A.2. The Vision of Unified Objects

There is an overall vision of distributed object-oriented computing in which, from the programmer’s point of view, there is no essential distinction between objects that share an address space and objects that are on two machines with different architectures located on different continents. While this view can most recently be seen in such works as the Object Management Group’s Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)[1], it has a history that includes such research systems as Arjuna[2], Emerald[3], and Clouds[4].

In such systems, an object, whether local or remote, is defined in terms of a set of interfaces declared in an interface definition language. The implementation of the object is independent of the interface and hidden from other objects. While the underlying mechanisms used to make a method call may differ depending on the location of the object, those mechanisms are hidden from the programmer who writes exactly the same code for either type of call, and the system takes care of delivery.

This vision can be seen as an extension of the goal of remote procedure call (RPC) systems to the object-oriented paradigm. RPC systems attempt to make cross-address space function calls look (to the client programmer) like local function calls. Extending this to the object-oriented programming paradigm allows papering over not just the marshalling of parameters and the unmarshalling of results (as is done in RPC systems) but also the locating and connecting to the tar get objects. Given the isolation of an object’s implementation from clients of the object, the use of objects for distributed computing seems natural. Whether a given object invocation is local or remote is a function of the implementation of the objects being used, and could possibly change from one method invocation to another on any given object.

Implicit in this vision is that the system will be “objects all the way down”; that is, that all current invocations or calls for system services will be eventually converted into calls that might be to an object residing on some other machine. There is a single paradigm of object use and communication used no matter what the location of the object might be.

In actual practice, of course, a local member function call and a cross-continent object invocation are not the same thing. The vision is that developers write their applications so that the objects within the application are joined using the same programmatic glue as objects between applications, but it does not require that the two kinds of glue be implemented the same way. What is needed is a variety of implementation techniques, ranging from same-address-space implementations like Microsoft’s Object Linking and Embedding[5] to typical network RPC; different needs for speed, security, reliability, and object co-location can be met by using the right “glue” implementation.

Writing a distributed application in this model proceeds in three phases. The first phase is to write the application without worrying about where objects are located and how their communication is implemented. The developer will simply strive for the natural and correct interface between objects. The system will choose reasonable defaults for object location, and depending on how performance-critical the application is, it may be possible to alpha test it with no further work. Such an approach will enforce a desirable separation between the abstract architecture of the application and any needed performance tuning.

The second phase is to tune performance by “concretizing” object locations and communication methods. At this stage, it may be necessary to use as yet unavailable tools to allow analysis of the communication patterns between objects, but it is certainly conceivable that such tools could be produced. Also during the second phase, the right set of interfaces to export to various clients—such as other applications—can be chosen. There is obviously tremendous flexibility here for the application developer. This seems to be the sort of development scenario that is being advocated in systems like Fresco[6], which claim that the decision to make an object local or remote can be put off until after initial system implementation.

The final phase is to test with “real bullets” (e.g., networks being partitioned, machines going down). Interfaces between carefully selected objects can be beefed up as necessary to deal with these sorts of partial failures introduced by distribution by adding replication, transactions, or whatever else is needed. The exact set of these services can be determined only by experience that will be gained during the development of the system and the first applications that will work on the system.

A central part of the vision is that if an application is built using objects all the way down, in a proper object-oriented fashion, the right “fault points” at which to insert process or machine boundaries will emerge naturally. But if you initially make the wrong choices, they are very easy to change.

One conceptual justification for this vision is that whether a call is local or remote has no impact on the correctness of a program. If an object supports a particular interface, and the support of that interface is semantically correct, it makes no difference to the correctness of the program whether the operation is carried out within the same address space, on some other machine, or off-line by some other piece of equipment. Indeed, seeing location as a part of the implementation of an object and therefore as part of the state that an object hides from the outside world appears to be a natural extension of the object-oriented paradigm.

Such a system would enjoy many advantages. It would allow the task of software maintenance to be changed in a fundamental way. The granularity of change, and therefore of upgrade, could be changed from the level of the entire system (the current model) to the level of the individual object. As long as the interfaces between objects remain constant, the implementations of those objects can be altered at will. Remote services can be moved into an address space, and objects that share an address space can be split and moved to different machines, as local requirements and needs dictate. An object can be repaired and the repair installed without worry that the change will impact the other objects that make up the system. Indeed, this model appears to be the best way to get away from the “Big Wad of Software” model that currently is causing so much trouble.

This vision is centered around the following principles that may, at first, appear plausible:

  • There is a single natural object-oriented design for a given application, regardless of the context in which that application will be deployed;

  • Failure and performance issues are tied to the implementation of the components of an application, and consideration of these issues should be left out of an initial design; and

  • The interface of an object is independent of the context in which that object is used.

Unfortunately, all of these principles are false. In what follows, we will show why these principles are mistaken, and why it is important to recognize the fundamental differences between distributed computing and local computing.

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