Program: JDAdmin

The JDAdmin program lets a privileged user view and administer the user database for the JabaDot web site shown in Section 18.13. It doesn’t use the accessors that we so carefully built up in this chapter, as it needs to be able to make any change at all to the database, including recovering from corrupted data introduced by potential bugs in future versions of the accessor. Instead, it makes extensive use of the PreparedStatement class (see Section 20.7).

The user interface (shown in Figure 20-3) is a simple JTable controlled by the MyTableModel class defined at the end of the source. This controls the display of the fields and allows and handles the editing of the password field.

JDAdmin user interface

Figure 20-3. JDAdmin user interface

The Schema class used here simply defines public constants for the fields within the database. These field numbers begin at one; I subtract one from the field number when I need Java-origin numbers.

Example 20-13 shows the first working version of the program. It allows you to reset the password of a forgetful user and to delete a defunct account. One plausible extension is to add a text field and a button to allow you to execute an arbitrary SQL statement, as in Section 20.11.

Example 20-13.

package jabadot;

import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;

/** A User Database Administrator program
 * This does NOT use the UserDB interface as it needs
 * to be able to do ANYTHING to the database,
 * to go beyond, and to repair any errors introduced
 * by bugs in the UserDB code and/or queries. :-)
 * If using InstantDB, therefore, you MUST NOT RUN THIS PROGRAM
 * while users have access to the system, or the database will
 * get worse instead of better!
public class JDAdmin extends JFrame {

    /** the list of users */
    protected ArrayList userList = new ArrayList(  );
    /** The database connection */
    protected Connection conn;
    /** A Statement for listing users */
    protected PreparedStatement listUsersStatement;
    /** A Statement for deleting users */
    protected PreparedStatement deleteUserStatement;
    /** A Statement for resetting passwords for forgetful users */
    protected PreparedStatement setPasswordStatement;

    /** The main table */
    protected JTable theTable;

    /** Main program -- driver */
    public static void main(String av[]) throws Exception {
        JDAdmin aFrame = new JDAdmin(  );
        aFrame.populate(  );
        // aFrame.pack(  );

    /** Constructor */
    public JDAdmin(  ) throws SQLException {

        // INIT THE DB 
        // Do this before the GUI, since JDBC does more-delayed
        // type checking than Swing...
        String dbDriver = JDConstants.getProperty("jabadot.userdb.driver");
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                "JDBC Driver Failure:
" + ex, "Error",
        conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
        listUsersStatement = conn.prepareStatement("select * from userdb");
        deleteUserStatement = 
            conn.prepareStatement("delete from userdb where name = ?");
        setPasswordStatement = conn.prepareStatement(
            "update userdb SET password = ? where name = ?");

        // INIT THE GUI
        Container cp = getContentPane(  );
        cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout(  ));
        cp.add(new JScrollPane(theTable = new JTable(new MyTableModel(  ))),
        JPanel bp = new JPanel(  );
        JButton x;
        bp.add(x = new JButton("Delete"));
        x.addActionListener(new ActionListener(  ) {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ex) {
                    int r = theTable.getSelectedRow(  );
                    if (r == -1) {
                            "Please select a user to delete", "Error", 
                    int i = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(JDAdmin.this,
                            "Really delete user?", "Confirm", 
                    switch(i) {
                        case 0:
                            try {
                            } catch (SQLException e) {
                                "SQL Error:
" + e, "Error", 
                        case 1:
                            // nothing to do.
                            System.err.println("showConfirm: unex ret " + i);
        bp.add(x = new JButton("List"));
        x.addActionListener(new ActionListener(  ) {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ex) {
                try {
                    populate(  );
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    "SQL Error:
" + e, "Error", 
        bp.add(x = new JButton("Exit"));
        x.addActionListener(new ActionListener(  ) {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ex) {
        cp.add(bp, BorderLayout.SOUTH);


    /** Get the current list of users from the database
     * into the ArrayList, so the display will be up-to-date
     * after any major change.
    public void populate(  ) throws SQLException {
        ResultSet rs = listUsersStatement.executeQuery(  );
        userList.clear(  );
        while (  )) {
            String nick = rs.getString(1);
            // System.out.println("Adding " + nick);
            User u = new User(nick, rs.getString(UserDB.PASSWORD),
        rs.close(  );
        theTable.repaint(  );

