earliest date for DATETIME datatype, Storage Format of DATETIME
ENCRYPTION option, Updating Views
ending dialogs, Services
endpoints in Service Broker, Begining and Ending Dialogs, Begining and Ending Dialogs, Begining and Ending Dialogs, Begining and Ending Dialogs, Conversation Endpoints, Adjacent Broker Protocol, Service Broker Endpoints, Service Broker Endpoints, Configuring Adjacent Broker Protocol Connections, Windows Authentication
certificate authentication, Windows Authentication
columns in view, Begining and Ending Dialogs
configuring ABP connections, Service Broker Endpoints
conversations, Begining and Ending Dialogs
encryption settings, Service Broker Endpoints
overview, Begining and Ending Dialogs, Adjacent Broker Protocol
states, Conversation Endpoints
sys.conversation_endpoints view, Begining and Ending Dialogs
Windows authentication, Configuring Adjacent Broker Protocol Connections
environmental settings for dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Environmental Settings
errors, Output Parameters, New Exception-Handling Functions
stored procedures, Output Parameters
transactions, New Exception-Handling Functions
exception handling, Exception Handling, Exception Handling, Exception Handling Prior to SQL Server 2005, TRY/CATCH, New Exception-Handling Functions, New Exception-Handling Functions, Using Save Points, Using Save Points, Using Save Points
deadlock trapping, Using Save Points
errors in transactions, New Exception-Handling Functions
new functions, TRY/CATCH
overview, Exception Handling
prior to SQL Server 2005, Exception Handling
save points, Using Save Points
TRY/CATCH construct, Exception Handling Prior to SQL Server 2005
update conflicts, Using Save Points
XACT_STATE function, New Exception-Handling Functions
exclusive locks, Locks
EXEC command, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, A Simple EXEC Example, EXEC Has No Interface, Concatenating Variables
AT clause, Concatenating Variables
compared to sp_executesql, Dynamic SQL
concatenating variables, EXEC Has No Interface
example, Dynamic SQL
no interface, A Simple EXEC Example
overview, Dynamic SQL
EXECUTE AS clause in stored procedures, Parameter Sniffing Problem
EXECUTE command, Concatenating Variables (see )
execution plan reuse in stored procedures, Resolution
explicit vs. implicit conversions in CLR scalar UDFs, Regular Expressions
extended stored procedures, Other Types of Stored Procedures
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