Creating threads through a factory

The factory pattern is one of the most used design patterns in the object-oriented programming world. It is a creational pattern, and its objective is to develop an object whose mission should be this: creating other objects of one or several classes. With this, if you want to create an object of one of these classes, you could just use the factory instead of using a new operator.

With this factory, we centralize the creation of objects with some advantages:

  • It's easy to change the class of the objects created or the way you'd create them.
  • It's easy to limit the creation of objects for limited resources; for example, we can only have n objects of a given type.
  • It's easy to generate statistical data about the creation of objects.

Java provides an interface, the ThreadFactory interface, to implement a thread object factory. Some advanced utilities of the Java concurrency API use thread factories to create threads.

In this recipe, you will learn how to implement a ThreadFactory interface to create thread objects with a personalized name while saving the statistics of the thread objects created.

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