
Charles A. Christiansen Jr.: I would like to thank Matthew Keefe for asking me to do this book with him, my lovely wife Eileen for encouraging me through this whole process, Courtney Allen and Christopher Stolle for being so great to work with, Kevin Polk for bringing me into the world of Java development so many years ago, and my parents for teaching me the value of hard work and encouraging me to fully pursue my interests.

Matthew Keefe: I would like to thank all the folks at Wiley for making this book a reality. A special thanks to acquisitions editor Courtney Allen and project editor Christopher Stolle. I would also like to thank my friends and family — Philip, Daz, Colin, Teisha, John, Brooke, Frank, and my mom — for their support. And lastly, I would like to thank my dad for getting me started in technology when I was younger and making it possible to do what I love.

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