How to do it...

  1. Once you log in to the platform, you will get to this main page:
AWS main page
  1. Click on the Services menu (top left) and then Elastic Container Service (under the Compute menu):
Services list
  1. On the page that opens, click on Get started:
Getting started page for ECS
  1. Check only the Deploy a sample application onto an Amazon ECS Cluster option. Then click on Continue:
First page for ECS creation
  1. Fill in the blanks as follows, paying special attention to the Image field, where you will use our prebuilt image:
Task definition page
  1. Scroll down the page and set Port mappings as shown here. Click on Continue:
Port mappings
  1. Give the service a name and set the Desired number of tasks to 1. Click on Next step:
Service and network configuration
  1. Configure the cluster as shown here:
Cluster configuration
  1. Scroll down to the page and click on Launch instance & run service:
Launch instance
  1. You can follow the status of the process on the following page. When it's done, click on the View service button:
Launch status
  1. You'll see the details of your service on the following page. Click on the default > label:
Cluster information

On the page that opens, you can see more details about the cluster: 

Cluster details
  1. Click on the Tasks tab to see information about the tasks and the containers created:
Container tasks
  1. Click on the Container Instance label to see details about the container that has been created:
Container details
  1. Check the Public IP label and copy the IP. It's automatically mapped to the 8080 port. Use http://[public-ip]/app to try it:
Test page for our application

If you can see the same screenshot, that's great! You are now orchestrating your container in AWS.

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