How it works...

It is not uncommon for the developers to check for authorization only at the beginning of a workflow and assume that the following tasks will be authorized for the user. An attacker may try to call a function, URL, or resource that is an intermediate step of the flow and achieve it because of a lack of control.

Concerning privileges, denying all by default is a best practice. If we don't know whether certain users are allowed to execute a function, then they are not allowed. Turn your privilege tables into grant tables. If there is no explicit grant for a user on a function, deny any access.

When assigning permissions to users and/or designing user roles, always follow the principle of least privilege (

When building or implementing an access control mechanism for your application's functions, store all the grants in a database or in a configuration file (a database is a better choice).
If user roles and privileges are hardcoded, they become harder to maintain and to change
or update.

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