A.4. Local and Distributed Computing

The major differences between local and distributed computing concern the areas of latency, memory access, partial failure, and concurrency.[1] The difference in latency is the most obvious, but in many ways is the least fundamental. The often overlooked differences concerning memory access, partial failure, and concurrency are far more difficult to explain away, and the differences concerning partial failure and concurrency make unifying the local and remote computing models impossible without making unacceptable compromises.

[1] We are not the first to notice these differences; indeed, they are clearly stated in [12].

A.4.1. Latency

The most obvious difference between a local object invocation and the invocation of an operation on a remote (or possibly remote) object has to do with the latency of the two calls. The difference between the two is currently between four and five orders of magnitude, and given the relative rates at which processor speed and network latency speeds are changing, the difference in the future promises to be at best no better, and will likely be worse. It is this disparity in efficiency that is often seen as the essential difference between local and distributed computing.

Ignoring the difference between the performance of local and remote invocations can lead to designs whose implementations are virtually assured of having performance problems because the design requires a large amount of communication between components that are in different address spaces and on different machines. Ignoring the difference in the time it takes to make a remote object invocation and the time it takes to make a local object invocation is to ignore one of the major design areas of an application. A properly designed application will require determining, by understanding the application being designed, what objects can be made remote and what objects must be clustered together.

The vision outlined earlier, however, has an answer to this objection. The answer is two-pronged. The first prong is to rely on the steadily increasing speed of the underlying hardware to make the difference in latency irrelevant. This, it is often argued, is what has happened to efficiency concerns having to do with everything from high level languages to virtual memory. Designing at the cutting edge has always required that the hardware catch up before the design is efficient enough for the real world. Arguments from efficiency seem to have gone out of style in software engineering, since in the past such concerns have always been answered by speed increases in the underlying hardware.

The second prong of the reply is to admit to the need for tools that will allow one to see what the pattern of communication is between the objects that make up an application. Once such tools are available, it will be a matter of tuning to bring objects that are in constant contact to the same address space, while moving those that are in relatively infrequent contact to wherever is most convenient. Since the vision allows all objects to communicate using the same underlying mechanism, such tuning will be possible by simply altering the implementation details (such as object location) of the relevant objects. However, it is important to get the application correct first, and after that one can worry about efficiency.

Whether or not it will ever become possible to mask the efficiency difference between a local object invocation and a distributed object invocation is not answerable a priori. Fully masking the distinction would require not only advances in the technology underlying remote object invocation, but would also require changes to the general programming model used by developers.

If the only difference between local and distributed object invocations was the difference in the amount of time it took to make the call, one could strive for a future in which the two kinds of calls would be conceptually indistinguishable. Whether the technology of distributed computing has moved far enough along to allow one to plan products based on such technology would be a matter of judgement, and rational people could disagree as to the wisdom of such an approach.

However, the difference in latency between the two kinds of calls is only the most obvious difference. Indeed, this difference is not really the fundamental difference between the two kinds of calls, and that even if it were possible to develop the technology of distributed calls to an extent that the difference in latency between the two sorts of calls was minimal, it would be unwise to construct a programming paradigm that treated the two calls as essentially similar. In fact, the difference in latency between local and remote calls, because it is so obvious, has been the only difference most see between the two, and has tended to mask the more irreconcilable differences.

A.4.2. Memory Access

A more fundamental (but still obvious) difference between local and remote computing concerns the access to memory in the two cases—specifically in the use of pointers. Simply put, pointers in a local address space are not valid in another (remote) address space. The system can paper over this difference, but for such an approach to be successful, the transparency must be complete. Two choices exist: either all memory access must be controlled by the underlying system, or the programmer must be aware of the different types of access—local and remote. There is no inbetween.

If the desire is to completely unify the programming model—to make remote accesses behave as if they were in fact local—the underlying mechanism must totally control all memory access. Providing distributed shared memory is one way of completely relieving the programmer from worrying about remote memory access (or the difference between local and remote). Using the object-oriented paradigm to the fullest, and requiring the programmer to build an application with “objects all the way down,” (that is, only object references or values are passed as method arguments) is another way to eliminate the boundary between local and remote computing. The layer underneath can exploit this approach by marshalling and unmarshalling method arguments and return values for intra-address space transmission.

But adding a layer that allows the replacement of all pointers to objects with object references only permits the developer to adopt a unified model of object interaction. Such a unified model cannot be enforced unless one also removes the ability to get address-space-relative pointers from the language used by the developer. Such an approach erects a barrier to programmers who want to start writing distributed applications, in that it requires that those programmers learn a new style of programming which does not use address-space-relative pointers. In requiring that programmers learn such a language, moreover, one gives up the complete transparency between local and distributed computing.[A]

Even if one were to provide a language that did not allow obtaining address-space-relative pointers to objects (or returned an object reference whenever such a pointer was requested), one would need to provide an equivalent way of making cross-address space reference to entities other than objects. Most programmers use pointers as references for many different kinds of entities. These pointers must either be replaced with something that can be used in cross-address space calls or the programmer will need to be aware of the difference between such calls (which will either not allow pointers to such entities, or do something special with those pointers) and local calls. Again, while this could be done, it does violate the doctrine of complete unity between local and remote calls. Because of memory access constraints, the two have to differ.

The danger lies in promoting the myth that “remote access and local access are exactly the same” and not enforcing the myth. An underlying mechanism that does not unify all memory accesses while still promoting this myth is both misleading and prone to error. Programmers buying into the myth may believe that they do not have to change the way they think about programming. The programmer is therefore quite likely to make the mistake of using a pointer in the wrong context, producing incorrect results. “Remote is just like local,” such programmers think, “so we have just one unified programming model.” Seemingly, programmers need not change their style of programming. In an incomplete implementation of the underlying mechanism, or one that allows an implementation language that in turn allows direct access to local memory, the system does not take care of all memory accesses, and errors are bound to occur. These errors occur because the programmer is not aware of the difference between local and remote access and what is actually happening “under the covers.”

The alternative is to explain the difference between local and remote access, making the programmer aware that remote address space access is very different from local access. Even if some of the pain is taken away by using an interface definition language like that specified in [1] and having it generate an intelligent language mapping for operation invocation on distributed objects, the programmer aware of the difference will not make the mistake of using pointers for cross-address space access. The programmer will know it is incorrect. By not masking the difference, the programmer is able to learn when to use one method of access and when to use the other.

Just as with latency, it is logically possible that the difference between local and remote memory access could be completely papered over and a single model of both presented to the programmer. When we turn to the problems introduced to distributed computing by partial failure and concurrency, however, it is not clear that such a unification is even conceptually possible.

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