A.3. Déjà Vu All Over Again

For those of us either old enough to have experienced it or interested enough in the history of computing to have learned about it, the vision of unified objects is quite familiar. The desire to merge the programming and computational models of local and remote computing is not new.

Communications protocol development has tended to follow two paths. One path has emphasized integration with the current language model. The other path has emphasized solving the problems inherent in distributed computing. Both are necessary, and successful advances in distributed computing synthesize elements from both camps.

Historically, the language approach has been the less influential of the two camps. Every ten years (approximately), members of the language camp notice that the number of distributed applications is relatively small. They look at the programming interfaces and decide that the problem is that the programming model is not close enough to whatever programming model is currently in vogue (messages in the 1970s[7],[8], procedure calls in the 1980s[9],[10],[11], and objects in the 1990s[1],[2]). A furious bout of language and protocol design takes place and a new distributed computing paradigm is announced that is compliant with the latest programming model. After several years, the percentage of distributed applications is discovered not to have increased significantly, and the cycle begins anew.

A possible explanation for this cycle is that each round is an evolutionary stage for both the local and the distributed programming paradigm. The repetition of the pattern is a result of neither model being sufficient to encompass both activities at any previous stage. However, (this explanation continues) each iteration has brought us closer to a unification of the local and distributed computing models. The current iteration, based on the object-oriented approach to both local and distributed programming, will be the one that produces a single computational model that will suffice for both.

A less optimistic explanation of the failure of each attempt at unification holds that any such attempt will fail for the simple reason that programming distributed applications is not the same as programming non-distributed applications. Just making the communications paradigm the same as the language paradigm is insufficient to make programming distributed programs easier, because communicating between the parts of a distributed application is not the difficult part of that application.

The hard problems in distributed computing are not the problems of how to get things on and off the wire. The hard problems in distributed computing concern dealing with partial failure and the lack of a central resource manager. The hard problems in distributed computing concern insuring adequate performance and dealing with problems of concurrency. The hard problems have to do with dif ferences in memory access paradigms between local and distributed entities. People attempting to write distributed applications quickly discover that they are spending all of their efforts in these areas and not on the communications protocol programming interface.

This is not to argue against pleasant programming interfaces. However, the law of diminishing returns comes into play rather quickly. Even with a perfect programming model of complete transparency between “fine-grained” language-level objects and “larger-grained” distributed objects, the number of distributed applications would not be noticeably larger if these other problems have not been addressed.

All of this suggests that there is interesting and profitable work to be done in distributed computing, but it needs to be done at a much higher-level than that of “fine-grained” object integration. Providing developers with tools that help manage the complexity of handling the problems of distributed application development as opposed to the generic application development is an area that has been poorly addressed.

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