How it works...

In this recipe, we have covered a basic procedure for package updates in Debian-based systems (such as Kali Linux) by using the standard software manager, apt. The first call to apt-get with the update parameter downloaded the most recent list of packages available for our specific system in the configured repositories. As Kali Linux is now a rolling distribution, this means that it is constantly updated and that there are no breaks between one version and the next; the full-upgrade parameter downloads and installs system (such as kernel and kernel modules) and non-system packages up to their latest version. If no major changes have been made, or we are just trying to keep an already installed version up to date, we can use the upgrade parameter instead.

In the last part of this recipe, we installed the kali-linux-web meta-package. A meta-package for apt is an installable package that contains many other packages, so we only need to install one package and all of the ones included will be installed. In this case, we installed all web penetration testing tools included in Kali Linux.

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