Concurrent Operations

The methods described in this section safely execute on the same instance of a concurrent_vector<T>:

size_type grow_by( size_type delta )

Effects: atomically appends delta elements to the end of the vector. The new elements are initialized with T(), where T is the type of the values in the vector.

Returns: old size of the vector. If it returns k, the new elements are at the half-open index range [k…k+delta).

void grow_to_at_least( size_type n )

Effects: grows the vector until it has at least n elements. The new elements are initialized with T(), where T is the type of the values in the vector.

size_t push_back( const_reference value );

Effects: atomically appends a copy of value to the end of the vector.

Returns: index of the copy.

reference operator[]( size_type index )

Returns: reference to the element with the specified index.

const_reference operator[]( size_type index )const;

Returns: const reference to the element with the specified index.

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