data-definition language (DDL) triggers, Automatic Handling of Sequences, Database-Level Triggers, Server-Level Triggers
database-level, Database-Level Triggers
overview, Automatic Handling of Sequences
server-level, Server-Level Triggers
database mirroring in Service Broker routes, Load Balancing
database-level DDL triggers, Database-Level Triggers
datatypes, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs, Storage Format of DATETIME, Storage Format of DATETIME, Literals, Literals, Rounding Issues, Rounding Issues, Rounding Issues, Rounding Issues, Rounding Issues, DATETIME Functions, DATETIME Functions, DATETIME Functions, Datetime-Related Querying Problems, Datetime-Related Querying Problems, The Birthday Problem, Overlaps, Identifying Overlaps, Grouping Overlaps, Grouping Overlaps, Maximum Number of Overlapping Sessions (Set-Based Solution), Identifying Weekday, Grouping by the Week, ISO Week, Working Days, Case-Sensitive Filters, MAX Specifier, Implicit Conversions, Implicit Conversions, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, XML Data Type as a Parameter of a Stored Procedure
character-related problems, Case-Sensitive Filters (see )
CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION T-SQL statement, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
DATEADD function, Rounding Issues
DATEDIFF function, Rounding Issues
DATENAME function, Rounding Issues
DATEPART function, Rounding Issues
DATETIME birthday problem, Datetime-Related Querying Problems
DATETIME earliest date, Storage Format of DATETIME
DATETIME functions, Rounding Issues
DATETIME generating series of dates, Working Days
DATETIME grouping by week, Identifying Weekday
DATETIME grouping overlaps, Identifying Overlaps
DATETIME identifying overlaps, Overlaps
DATETIME identifying weekdays, Maximum Number of Overlapping Sessions (Set-Based Solution)
DATETIME ISO weeks, Grouping by the Week
DATETIME leap year issues, Datetime-Related Querying Problems
DATETIME literals, Literals
DATETIME manipulation issues, Storage Format of DATETIME
DATETIME maximum number of overlapping sessions, Grouping Overlaps
DATETIME overlaps overview, The Birthday Problem
DATETIME overview, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs
DATETIME rounding issues, Literals
DATETIME set-based solution, Grouping Overlaps
DATETIME storage format, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs
DATETIME vs. SMALLDATETIME, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs
DATETIME working days, ISO Week
DECIMAL implicit conversions, Implicit Conversions
GETDATE function, DATETIME Functions
implicit conversions, Implicit Conversions (see )
LOB, MAX Specifier (see )
overview, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs
SMALLDATETIME vs. DATETIME, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs
XML .nodes method, Using XML with Open Schema
XML .query method, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, Using XML with Open Schema
XML .value method, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema
XML changing structures, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?
XML column from well-formed to schema-validated, Using XML with Open Schema
XML contacts table, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
XML creation script for ContactOtherAttributes schema collection, Using XML with Open Schema
XML data insertion, Using XML with Open Schema
XML database model diagrams (ER diagrams), XML Serialized Objects in a Database
XML format for DDL triggers, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?
XML index on filtered column, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
XML modifying parts of data based on structure, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?
XML open schema environment, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
XML overview, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
XML parameter of stored procedure, Using XML with Open Schema
XML passing array as parameter to stored procedure, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?
XML querying catalog views, Using XML with Open Schema
XML relational model limits, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?
XML serialized objects in database, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?
XML showplans, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?
XML sparse data, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?
XML support in relational database, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
XML table column with Visio documents, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
XML test database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
XML Visio diagrams, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
XML XQuery modification statements, XML Data Type as a Parameter of a Stored Procedure
DATE vs. TIME datatypes, DATETIME Functions
DATEADD function, Rounding Issues
DATEDIFF function, Rounding Issues
DATENAME function, Rounding Issues
DATEPART function, Rounding Issues
DATETIME datatype, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs, Storage Format of DATETIME, Storage Format of DATETIME, Literals, Literals, Rounding Issues, Rounding Issues, Rounding Issues, Rounding Issues, Rounding Issues, DATETIME Functions, DATETIME Functions, DATETIME Functions, Datetime-Related Querying Problems, Datetime-Related Querying Problems, The Birthday Problem, Overlaps, Identifying Overlaps, Grouping Overlaps, Grouping Overlaps, Maximum Number of Overlapping Sessions (Set-Based Solution), Identifying Weekday, Grouping by the Week, ISO Week, Working Days
birthday problem, Datetime-Related Querying Problems
compared to SMALLDATETIME, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs
DATEADD function, Rounding Issues
DATEDIFF function, Rounding Issues
DATENAME function, Rounding Issues
DATEPART function, Rounding Issues
earliest date, Storage Format of DATETIME
functions, Rounding Issues
generating series of dates, Working Days
GETDATE function, DATETIME Functions
grouping by week, Identifying Weekday
grouping overlaps, Identifying Overlaps
identifying overlaps, Overlaps
identifying weekdays, Maximum Number of Overlapping Sessions (Set-Based Solution)
ISO weeks, Grouping by the Week
leap year issues, Datetime-Related Querying Problems
literals, Literals
manipulation issues, Storage Format of DATETIME
maximum number of overlapping sessions, Grouping Overlaps
overlaps overview, The Birthday Problem
overview, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs
rounding issues, Literals