    /** Delete the given user, by row number 
     * (row number in the display == index into the ArrayList).
     * Use a JDBC PreparedStatement; if it succeeds, then also
     * remove the user object from the ArrayList.
    public void delete(int x) throws SQLException {
        User u = (User)userList.get(x);
        String nick = u.getName(  );
        deleteUserStatement.setString(1, nick);
        int n;
        switch (n = deleteUserStatement.executeUpdate(  )) {
            case 0:
                // no match!
                    "No match for user " + nick, "Error",
            case 1:
                // OK
                    "User " + nick + " deleted.", "Done",
                // Ulp! Deleted too many! -- n
                    "Oops, we deleted " + n + " users!!", "Error",
        theTable.repaint(  );

    // class extends TableModel...
    class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {

        /** Returns the number of items in the list. */
        public int getRowCount(  )  {
            return userList.size(  );

        /** Return the width of the table */
        public int getColumnCount(  ) {
            return 8;

        /** Get the name of a given column */
        public String getColumnName(int i) {
            switch(i) {
            case UserDB.NAME-1:        return "Nickname";
            case UserDB.PASSWORD-1:    return "Password";
            case UserDB.FULLNAME-1:    return "Full Name";
            case UserDB.EMAIL-1:    return "Email";
            case UserDB.CITY-1:        return "City";
            case UserDB.PROVINCE-1:    return "Province";
            case UserDB.COUNTRY-1:    return "Country";
            case UserDB.PRIVS-1:    return "Privs";
            default: return "??";

        /** Returns a data value for the cell at columnIndex and rowIndex.
         * MUST BE IN SAME ORDER as setValueAt(  );
        public Object getValueAt(int row, int col)  {
            User u = (User) userList.get(row);
            switch (col) {
            case UserDB.NAME-1:     return u.getName(  );
            case UserDB.PASSWORD-1: return u.getPassword(  );
            case UserDB.FULLNAME-1: return u.getFullName(  );
            case UserDB.EMAIL-1:     return u.getEmail(  );
            case UserDB.CITY-1:     return u.getCity(  );
            case UserDB.PROVINCE-1:    return u.getProv(  );
            case UserDB.COUNTRY-1:    return u.getCountry(  );
            case UserDB.PRIVS-1:    return new Integer(u.getPrivs(  ));
            default: return null;

        /** Set a value in a cell. MUSE BE IN SAME ORDER AS getValueAt. */
        public void setValueAt(Object val, int row, int col)  {
            User u = (User) userList.get(row);
            switch (col) {
            // DB Schemas start at one, Java columns at zero.
            case UserDB.PASSWORD-1:
                String newPass = (String)val;        // Get new value
                try {
                    setPasswordStatement.setString(1, newPass);        // ready,
                    setPasswordStatement.setString(2, u.getName(  ));    // steady,
                    setPasswordStatement.executeUpdate(  );        // and update!
                } catch (SQLException ex) {
                        "SQL Error:
" + ex.toString(  ), "SQL Error",
                u.setPassword(newPass);    // bypassed if DB update failed

            // Only password cells are editable.
                    "setValueAt" + val.getClass(  ) + "," + val, "Logic error",

        /** Only password cells are editable. */
        public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
            return columnIndex == UserDB.PASSWORD-1;

This version is a standalone Java application. Given that we have an administrator level of privilege in the database, it might make sense to reimplement this as a web application under the administration functions. But then again, keeping it as a standalone application ensures that it will be run only on the server (my database does not listen for or accept network connections, folks, so don’t bother trying).

See Also

The file jdk1.x/docs/guide/jdbc/getstart/introTOC.doc.html is provided with the JDK and gives some guidance on JDBC. JDBC is given extensive coverage in O’Reilly’s Database Programming with JDBC and Java, and Addison Wesley’s JDBC Database Access from Java: A Tutorial and Annotated Reference is also recommended. For general information on databases, you might want to consult Joe Celko’s Data and Databases (Morgan Kaufman) or any of many other good general books.

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