
Why Is This Book Necessary?

During our sales careers, we take on valuable lessons and, hopefully, alter our behavior putting these lessons into practice so we do not make the same mistakes.

The Science of Selling

Until recently, selling has been considered an art rather than a science. Now it appears to be becoming increasingly recognized as a science. However, there really hasn’t been a “science of selling” documented. There has been some science for buyer behavior, but salesperson behavior is too complex to measure. For instance, Pareto’s 80/20 rule, applied to studies, have shown that 20 percent of salespeople make 80 percent of the sales revenue, but nobody knows why that 20 percent of salespeople are so much more effective.

Because of the limitations of the tools available to measure selling behavior, it’s been impossible to create an actual “science of selling.” Despite numerous attempts to redefine selling into a science, it has remained, as it’s always been, a poorly understood art in the business world.

My entire working life has been dedicated to professional selling and training within the medical, surgical, and capital domains, spending 49 years devoted to professional sales working for major global companies. This includes 13 years as managing director alongside my wife Robin, company director, for our own medical agency based in Melbourne, Australia.

I held many positions as national and regional sales manager, training manager, and, for many years, sales and marketing manager for South Pacific and Asia Pacific. In addition, I have held various positions in sales training, from international distributorships to direct sales staff within global affiliate operations here and overseas. This includes a 2-year project within a start-up company based in California.

It is fortunate that these companies provided ample management and sales training. I do owe a debt of gratitude to one particular global organization for its dedication to training and its continued commitment to providing regular in-house sales coaching; some of the early sales training methods would not pass basic training methods these days.

Professional selling is a lonely job. Engaging customers on a daily basis is great, but the need for interaction with other salespeople doing the same job can be difficult and can contribute to the development of bad habits.

My 2-year research showed disturbing signs for salespeople’s safety, a distinct lack of appropriate product and sales training, and a deficiency in the rudimentary approach and understanding of customer needs. A continuing lack of human resources engagement to resolve conflict within the sales team environment was clear in each feedback research interview.

In the end, salespeople leave their employer, citing job unhappiness, lack of acknowledgment, lies and deception, unresolved conflict, or inadequate remuneration. Not often do salespeople leave companies because they dislike their customers; in fact, the research shows they love dealing with their client base but dislike dealing with the incessant internal politics of their employers. Salespeople dislike and avoid internal politics like the plague and say this is one of the major issues in the modern corporate global sales model today.

I don’t wish to demonize global organizations as they provide a huge platform for employment. After working for such juggernauts for many years, it becomes clear you have to accommodate their needs, while they refuse to change and improve their own operations. The system is what it is, and you either toe the line or go elsewhere. The problem with this is that going elsewhere is going down the same path you are already on. The particular industry I sell in has, over the past 15 years, consolidated into a small group of global companies, some of whose global sales exceed the gross domestic product of many small countries.

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. This book will highlight the selling pitfalls we all face but will include helpful suggestions along the way to make the path to success easier and far less stressful for you and your family. Therefore, I firmly believe we want a job with some degree of security, an employer who really cares about our health and welfare and work–life balance, and a boss who is honest and fights for your rights as a sales team employee.

Enjoy your journey.

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