Using a Debugger


That debugging printout code is still not enough.


Use a debugger.


The JDK includes a command-line-based debugger, jdb, and there are any number of IDEs that include their own debugging tools. If you’ve focused on one IDE, learn to use the debugger that it provides. If you’re a command-line junkie like me, you may want to learn at least the basic operations of jdb.

Here is a buggy program. It has intentionally had bugs introduced so that you can see their effects in a debugger.

/** This program exhibits some bugs, so we can use a debugger */
public class Buggy {
    static String name;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = name.length(  );    // bug # 1


        name += "; The end.";    // bug #2
        System.out.println(name); // #3

Here is a session using jdb to find these bugs:

ian> java Buggy
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at Buggy.main(Compiled Code)
ian> jdb Buggy
Initializing jdb...
> run
run Buggy 
running ...
Uncaught exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at Buggy.main(
        at Method)

main[1] list
2          public class Buggy {
3               static String name;
5               public static void main(String[] args) {
6       =>              int n = name.length(  );  // bug # 1
8                       System.out.println(n);
10                      name += "; The end.";   // bug #2
main[1] print = null
main[1] help
** command list **
threads [threadgroup]     -- list threads
thread <thread id>        -- set default thread
suspend [thread id(s)]    -- suspend threads (default: all)
resume [thread id(s)]     -- resume threads (default: all)
where [thread id] | all   -- dump a thread's stack
wherei [thread id] | all  -- dump a thread's stack, with pc info
threadgroups              -- list threadgroups
threadgroup <name>        -- set current threadgroup

print <id> [id(s)]        -- print object or field
dump <id> [id(s)]         -- print all object information

locals                    -- print all local variables in current stack frame

classes                   -- list currently known classes
methods <class id>        -- list a class's methods

stop in <class id>.<method>[(argument_type,...)] -- set a breakpoint in a method
stop at <class id>:<line> -- set a breakpoint at a line
up [n frames]             -- move up a thread's stack
down [n frames]           -- move down a thread's stack
clear <class id>.<method>[(argument_type,...)]   -- clear a breakpoint in a method
clear <class id>:<line>   -- clear a breakpoint at a line
step                      -- execute current line
step up                   -- execute until the current method returns to its caller
stepi                     -- execute current instruction
next                      -- step one line (step OVER calls)
cont                      -- continue execution from breakpoint

catch <class id>          -- break for the specified exception
ignore <class id>         -- ignore when the specified exception

list [line number|method] -- print source code
use [source file path]    -- display or change the source path

memory                    -- report memory usage
gc                        -- free unused objects

load classname            -- load Java class to be debugged
run <class> [args]        -- start execution of a loaded Java class
!!                        -- repeat last command
help (or ?)               -- list commands
exit (or quit)            -- exit debugger
main[1] exit

There are many other debuggers available; a look in the current Java magazines will inform you of them. Many of them will work remotely, since the Java debugging API (that which the debuggers use) is network-based.

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