How to do it...

  1. After logging into the platform you will get to this main page:
Jelastic main page
  1. First things first. Click on the Settings button (top right). It will open the Account settings section (bottom left):
Account settings
  1. Click on Public inside SSH Keychain and upload your public SSH key:
SSH Public Key information
  1. Make sure your SSH key is really uploaded, otherwise you will not be able to log into the platform using SSH:
SSH confirmation
  1. At the top of the page, click on the Marketplace button. Go on to the Other section and select Docker Engine CE. Click on Install:
Marketplace popup
  1. Give this environment a name and click on Install:
Docker Engine CE configuration popup

Wait until it's done:

Installation status
  1. Once it's finished, it will show a popup with the command you'll have to use to log in to the platform. Copy it:
Install confirmation and commands for connection
  1. Open a Terminal in your machine and paste the copied command:
Command execution on terminal

At the end of the output of the console window, there is the command:

docker-machine env [environment-name]

The output will be like this:

Environment variables output
  1. Now, you can just run your command to create a container:
docker run -d --name gf-javaee-cookbook 
-h gf-javaee-cookbook
-p 80:8080
-p 4848:4848
-p 8686:8686
-p 8009:8009
-p 8181:8181

Check the output:

Container log output

It's quite the same as if you were running in your own local machine, but you are actually running on the Jelastic platform.

Now, if you go back to the main page you will see your environment up and running:

Main page with the node created

Under the Docker Engine CE label there's the URL of your environment. Just click on it and add /app to the end:

Test page for our application

If you can see this page, congratulations! Your application is deployed on Jelastic.

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