Class delegation

Delegation is a design pattern that combines object composition and inheritance. Basically, it is a mechanism where one object delegates actions to another. To see it in action, let's take a look how we would achieve delegation in Java:

public interface Drivable {
void drive();

public class Car implements Drivable {

public void drive() {
System.out.println("Driving a car");

public class Vehicle implements Drivable {
private Car car;

public Vehicle(Car car) { = car;

public void drive() {;

public void driveVehicle() {
Car car = new Car();
Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle(car);; // with delegation, get's called

In this example, we have the Drivable interface and two classes that implement it. The Vehicle class doesn't have its own drive functionality; rather, it delegates the drive function to the Car object.

If we were to write the same example in Kotlin, it would look like this:

interface Drivable 

fun drive()


class Car : Drivable
override fun drive()
println("Driving a car")

class Vehicle(car: Car) : Drivable by car

You can see how the Vehicle class doesn't have any of the code that the Java version had. That is because Kotlin has built-in support for delegation. Notice how in the class header of the Vehicle class, after the Drivable interface, comes the by keyword and the name of the object that we are delegating this interface to. This is all that is needed for the compiler to produce more or less equivalent bytecode to the Java example.

In our example, we used interfaces, but delegation in Kotlin can also be used for classes, that is, you can delegate the inheritance of a class to another object.

Delegation also works with multiple interfaces. This is how you would have a class that delegates two interfaces to other objects:

interface Rideable {
fun ride()

interface Chargable {
fun charge()

class Battery : Chargable {
override fun charge() {

class Bike : Rideable {
override fun ride() {
println("Riding a bike")

class ChargableBike(bike: Bike, battery: Battery): Rideable by bike, Chargable by battery
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