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ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor provides other methods to schedule periodic tasks. It is the scheduleWithFixedRate() method. It has the same parameters as the scheduledAtFixedRate() method, but there is a difference worth noticing. In the scheduledAtFixedRate() method, the third parameter determines the period of time between the starting of two executions. In the scheduledWithFixedRate() method, the parameter determines the period of time between the end of an execution of the task and its beginning.

You can also configure the behavior of an instance of the ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor class with the shutdown() method. The default behavior is that the scheduled tasks finish when you call this method. You can change this behavior using the setContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy() method of the ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor class with a true value. Periodic tasks won't finish upon calling the shutdown() method.

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