is all about assisting you as a sales professional and shows you how to negotiate the pitfalls along your path and how to use your experience to excel in this dynamic career. It is a wonderful career, and I loved my time in it; however, I trust this book will make the journey a little easier.

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