How it works...

First, we are building a server to manage our event and observers:

public static void main(String[] args){
try(SeContainer container =
.fireEvent(new ExampleEvent("event: "
+ System.currentTimeMillis()));

This will give us all the resources needed to run the recipe as if it was a Java EE server.

Then we build an observer:

public void thisEventBefore(
@Observes @Priority(Interceptor.Priority.APPLICATION - 200)
MyEvent event){

System.out.println("thisEventBefore: " + event.getValue());

So, we have three important topics:

  • @Observes: This annotation is used to tell the server that it needs to watch the events fired with MyEvent
  • @Priority: This annotation informs in which priority order this observer needs to run; it receives an int parameter, and the execution order is ascendant
  • MyEvent event: The event being observed

On the thisEventBefore method and thisEventAfter, we only changed the @Priority value and the server took care of running it in the right order.

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