List of Figures

Chapter 1. Understanding object/relational persistence

Figure 1.1. A simple UML diagram of the User and BillingDetails entities

Figure 1.2. The User has an Address.

Figure 1.3. Using inheritance for different billing strategies

Chapter 3. Domain models and metadata

Figure 3.1. A persistence layer is the basis in a layered architecture.

Figure 3.2. A class diagram of a typical online auction model

Figure 3.3. Persistent classes of the CaveatEmptor domain model and their relationships

Figure 3.4. Associations between the Item and Bid classes

Chapter 4. Mapping persistent classes

Figure 4.1. Two User instances have a reference to a single Address.

Figure 4.2. Two User instances each have their own dependent Address.

Figure 4.3. Diagramming stereotypes for entities and value types

Chapter 5. Mapping value types

Figure 5.1. Composition of User and Address

Figure 5.2. The columns of the components are embedded in the entity table.

Figure 5.3. Nested composition of Address and City

Figure 5.4. Embedded columns hold Address and City details.

Figure 5.5. The abstract Zipcode class has two concrete subclasses.

Chapter 6. Mapping inheritance

Figure 6.1. Mapping all concrete classes to an independent table

Figure 6.2. Mapping an entire class hierarchy to a single table

Figure 6.3. Mapping all classes of the hierarchy to their own table

Figure 6.4. Breaking out a subclass to its own secondary table

Figure 6.5. Mapping concrete embeddable classes with their inherited properties

Figure 6.6. A user has either a credit card or a bank account as the default billing details.

Chapter 7. Mapping collections and entity associations

Figure 7.1. The IMAGE table holds image filenames, each referencing an ITEM_ID.

Figure 7.2. Table structure and example data for a set of strings

Figure 7.3. Surrogate primary key column for a bag of strings

Figure 7.4. The collection table preserves the position of each list element.

Figure 7.5. Tables for a map, using strings as indexes and elements

Figure 7.6. Collection of Image components in Item

Figure 7.7. Example data tables for a collection of components

Figure 7.8. Collection of components table with a surrogate primary key column

Figure 7.9. Database tables for a map of components

Figure 7.10. The Item has a Map keyed by Filename.

Figure 7.11. Database tables for a Map of Images keyed on Filenames

Figure 7.12. USER_ID has a foreign key constraint referencing USERS.

Figure 7.13. Relationship between Item and Bid

Figure 7.14. A many-to-one relationship in the SQL schema

Figure 7.15. Bidirectional association between Item and Bid

Figure 7.16. Bidirectional associations between Item, Bid, and User

Chapter 8. Advanced entity association mappings

Figure 8.1. Address as an entity with two associations, supporting shared references

Figure 8.2. The USERS table has a foreign key constraint on its primary key.

Figure 8.3. The ADDRESS table has a foreign key constraint on its primary key.

Figure 8.4. A one-to-one join column association between the USERS and ADDRESS tables

Figure 8.5. A Shipment has an optional link with an auction Item.

Figure 8.6. The intermediate table links items and shipments.

Figure 8.7. The BID table

Figure 8.8. The User-Item “bought” relationship

Figure 8.9. An intermediate table links users and items.

Figure 8.10. The one-to-may relationship from Address to Shipment

Figure 8.11. A primary key in the USERS table links the USERS and SHIPMENT tables

Figure 8.12. Using an intermediate table between USERS and SHIPMENT to represent an optional association

Figure 8.13. A many-to-many association between Category and Item

Figure 8.14. A many-to-many relationship with a link table

Figure 8.15. CategorizedItem is the link between Category and Item.

Figure 8.16. Additional columns on the join table in a many-to-many relationship

Figure 8.17. A link table with three foreign key columns

Figure 8.18. A Map with entity associations as key/value pairs

Figure 8.19. The link table represents the Map key/value pairs.

Chapter 9. Complex and legacy schemas

Figure 9.1. The USERS table has a composite primary key.

Figure 9.2. Part of the USERS composite primary key is also a foreign key.

Figure 9.3. The item’s seller is represented with a composite foreign key in the ITEM table.

Figure 9.4. The item’s seller foreign key references a non-primary column in USERS

Figure 9.5. Breaking out the billing address data into a secondary table

Chapter 10. Managing data

Figure 10.1. Entity instance states and their transitions

Figure 10.2. Making an instance persistent in a unit of work

Figure 10.3. Making an instance persistent in a unit of work

Figure 10.4. Removing an instance in a unit of work

Figure 10.5. Making an instance persistent in unit of work

Chapter 11. Transactions and concurrency

Figure 11.1. Lost update: two transactions update the same data without isolation.

Figure 11.2. Dirty read: transaction A reads uncommitted data from transaction B.

Figure 11.3. Unrepeatable read: transaction A executes two non-repeatable reads.

Figure 11.4. Last commit wins: transaction B overwrites changes made by A.

Figure 11.5. Phantom read: transaction A reads new data in the second SELECT.

Chapter 12. Fetch plans, strategies, and profiles

Figure 12.1. The persistence context contains an Item proxy.

Figure 12.2. Proxies and collection wrappers represent the boundary of the loaded graph.

Figure 12.3. The seller and the bids of an Item are loaded.

Figure 12.4. Hibernate joins two tables to eagerly fetch associated rows.

Figure 12.5. A product is the result of two joins with many rows.

Chapter 13. Filtering data

Figure 13.1. Audit logging tables for the Item and User entities

Chapter 15. The query languages

Figure 15.2. The result of an ANSI-style inner join of two tables

Figure 15.3. The result of an ANSI-style left outer join of two tables

Figure 15.4. The result of an ANSI-style right outer join of two tables

Chapter 17. Customizing SQL

Figure 17.1. The Category has a self-referencing many-to-one association.

Figure 17.2. Database table and sample data for a tree of categories

Figure 17.3. A tree of categories

Chapter 18. Designing client/server applications

Figure 18.1. Generic DAO interfaces support arbitrary implementations.

Figure 18.2. This conversation is a unit of work from a user’s perspective.

Figure 18.3. The calls in the “Edit an auction item” conversation

Figure 18.4. A user placing a bid: a unit of work from the user’s perspective

Figure 18.5. The calls in the “Placing a bid” conversation

Figure 18.6. The client retrieves data already transformed for immediate display.

Figure 18.7. The client controls the conversation boundaries on the server.

Chapter 19. Building web applications

Figure 19.1. Browsing the catalog pages by offset

Figure 19.2. Browsing the catalog by seeking the next page

Figure 19.3. Viewing item details and placing a bid

Figure 19.4. The workflow of the “Edit item” conversation

Figure 19.5. The first page in the item auction wizard

Figure 19.6. Editing images on the second page of the wizard

Chapter 20. Scaling Hibernate

Figure 20.1. Hibernate’s two-level cache architecture

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