Program: MkIndex

This little program has saved me a great deal of time over the years. It reads a directory containing a large number of files, harking back from a time when I kept all my demonstration Java programs in a fairly flat directory structure. MkIndex, shown in Example 17-7, produces a better-formatted listing than the default directory that web servers generate. For one thing, it includes an alphabet navigator, which lets you jump directly to the section of files whose names begin with a certain letter, saving a lot of scrolling time or iterations with the browser’s find menu. This program uses a File object (see Section 10.2) to list the files, and another to decide which are files and which are directories. It also uses Collections.sort (see Section 7.9) to sort the names alphabetically before generating the output. It writes its output to the file index.html in the current directory, even if an alternate directory argument is given. This is the default filename for most standard web servers; if your web server uses something different, of course, you can rename the file.

Example 17-7.

/** MkIndex -- make a static index.html for a Java Source directory
public class MkIndex {
    /** The output file that we create */
    public static final String OUTPUTFILE = "index-byname.html";
    /** The string for TITLE and H1 */
    public static final String TITLE =
        "Ian Darwin's Java Cookbook: Source Code: By Name";
    /** The main output stream */
    PrintWriter out;
    /** The background color for the page */
    public static final String BGCOLOR="#33ee33";
    /** The File object, for directory listing. */
    File dirFile;

    /** Make an index */
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        MkIndex mi = new MkIndex(  );
        String inDir = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : ".";, OUTPUTFILE);        // open files
        mi.BEGIN(  );        // print HTML header
        mi.process(  );        // do bulk of work
        mi.END(  );        // print trailer.
        mi.close(  );        // close files

    void open(String dir, String outFile) {
        dirFile = new File(dir);
        try {
            out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outFile));
        } catch (IOException e) {

    /** Write the HTML headers */
    void BEGIN(  ) throws IOException {
        println("    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" 
            CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">");
        println("    <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Java MkIndex">");
        println("    <title>" + TITLE + "</title>");
        println("<body bgcolor="" + BGCOLOR + "">");
        println("<h1>" + TITLE + "</h1>");
        if (new File("about.html").exists(  )) {
            FileIO.copyFile("about.html", out, false);
        } else {
            println("<P>The following files are online.");
            println("Some of these files are still experimental!</P>");
            println("<P>Most of these files are Java source code.");
            println("If you load an HTML file from here, the applets will not run!");
            println("HTML files must be saved to disk and the applets compiled,");
            println("before you can run them!");
        println("<P>All files are Copyright &copy;: All rights reserved.");
        println("See the accompanying <A HREF="legal-notice.txt
            ">Legal Notice</A> for conditions of use.");
        println("May be used by readers of my Java Cookbook for educational
         println("and for commercial use if certain conditions are met.");

    /** Array of letters that exist. Should
     * fold case here so don't get f and F as distinct entries!
     * This only works for ASCII characters (8-bit chars).
    boolean[] exists = new boolean[255];

    /** Vector for temporary storage, and sorting */
    ArrayList vec = new ArrayList(  );

    /** Do the bulk of the work */
    void process(  ) throws IOException {

        System.out.println("Start PASS ONE -- from directory to Vector...");
        String[] fl = dirFile.list(  );
        for (int i=0; i<fl.length; i++) {
            String fn = fl[i];
            if (fn.startsWith("index")) { // we'll have no self-reference here!
                System.err.println("Ignoring " + fn);
            } else if (fn.endsWith(".bak")) {        // delete .bak files
                System.err.println("DELETING " + fn);
                new File(fn).delete(  );
            } else if (fn.equals("CVS")) {        // Ignore CVS subdirectories
                continue;                        // don't mention it
            } else if (fn.charAt(0) == '.') {    // UNIX dot-file
            } else if (fn.endsWith(".class")) {    // nag about .class files
                System.err.println("Ignoring " + fn);
            } else if (new File(fn).isDirectory(  )) {
                vec.add(fn + "/");
            } else
            exists[fn.charAt(0)] = true;    // only after chances to continue

        System.out.println("Writing the Alphabet Navigator...");
        for (char c = 'A'; c<='Z'; c++)
            if (exists[c])
                print("<A HREF="#" + c + "">" + c + "</A> ");

        // ... (and the beginning of the HTML Unordered List...)

        System.out.println("Sorting the Vector...");
        Collections.sort(vec, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);

        System.out.println("Start PASS TWO -- from Vector to " +
            OUTPUTFILE + "...");
        String fn;
        Iterator it = vec.iterator(  );
        while (it.hasNext(  )) {
            fn = (String)  );
            // Need to make a link into this directory.
            // IF there is a descr.txt file, use it for the text
            // of the link, otherwise, use the directory name.
            // But, if there is an index.html or index.html file,
            // make the link to that file, else to the directory itself.
            if (fn.endsWith("/")) {    // directory
                String descr = null;
                if (new File(fn + "descr.txt").exists(  )) {
                    descr = com.darwinsys.util.FileIO.readLine(fn + 
                if (new File(fn + "index.html").exists(  ))
                    mkDirLink(fn+"index.html", descr!=null?descr:fn);
                else if (new File(fn + "index.htm").exists(  ))
                        mkDirLink(fn+"index.htm", descr!=null?descr:fn);
                    mkLink(fn, descr!=null?descr:fn + " -- Directory");
            } else // file
                mkLink(fn, fn);
        System.out.println("*** process - ALL DONE***");

    /** Keep track of each letter for #links */
    boolean done[] = new boolean[255];

    void mkLink(String href, String descrip) {
        char c = href.charAt(0);
        if (!done[c]) {
            print("<A NAME="" + c + "">");
            done[c] = true;
        println("<A HREF="" + href + "">" + descrip + "</A>");

    void mkDirLink(String index, String dir) {
        // XXX Open the index and look for TITLE lines!
        mkLink(index, dir + " -- Directory");

    /** Write the trailers and a signature */
    void END(  ) {
        System.out.println("Finishing the HTML");
        flush(  );
        println("<P>This file generated by ");
        print("<A HREF="">MkIndex</A>, a Java program, at ");
        println(new Date().toString(  ));

    /** Close open files */
    void close(  ) {
        System.out.println("Closing output files...");
        if (out != null)
            out.close(  );

    /** Convenience routine for out.print */
    void print(String s) {

    /** Convenience routine for out.println */
    void println(String s) {

    /** Convenience for out.flush(  ); */
    void flush(  ) {
        out.flush(  );
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