set-based solution, Grouping Overlaps
storage format, Datatype-Related Problems, XML, and CLR UDTs
working days, ISO Week
datetime-related querying problems, Datetime-Related Querying Problems, Datetime-Related Querying Problems, The Birthday Problem, Overlaps, Identifying Overlaps, Grouping Overlaps, Grouping Overlaps, Maximum Number of Overlapping Sessions (Set-Based Solution), Identifying Weekday, Grouping by the Week, ISO Week, Working Days
birthday problem, Datetime-Related Querying Problems
generating series of dates, Working Days
grouping by week, Identifying Weekday
grouping overlaps, Identifying Overlaps
identifying overlaps, Overlaps
identifying weekdays, Maximum Number of Overlapping Sessions (Set-Based Solution)
ISO weeks, Grouping by the Week
leap year issues, Datetime-Related Querying Problems
maximum number of overlapping sessions, Grouping Overlaps
overlaps overview, The Birthday Problem
set-based solution, Grouping Overlaps
working days, ISO Week
DBCC statement output in stored procedures, Output Parameters
DDL, Database-Level Triggers (see )
deadlocks in transactions, Save Points, Simple Deadlock Example, Simple Deadlock Example, Deadlock Caused by Missing Indexes, Using Save Points
caused by missing indexes, Simple Deadlock Example
overview, Save Points
simple example, Simple Deadlock Example
single table, Deadlock Caused by Missing Indexes
trapping errors, Using Save Points
DECIMAL datatype, Implicit Conversions
DEFAULT constraints for scalar UDFs, Performance Issues
DEFAULT message type, Contracts
deleted tables in AFTER triggers, Triggers
deploying UDTs using T-SQL, Creating a UDT, Creating a UDT, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
arithmetic operations, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
C# .NET-based ComplexNumberCS UDA, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
CREATE ASSEMBLY command, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
CREATE TABLE command, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
CREATE TYPE command, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
enabling CLR, Creating a UDT
NULL number, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
overview, Creating a UDT
SELECT statement, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
ToString method, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
Visual Basic .NET-based ComplexNumberVB UDT, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
Visual Basic .NET-based ComplexNumberVB_SUM UDA, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
Write method, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
dialog conversations, Service Broker, Dialog Conversations, Dialog Conversations, Conversations, Conversations, In Order, Asynchronous, Messages, Contracts, Contracts, Services, Services, Conversation Endpoints, Conversation Groups, Sending and Receiving, Sample Dialog, Sample Dialog, Poison Messages, Dialog Security, Asymmetric Key Authentication, Asymmetric Key Authentication, Routing and Distribution, Windows Authentication
asymmetric key authentication, Dialog Security, Asymmetric Key Authentication
asynchronous delivery, In Order
beginning and ending dialogs, Services
compared to monolog conversations, Dialog Conversations
configuring security, Asymmetric Key Authentication
contracts, Messages
DEFAULT message type, Contracts
definition, Dialog Conversations
endpoints, Windows Authentication (see )
groups, Conversation Endpoints
messages, Asynchronous
order, Conversations
overview, Service Broker
poison messages, Sample Dialog
queues, Contracts
receiving messages, Sending and Receiving
reliability, Conversations
routing, Routing and Distribution (see )
sample, Sample Dialog
security overview, Poison Messages
sending messages, Conversation Groups
services, Services
dirty reads, Locks
distribution in Service Broker, Configuring Dialog Security, Routing and Distribution, Adjacent Broker Protocol, Windows Authentication, Certificate Authentication, Routes, Broker Instance, Broker Instance, Broker Instance, Wildcards and Special Addresses, Load Balancing, Load Balancing
adjacent broker protocol (ABP), Routing and Distribution, Adjacent Broker Protocol
BROKER_INSTANCE parameter, Routes
database mirroring in routes, Load Balancing
endpoints, Windows Authentication (see )
forwarding in routes, Load Balancing
incoming routes, Broker Instance
load balancing in routes, Wildcards and Special Addresses
overview, Configuring Dialog Security
route overview, Certificate Authentication
special addresses in routes, Broker Instance
wildcards in routes, Broker Instance
dynamic filters, Storing Computations
dynamic maintenance activities, Environmental Settings, Dynamic Maintenance Activities
dynamic pivot in stored procedures, Parameterizing Sort Order, Parameterizing Sort Order, Dynamic Pivot
input parameters, Parameterizing Sort Order
solution 1, Parameterizing Sort Order
solution 2, Dynamic Pivot
dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, Dynamic SQL, A Simple EXEC Example, EXEC Has No Interface, Concatenating Variables, EXEC AT, EXEC AT, The sp_executesql Interface, Environmental Settings, Environmental Settings, Dynamic Maintenance Activities, Storing Computations, Dynamic Filters, Dynamic PIVOT/UNPIVOT, SQL Injection, SQL Injection, SQL Injection: Code Constructed Dynamically at Client, SQL Injection: Code Constructed Dynamically at Server
direct permissions, Dynamic SQL
dynamic filters, Storing Computations
environmental settings, Dynamic SQL, Environmental Settings
EXEC AT syntax, Concatenating Variables
EXEC concatenating variables, EXEC Has No Interface
EXEC example, Dynamic SQL
EXEC no interface, A Simple EXEC Example
EXEC overview, Dynamic SQL
EXEC vs. sp_executesql, Dynamic SQL
local temporary table created in calling batch, Dynamic SQL
local variable visible only to batch where declared, Dynamic SQL
maintenance activities, Environmental Settings
overview, Dynamic SQL
pivoting, Dynamic Filters
separate batch from calling batch, Dynamic SQL
sp_executesql interface, EXEC AT
sp_executesql overview, EXEC AT
sp_executesql statement limit, The sp_executesql Interface
sp_executesql vs. EXEC, Dynamic SQL
SQL injection code constructed at client, SQL Injection
SQL injection code constructed at server, SQL Injection: Code Constructed Dynamically at Client
SQL injection overview, Dynamic SQL, SQL Injection
SQL injection protection, SQL Injection: Code Constructed Dynamically at Server
storing computations, Dynamic Maintenance Activities
unpivoting, Dynamic PIVOT/UNPIVOT
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