Implementing the ThreadFactory interface to generate custom threads

Factory pattern is a widely used design pattern in the object-oriented programming world. It is a creational pattern and its objective is to develop a class whose mission is to create objects of one or several classes. Then, when we want to create an object of one of those classes, we use the factory instead of using the new operator.

With this factory, we centralize the creation of objects, thereby gaining the advantage of easily changing the class of objects created or the way we create these objects, considering the limitations we have in creating objects with limited resources. For example, we can only have N objects of a type that has the ability to easily generate statistical data about the creation of objects.

Java provides the ThreadFactory interface to implement a Thread object factory. Some advanced utilities of the Java concurrency API, such as the Executor framework or the fork/join framework, use thread factories to create threads. Another example of the factory pattern in the Java Concurrency API is the Executors class. It provides a lot of methods to create different kinds of Executor objects. In this recipe, you will extend the Thread class by adding new functionalities, and you will implement a thread factory class to generate threads of this new class.

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